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Richard E

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Everything posted by Richard E

  1. All in N, pick and mix from this choice: 15xx 56xx Dean Goods (both inside and outside framed versions!) Saint Star Atbara Mogul Suitable 'tween wars, and earlier, coaching stock GWR cattle wagons, 5 plank opens etc GWR twin railcar Wherever possible there must be room for a suitable decoder.
  2. Apologies, I'm going off topic again! Ah, so you use your bats ( ) not very far from my home venue and, indeed, that of the area depicted by your magnificent piece of modelling. Incidentally Milton Hall is owned by descendants of the Fitzwilliam family who also have property in Yorkshire near Malton as well as Nantclwyd Hall in Llanelidan. They fly by light aircraft between Milton Hall and Yorkshire and have their own landing strips at both houses, just look out for low flying aircraft when teeing off! Milton Hall is the largest private house in Cambridgeshire. I gather the golf course is a par 71 course.
  3. I'm sure you will have a decent choice in time. Good luck with finding something when it suits you, I only wish I could afford to stop passing the one time site of 36E, and the remains of 36A, as well as 35A, 35B and 35C on a daily basis but financial needs dictate I will do so for a little while yet. I'll continue to see the ducks near 36E on the old gravel pits and remind myself of the times when I used to be greeted at work with the expression "Ey up, me duck!" having passed 16A somewhere on my route (I think). I do have some memories of, dare I say it, 82A particularly around some open days far too many years ago. And of the dying days of steam in that area which are dear to me. Apologies to Gilbert for the off topic element of this post.
  4. Can I join the 'tell 'em to stick it' group please? Or do I have to endure another 4 years of travelling the ECML daily, alas it is behind a soulless box with a transformer inside it and electric motors underneath. Hmmm - isn't that kind of what we all want to build and use in our small scale time travelling diorama's?
  5. Nottingham Victoria shopping centre was built in such a way that trains could be reinstated under it ....
  6. The picture referred to in post 16 actually appears in post 15 it seems as this shows it coupled to 5904.
  7. ARGH - policy at work is that all train travel MUST, without fail, be booked via trainline using the corporate interface. Which, by the way, won't work for me! I've heard many a tale of extra charges as well so avoid it whenever I can.
  8. Sorry to be flippant but the vans to the right of the T3 instantly made me think of troublesome trucks from Thomas the Tank engine with the way the paler planking almost creates the 'face'.
  9. The unidentified 1366 Pannier is wearing a Weymouth Shed plate so it would seem reasonable to assume that is where she was pictured. Edit to add that she is pictured alongside Weymouth Pleasure Pier from which Cosens used to run their paddle steamer excursions, alongside that, furthest away from the loco, is the Pavillion Theatre.
  10. 15xx Class were all built by BR although it was a GWR design. All 10 constructed at Swindon in 1949 (lot no 373). Same boiler as the 94xx. Allocations were initially Old Oak Common for shunting ECS into and out of Paddington but later on some of the class found their way to Newport. 3 actually were sold to the NCB (and worked at Coventry colliery having been overhauled at Andrew Barclays) and then bought, in 1970, by the Severn Valley Railway, 1501, 1502 and 1509. After stripping of useful parts 1502 and 1509 were cut up at Cashmores in the same year.
  11. Well, if Gilbert extends things to the south a bit there is always the Nene river crossing which, on the real thing, is quite visible from the current platforms - would that keep Mallard60022 happy? I suppose a leaking water column might provide a suitable location as well and that would be nice and close to the action too. Perhaps a study of where the puddles form after heavy rain could be undertaken to see where a suitable one might be - with the sky looking the way it did in the last series of photographs it might not be too long to wait ...
  12. The point here is that because of the glare from the low sun the warning lights could not be seen clearly from close to the crossing. Whilst not spoken to directly it is insinuated that she saw the crossing lights late (evidenced by a motorist many hundreds of yards away seeing brake lights) due to the lighting conditions. I think I have seen suggestions that adding a green aspect is felt to 'downgrade' the crossing in the mind of the motorist to 'just' another set of traffic lights rather than something a bit more significant and important thus encouraging the amber gambler.
  13. Whoa there - who said her eyesight was poor? There is nothing in the report beyond the fact that she had a new prescription at her last eyesight test and WAS wearing her NEW glasses. The opticians report confirmed her corrected eyesight was fine. Do you need to wear glasses? By your standards if you need to even if you are wearing them you are a careless person ...
  14. This latest report does show, sadly, that tragic consequences are not always entirely the fault of the car driver. In this case I think one has to feel for the lady who was driving who has lost, I assume, a grandchild and also all of those that were involved in the immediate aftermath of the collision.
  15. Careful - we might have to call in the Pidley Mountain Rescue team or even the Fenland Mountain Rescue Team (aka Fenland Mountaineers).
  16. Apparently a Castle can be justified but sadly that didn't happen, so I understand, until 1963.
  17. And another example of leaving brain out of gear on the part of the motorist yesterday. The crossing at New Rossington on the ECML was damaged. It looked as if a vehicle got trapped inside the booms and drove out taking out the exit boom on the eastern side of the railway. The other alternative is a zig zag ignoring the red lights - I don't wish to think too much about the consequences of that one. When I got there just after 6p.m. on an up EC service the police had blocked off the road on the western side and a Network Rail incident vehicle had blocked off the eastern side. The crossing was still closed this morning albeit using road cones.
  18. More than I can do, I lived in London in '58! Is that a piece of scrap wire I can see in the 4' in front of the B1? Could be bit 'hairy' if it affects any ATC kit or am I out of the time period for that?
  19. There is always the visit to the nineteenth hole to take into account so really it is one short ....
  20. Ah, it was said it was not high on the list of wants though. Nice, I'm always one for taking advantage of the unusual, especially if folk will say "that never ran there" or "that never happened". It is nice to show them they are wrong. That's me! I like it!
  21. For the past few weeks there has been a wagon (an MEA, 391116) sitting at Newark with one axle on skates - it was moved last week or the week before ... (edited to add images - I hope. And again to apologise for quality, shot from a passing 225)
  22. Brings back memories of working on an engine down there of a weekend in 1971/2 as I was in lodgings on Cold Knapp Point just above the Ballroom there.
  23. I printed off the photo in post 4311 and showed it to my partner. She has lived in Peterborough all her life. She vaguely remembers the building of Peterborough North and despite the nameboard above the building went on to say 'that's the old North station'. She did say that she didn't recall the shed at the northern end of the forecourt but did point out that it is, after all, over 50 years ago that the picture represents. I then said that it was a model railway layout that belonged to someone and she was quite shocked by the level of detail and authenticity. Perhaps I should have tried it in black and white. Incidentally her late brother might have had a lot more to say, he was a little older and a founder member of the group which ultimately became the Nene Valley Railway. As a further aside a lot of the roads in Peterborough bearing railway related names can haves those names traced back to him as well (e.g. Gresley Way and Ivatt Way, there are others). Sadly a traffic accident robbed us of his enthusiasm and knowledge quite a few years ago.
  24. Nice Pics. Ah, but they are familiar scenes, platform 5 is the through platform at York, the bay is platform 6 as can be seen in the pictures. Usually the xx:01 service runs from the bay to KGX. Even used to seeing platform views at Donny and Leeds regularly on the commute. Stations seen on a rare occasion include Saxilby (on a 225!), Sheffield, Chesterfield, Nottingham and all stations from there to Grantham.
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