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M Graff

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Posts posted by M Graff

  1. There are substances available to 'soften' decals making them easier to apply. Whether this would work on old decals I'm not sure.

    Micro-set and Micro-sol are very much a must on these decals!

    I used some spray made for making your own decals and just re-coated the decals, as the ones I had tried to use, had a tendency to break up into small pieces.....

  2. Hello Malcolm,


    This is probably a case of "biting off more than I can chew"! When I opened the box I couldn't believe it - the entire camouflage scheme is supplied as decals, designed to cover the whole aircraft. :O Just the thought of applying them all correctly is going to give me a few sleepless nights...One of the reasons it's still in the box, under the bed, with no plans to start building it in the near future.

    Don't wait too long though.... the decals on those are not easily applied when old........

    Just a pointer. :-)

    • Like 1
  3. Very interesting thread!

    I agree that there is a difference in U.S. Vs European design for U.S.-style layouts.

    I searched the web for inspiration when designing my layout, and got tips from Forums both here and in the U.S.,

    wich in the end resulted in a layout wich suited me perfectly:


    It is an urban style layout, 10' by 16".

    A regular operating session takes 90 minutes, and is very fun to do with two operators.

    • Like 4
  4. As there are so many talented people here on RMWeb, I suspect we have a lot of artists as well?

    I thought it could be a good idea to have a thread where we show our railroad related artwork.


    I'll start with this painting:



    It depicts the port at night on my HO scale layout.

    I wanted it to look like a painting of a model instead of a painting of reality.

    Almost like the old Lionel ads from the 40's.

    It is 12" x 16" and is acrylic paint on canvas.

    No airbrush, only classical techniques.


    Join the fun!

    • Like 11
  5. Firstly, let me say that sound, as all other things we have on our layouts, is scaleable!


    Most of the time that I show my sound equipped layout, people buy that the sound is less bass oriented, as they have a preconception that small models are more pitched in tone... I don't know why, but they buy it!


    Secondly, there is a need for ambient sounds on the layout!

    I have it, and my friend Troels Kirk have it (and his is most realistic!), that is a thing that makes the whole illusion c

    ome together in my opinion.

    To have sound equipped loco's running around in a silent world, isn't at all as "real" as to have them

    both sounding! :-)

    To hear how it sound see:




    • Like 1
  6. Considering that you own a ECoS, I would recommend that you at least buy one sound decoder (of quality), just to find out if it's the way you want to go with your hobby.

    I would recommend that you buy a ESU V4 as it is both state of the art and very easy to use with the ECoS.

    I have almost went all-sound myself, and I find it most fascinating!

    What I have noticed, is that I don't run my non-sound locomotives much, and that I try to drive the sound equipped ones as realistic as I can!

    Sure it's expensive to equip a whole fleet of locomotives, but then again, it's not necessary to do them all at once.

    I have been sound equipping my locomotives for close to 12 years now, and at a pace of about 2 each year, it doesn't feel expensive.....

    The worst part of that way of doing it, is that I, at some point, will have to start replacing the older ones as they aren't as good as the later ones......

    My first sound decoders were ESU loksound V2 bought back in 1999, and they were state of the art (to say the least) back then, but not so today.....

    So try it out, if it's something you like, go for it. Otherwise it's not hard to sell it.....

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