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John M Upton

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John M Upton last won the day on March 24 2012

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    Driving along the Coastway West in a 377 now they have taken my 313's away...
  • Interests
    Model Railways, writing novels and eating all those things the Food Standard Agency keeps trying (and failing) to warn me about....

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  1. Is it just me who finds all those festive neon coloured light covered trains everyone seems to be raving about, rather naff?

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    2. Irish Padre

      Irish Padre

      I see both sides of this. As an enthusiast for the classic 1950s railway, I love genuine classic atmosphere. As the son of a preservation treasurer, and spent years of my life fundraising, I know just what - and whom - brings the money in to keep the wheels rolling…

    3. Blandford1969


      Sadly the truth is that the Christmas trains keep many preserved railways going through the winter. Families love them and as long as they do railways will keep doing it. 

    4. deltic17


      Yes - I agree with you - but obviously as we all recognise it is most important that the preserved lines maximise every possible revenue stream especially in the current economic climate/recent years with Covid closures etc. It is the same with the steam vs diesel argument - I travelled from Surrey today to the Gloucestershire & Warwickshire for their Mixed Traction Gala (I was only there for the diesels but appreciate the steamers) so that is around an extra £50 I gladly put in their bank balance but did smile overhearing someone at a sales stand at Broadway commenting by saying 'the proper engine is down that end' (referring to the steam engine) when I and many others were more interested in Deltic 55019 at the other end. I think everyone needs to support each other as best we can to progress together and generally the preserved lines generally make a good job of this. The diesels play an important role too such as in the summer with the heat and steam bans on many lines due to the fire risk.

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