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Richard E

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Everything posted by Richard E

  1. I don't recall it being any different ten years ago apart from some of the trees now being taller ...
  2. There is also an issue in that local developments are not supposed to diminish the impact of the cathedral by being significantly higher, something the local planning committee seem to have forgotten ...
  3. Here you go ... The line disappearing top right is roughly on the alignment of the current A47 and the wagon works in the V of the lines is roughly where Brotherhood retail park is nowadays.
  4. Sums up current day parents - it's always someone else who has to take responsibility, not them. Part of the reason we now seem to have a generation of feral children ...
  5. A handful of shots today! Work going on fitting the handrails to the new steps between the dive under and the joint line. It's not a good picture I'm afraid. Moving on this field was full of spoil, it is almost back to normal, it's just north of Hurn Road. Looks like they are close to reinstating the original road surface instead of the lorry crossing. In the distance we have a 5 car Azuma on the joint line. And the work continues on the footbridge area at Hurn Road. It almost looks as if they are going to move the footbridge steps across but thinking about it that seems rather unlikely.
  6. Now that is a shame as the bushes there were very popular with the local wild birds.
  7. When I asked NR about passenger use at the last visit to the dive under they said that there is no plan for passenger services to use it on booked journeys, it might be used by diverted services however. They also have no knowledge of any scheduled passenger specials before it opens to freight traffic in December. Another point, not often considered by armchair 'route experts' is that passenger use would require route knowledge by the TOC drivers and that is costly. Diverted services can, of course, use a freight driver to pilot the train through if required.
  8. I'm at 14m above mean sea level despite being just 250m from the Nene. I could be looking at a nice tidal river view though.
  9. You were out a little later than me judging by the shadows but beat me to posting. Got very similar shots to your first two!
  10. With regard to the value of the shares for probate purposes I suggest you contact the Company Registrars or Company Secretary as they are unlisted shares and valuing them is rather akin to walking across a minefield. The Registrars can be contacted by writing to The Registrar, Great Central Railway PLC, Great Central Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE1 1RW whilst the Company Secretary can be found by writing to the same address but addressing the letter to The Company Secretary.
  11. Nice time machine there - 28th June didn't look like that nor was it a Saturday!
  12. Site should be able to cope, it's only this one that I have issues with, no others.
  13. WPD are owned by National Grid PLC, a UK company. Scottish Power on the other hand is Spanish ...
  14. Unlikely and not in the original plan as it will reduce flexibility of choice of routes if there is a problem at any time.
  15. I don't, why would you do it? I know most do seem to nowadays ... I've spent plenty of time at Helpston barriers but I'm more likely to use Maxey Crossing (going north) or Lolham Crossing (going south) these days.
  16. Slightly late to the forum but here are my pictures of the walkthrough. I've tried to leave out those that duplicate Micks. A view of the Glinton Junction end from a slightly different angle, the crane on the right has been on site for almost the whole project. Apparently the biggest cost is moving the kit on and off site, hire is not significant by comparison. Looking towards the portal from track level. Our group making their way towards the portal. Mick taking the lead here, looks happy with his lot ... This is the reception pit to the west of the ECML, the Up Stamford is roughly above us And this is the leading edge of the box Exiting the south portal looking towards Marholm Junction. Still a lot of work going on to fit out the pumps, various bits of kit in the foreground to do with unclipping and reclipping the rails when stressing them. The up line has been done, the down will done this weekend. The stragglers emerge ... Looking north from the west retaining wall of the DU. We'd split into two groups here. Still moving the 'muck' off site, most is going to infill Maxey Quarry. Slightly better view of 170 638 on its journey past us. And finally we wend our way back to the steps by which we accessed the DU. There is just tidying up to be carried out along with acceptance testing and documentation before the first services use the line. That first service is likely to be in December.
  17. Damn, missed you today. I too was out and about. First of all at Lincoln Road they now have permanent bollards and gate posts installed. On the old Hurn Road access. And the spoil at Hurn Road is also being removed. A view across what can be seen of the site from Hurn Road footbridge. And the path alongside the field at Hurn Road footbridge links with the EA access road. And a view looking south on the west side of the ECML. Back at Lincoln Road it looks as if the up line has been stressed now, nice fresh welds and a sleeper marked "Pull Point". Finally down to Cock Lane the spillway from a slightly higher viewpoint. Looking south along the dive under lines the AWS ramp on the down line is visible at the bottom of the frame. Looking north the AWS ramp is, again, visible. The ballast on the up line is quite deep and covers the sleepers fully as well as just about anything else within 10' or so of the outer rail, the nice walkway by the telephone cabinet for the signal is buried in ballast. And just past the signal in the dive under ramp on the down line there appears to be an axle counter or similar.
  18. And an error 522 this afternoon after a week of no problems.
  19. Mine appeared at Peterborough MC on Saturday evening and were delivered lunchtime today. Now where did I put the DCC chips I bought for them ...
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