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Everything posted by meil

  1. If you have an account with RS all orders are post free.
  2. They were all painted plain black.Number on Tender, gold shaded Black.
  3. Might be of interest: http://glostransporthistory.visit-gloucestershire.co.uk/Push%20Pull%20YTT.html
  4. Does he have the mould tools? As regards the Slater's kits I somehow doubt that he does.
  5. If you look up who Great Western Man is you find it is Paul Dunn! Time to get the Bailiffs lined up.
  6. This often stated "fact" is not correct. Her remains have been tested and found to be no more radioactive than background. She died of leukemia but the source of the ionizing radiation that probably caused it was more than likely to have been the work she did with the X-ray machines that she operated at the field hospitals during the first world war.
  7. You do realise that US 0 scale is 1:48 and UK 0 scale is 1:43.5 don't you?
  8. Genuine FinPly usually comes in 5' x 5' boards so there is doubt that any of those are proper birch ply. The first may be but the two cheaper boards are too cheap to be genuine birch ply and are probably a cheap ply with two outer veniers of birch. Look at James Latham.
  9. The size of what we are making is irrelevant. What is relevant is to maximise the added value.
  10. Midland Spinners didn't have 6'-6" wheels. Gibson does the correct 7' - 6".
  11. Actually the new legislation is about retailers discriminating payment methods by charging fees for some methods of payment and not others. A retailer could charge a transaction fee on all forms of payment.
  12. It's more likely to be because they are reliable, turn up on time and actually do work.
  13. If the OHLE fails there will almost certainly OH line wire all over he railway - so nothing can run.
  14. No it's not a non-argument. There is the opportunity cost of OHLE. Same argument for HS2. Why was the GWR electrified when it was already, and had been for many years, provided with 125mph trains? Wasn't the obvious cost benefit to provide modern HSTs rather than sink £bns into OHLE.Same with the East Cost. The West coast perhaps a different proposition given its curvy nature. Lets not forget that the HST was/is probably the most liked train on the network.
  15. I have checked my information. The web site says the discount applies after £150 and the application form after £200.
  16. Really. Diesel engines are becoming more efficient and reducing harmful emissions. Power stations emit harmful emissions and just because your windmill uses the wind doesn't detract from all the energy and waste that went in to producing the concrete on which it stands, the copper that makes the wires and the steel that it's principally made from. I would really like to see a proper analysis of total energy cost of OHLE and Diesel traction. I suspect that by the time you have taken into account the energy costs of actually making and building the OH wires the energy use will be way above using Diesel over its life time.
  17. Why is the discount different? £150 on the web site £200 on the application Form? And why does the Web site look like a 1990's throw-back? It looks amateurish and these mistakes it the more so.
  18. Well yes I am suggesting I buy the cheapest in those circumstances. To do otherwise leads to complacency and the inefficient allocation of capital. All that happens is you simply put off the inevitable demise for a few years. You end up worst off in the long run.
  19. Retail does add value. it connects the manufacturer to the people buying the product. it enables the breakdown of the quantities the manufacturer needs to produce to the quantities that the buyers want to buy.
  20. I didn'y say I advocate buying from the cheapest source. I buy from the cheapest source that also provides the quality I want. There is a value to quality. I don't decry unions advancing their self interest - that's what their members pay them for. However I don't think the destruction of the British car industry was exactly in the interests of the employees of that industry. What was in their interest, as more than demonstrated by those that came after, which was to produce cars of quality that people wanted, and importantly, able to buy. BL produced high price c*ap.They might have got away with it if they had produced low priced c*ap like LADA.
  21. Well actually I do buy my stuff from RS. the principal reason being that I rely on their expertise to source compliant components - so that I can rely on their quality control. I pay them for that service. However the blinkered support of inefficient industry only leads to one thing - even more economic decline. Why do you think all the cars manufactured in this country are by Japanees companies - because the like of Red Robbo aided and abetted by incompetent management destroyed the British Industry.
  22. That was a SPAD and should have been recorded as such. Anyway back to the OP - Were you thinking of the Possession Limit Board - a STOP sign with a flashing red light on top?
  23. And where exactly do R S Components get their components from? oh wait - CHINA.
  24. Why does the web site say an Advanced Ticket is £15 when the Ticket application form says £15.50?
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