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Everything posted by Neil

  1. To start at the beginning, Shell Island (EM gauge, Cambrian pre tops) featured in the early incarnations of RMweb, now largely lost. It made outings to four exhibitions before retirement and boxing up. Since 2010 it has been contained in a chipboard box with a tight fitting screw down top. Recently I had cause to take it out and shoot a few photos. I was frankly surprised to see a fine layer of dust over the whole thing. My playroom is dusty, and I'll admit to putting far more effort into making things than housekeeping but I was still surprised at how invasive the dust had been. Fortunately a soft brush and hoover soon had the scenery looking clean. Further photos on my blog here. It does make me wonder how best to protect individual models and layouts from dust?
  2. Neil

    EBay madness

    Here's an interesting one, Lima Italian diesel for sale on e-bay £28. The seller boasts 'Brand new Lima blister packed italian locomotive. Hobby range so not over detailed but a new 12v dc model locomotive for £30.00 amazing. At this price I can't see it hanging aground.' However same loco direct from Hornby, £19.99.
  3. Neil

    Top Gear?

    I liked the second episode more than the first; is it the early stages of the program bedding in or the early stages of me becoming used to the different mannerisms of the new team of presenters? Mrs R said that she preferred it to the Clarkson, May and Hammond version, the new team appearing to be less cynical and oafish than the outgoing mob.
  4. Neil

    Top Gear?

    The perfect replacement for Clarkson; job done.
  5. Neil

    Top Gear?

    Chris Evans was shouty and irritating, I wondered if it was the manifestation of nerves at the obvious comparisons that will be made. I suspect that Matt Leblanc could be witty and charming with the right person to perform against. One of the better things about the previous three was that they seemed at ease in the show and with each other. However I suspect that after all that has happened a reinstated Clarkson might now come over as a petulant thuggish oaf rather than an irreverent wit.
  6. Yes, most amusing, I can see that many of you have the Jim Davidson bumper book of humour on your shelves. However it might have been more helpful to direct Andrew to some images of waste steel slag which appears to be mid to light grey with a hint of rusty brown. It looks to be more flaky than ballast. I'm not sure what to use to model it though it does look a bit like porridge oats in texture.
  7. My guess (because as far as I can see no one can give a definitive view on what Brexit would look like) would be that the EHIC card would disappear and that as a consequence travel insurance to the continent will cost more. It's already a significant cost as Mrs R has health issues which bump up the price. We love Europe and would probably still travel there though. More background on the lack of yearly pension rises here. It would be interesting to know the percentage settled in Europe vs the rest of the world.
  8. I had wondered how leaving the EU would affect ex-pats living there, but hadn't considered this angle. I could imagine that it would all be a bit unsettling having the terms and conditions swept from underneath your feet so to speak. I hope for a sensible outcome.
  9. Furness Railway 2-2-2 well tank please.
  10. Not just Manchester - North Wales, 150/1 plus 142 combos were seen on Scarborough - North Wales trains too. At least the view from the Pacer would have been better that that from its companion.
  11. Here's a more extreme version of this principle where the Vicinal crossed the SNCB.
  12. That's, well, groovy. Would I be right in assuming it's a tramway on the continent?
  13. Neil

    EBay madness

    Oh dear, just spotted this rip off from China.
  14. Neil

    EBay madness

    More brass neck than Gostude and Cartmel combined
  15. I'd recommend this kit from Sylmasta; it's what I started out with.
  16. Sometimes the rail industry cocks up too. Here's a report into a local incident that could have turned out far worse but for luck. Though the report correctly notes that no pedestrians or vehicles were on the crossing, the local press at the time commented that eye witnesses said there had been a near miss with a tanker lorry and other vehicles. The report claims no near misses which leads me to wonder if there's a standard definition of near miss and whether that would differ from what you and I would count as a near miss?
  17. Reading this quote from a Network Rail spokesperson “The barriers at the Smithy Bridge level crossing in Rochdale malfunctioned last night. Our staff were alerted and immediately took action to maintain the safety of the railway and the public" made me wonder what action was taken. The video clip seems to show cars either waiting at the flashing red lights or turning round and heading away from the crossing; though there's no obvious sign of NR staff on the scene were they marshalling traffic or was the intervention to instruct trains to stop and proceed across at slow pace once they were sure that the crossing was clear and safe to cross? Was other action taken?
  18. There's some interesting footage of the monorail dormant and before preservation on the I-player here (at approx 25 mins in) .
  19. Thanks for the plan Phil. Though it's not the first bi-level overlapped design I've seen it's taken till now for the realisation to dawn that there's a considerable saving in space by doing so partly because of the interlocking of each levels off scene bit with the others on scene bit but also because isolating goods from passenger saves on the track needed for one to diverge from the other. I could see this having applications in flatter designs too.
  20. Thanks Andy; trust me to miss the obvious.
  21. Without wishing to steal any of BRM's thunder, do you have a layout plan that you're able to post Phil so that I can get the gist of what might go where. I'm intrigued by the rather fab warehouses which hide a dmu.
  22. Modifying the mould will work, a V shaped nick into the corners will allow air to escape, but will result in a V shaped addition to the casting which will need to be pared away. The best filler I've found for resin castings is a home brewed mix of pound shop superglue and talcum powder. Quite substantial holes can be filled in one hit. I'd rather repair castings than bother cutting and shutting those with a flaw at just one end.
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