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Everything posted by meil

  1. It's not a question of whether the material failed to meet the requirements it's whether the cladding system failed to meet the building regulations. There is not only the question of material but there is the issue of appropriate fire-stops integral to the cladding system. The PM could not possibly give an answer to that question without detailed knowledge of the cladding system design.
  2. Now that Priemier Inn are involved the position is clear. Providing their hotel has a storey above 18m then the external walls have to have a cladding system of at least A2 rating in accordance with BS EN 13501. The stated fire rating of Reynobond is B and as a consequence is not compliant with the Authorised Document B and therefore unlikely to comply with the Building Regulations with regard to external fire spread.
  3. ALARP studies will not have been done at the level of designing the cladding system for this building. If ALARP is done it will have been done to compile the "Deemed to satisfy" documents that support the building regulations. The only question for the designer will be do the materials I have chosen and my design conform to the standards set by the deemed to satisfy documents.
  4. And there you nicely distinguish between a Common Law country and a Civil Code country. You don't realise how much that distinction is at the root of Brexit.
  5. Well yes but he asked about buying a lease. You don't normally buy Freehold flats because that can turn into a legal nightmare. What is very common however is for the Tenants to own the freehold through a company of which each tenant is a shareholder and Director. That company is then responsible for the maintenance of the fabric but in effect each tenant actually "owns" their flat.
  6. The right to occupy for the period of the lease. You are not buying real property.
  7. Conversely you may find that the cladding did not comply. Certainty if the material that people are saying was used for the cladding was used (and not some similarly named products) then you might find that it does not carry the appropriate fire rating for buildings over 18m in height. I suspect that as well as the builder and Architect there are a few very worried building inspectors around at the moment.
  8. That wasn't my point. You made an incorrect statement. I'm not concerned whether it operates the electro magnet or not.
  9. I agree that the Essery interpretation is too bright for a description of "Banana" Yellow. I've always thought Humbrol No 24 (for fresh paint) let down with No 103 as it weathers. Essery's interpretation has too much blue in the mix.
  10. There are numerous places where Tandem Turnouts were/are used in main lines. However Three Throw turnouts (although beloved by the Midland Railway) were only used in Yards.
  11. in 1975 there was snow in June!
  12. That will not give you DC it will give you full wave rectified DC.
  13. I agree the "have a nice day" grates with me as it's an insincere platitude. However, as someone said to me, better to have someone say "have a nice day" who doesn't mean it than to f***** off by someone who does.
  14. But that's the problem, an understanding can be made but it is not necessarily the understanding that the writer intended. What I am truly shocked about is the level of illiteracy (and innumeracy come to that) which is demonstrated on this and other forums. It's one thing being annoyed at people who start every sentence with So, talk in questions or use your instead of you're but when you are presented with writing devoid of any semblance of grammar or punctuation you fear for the future of the nation. How are we going to make our way in the new world of Brexit where vast swathes of the population are functionally illiterate and innumerate. Clearly all my (and other's) taxes that went to pay for their education has been wasted.
  15. It's a principle of mine that the principal thought comes first.
  16. but you may not have one THAT I have for sale.
  17. I consider that said Coopercraft man has stepped out of the civil domain and well into the criminal arena of fraud. Its about time his collar was felt.
  18. Similar situation at Rubery: http://www.railaroundbirmingham.co.uk/Stations/rubery.php
  19. I note the quote in the article: ""We have an ongoing investigation but nothing to suggest there is any criminal activity," Chief Leeth of the Navasota police has told Newsbeat" Well there sure would be in the UK. How about trespass on a railway!
  20. All very interesting but when are the Advanced tickets going on sale?
  21. Ultrascale: https://www.ultrascale.uk/eshop/products/view/CAT028/476
  22. As Edwardian says barristers do not wear robes in the street. I would not wear my tabs/bands and would always change into a tie. However you could model the blue or maroon robe bag over the shoulder that barristers traditional used to carry their robes and wig.
  23. 35 does not appear to be grouping because you have two copies of the template overlapping each other. Delete one copy and you will find it then groups as expected.
  24. Why? They seem to be doing a good job of removing themselves from the gene pool themselves.
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