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Richard E

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Everything posted by Richard E

  1. Surely the thing is get the first arch right and the rest will slot in far more quickly and easily.
  2. Some sloppy reporting there, only moving 30 cubic metres of soil to build a 50 mile long haul road 🤣🤣🤣
  3. Perhaps we should worry about you, after you did proffer the information in the first place.
  4. Atom Heart Mother - Pink Floyd
  5. I didn't think it was, I take your point about exposure - however I doubt they are on here looking at our scribblings! I'd agree about leaving the bike. In fact I thought some of the armco concrete footings didn't look that secure and I'm half expecting someone to have bits of that away in due course.
  6. The graffiti is vandalism, I agree, but there is some skill and artistic merit in these hence my neutral, I hope, stance. I'd rather not see this 'damage' to property belonging to others though and, as such, I don't condone it. It would be better in a place where work like this has been agreed by the 'powers that be'. I'd agree more strongly about the 'tagging' and general litter, I was brought up to take my litter home with me and to respect other persons property. I believe it is a minority that cause the problem even if it is quite a significant minority but it is very visible. As for distance I agree it is probably about the same distance but rather less in vegetation and uneven ground if you use the access track. I'm not hopeful for the future of the bungalow ...
  7. As promised: Start with the remnants of the Morgan Sindall representation on site there are these container 'offices' at Lincoln Road. Within the area are these security cameras. Under the A15 and the graffiti folk have been busy, these are rather good in their way but being spoilt by mindless tagging. There are two ways to get close to the north portal of the dive under - that discussed a couple of posts above or, going a little further along Hurn Road, there is this access track to the new Network Rail compound. There are also some very good views of the ECML from the bit of Hurn Road between the bungalow and this track. And here is a view from the footbridge with that track in the foreground and the compound in the centre distance. The view of the north portal from the top corner of the field (just off middle left of the photo above) is quite good too especially when that stray fence panel at the top of the steps is moved (or just move to the right and use a longer lens). There has also been some tidying up around the bungalow that was built to replace the old crossing keepers house. The fence has been altered too so now there is no easy way in. Although I don't have any pictures I also looked at the track that runs past the stables, alas Heras fencing and padlocked gates are still blocking that although I did see a couple of walkers towards the Bretton end on the EA access portion. And, for now, as they say in the movies "That's All Folks".
  8. I did today! And I've survived. Got some pictures around the site but I'm afraid those will have to wait until tomorrow. Also details of a slightly easier way to get to the corner of the new compound by the north portal than using the 15' wide 'path' between the fence and the new 'hedgerow' ...
  9. There has been lobbying for lighting but I very much doubt it will happen. It's not a place I would choose to be after dark although it is better than some other footbridges as already discussed.
  10. Definitely no public right of way shown on maps so that would make it a permissive path. As such the landowners of any property it crosses may close it at any time provided they give adequate notice. Additionally they may have to close it once a year to maintain the permissive element and prevent it becoming a statutory right of way, I know of one path in the city centre where this happens.
  11. Wow, what are they using to remove those panels to bend them like that? And what a waste of money too, I hope the blame for the incorrect panels results in the organisation responsible footing the bill especially if they are a sub-contractor. Probably down to NR though.
  12. Can fill in survey but on clicking submit it gives a 503 error on both Mac and iPhone using Firefox ... update - it works fine on Windows 11 using Firefox so it would appear that the survey hasn't been tested on Apple products. That excludes some people so not very good IT testing (my partner is an IT tester) and/or customer experience is it? And that comment has probably blown any chance I had of winning ...
  13. 14xx chassis picture. The tape round the decoder is to protect it from contact with the motor case and also serves to hide it when looking into the cab. Note cable to pickup uses the original cable guide.
  14. Would that be the Bluebell Woods Camp near Swynnerton? If so an eviction notice was served today, they've been there for about 12 months and it is a right mess. It's a piece of woodland roughly 200m x 100m. It's not listed by DEFRA as ancient woodland either although the woods half a mile north west of their camp are ...
  15. All around my hat - Steeleye Span
  16. I'll see what I can sort out for you and add to this topic/a new topic.
  17. At which point, these days, you leave yourself open to a charge of driving without due care and attention. Seen it and considered that position myself as well.
  18. The vast majority of drivers struggle to cope with a maximum of two pedals at once, three at once is really an advanced technique but very common amongst those who have competition driving experience. Having said that my recent (and not so recent) road cars have all had drive by wire throttle (VAG Group from Mk4 Golf onwards) and they all cut power if you try and brake and accelerate at the same time. It can be overcome but, for me, is a nuisance with a manual box, the DSG boxes are not an issue really even when doing a hill start without using the handbrake.
  19. I'd guess the increased plate height is to stop local knuckle draggers lobbing rocks at the trains as they go past.
  20. A pair of brown eyes - The Pogues
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