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Ed-farms last won the day on June 26 2011

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    Rhondda Valley

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  1. And Firebox flicker and DCC sound if that's your thing. I am certainly planning to upgrade my 2 Manors for 3 new one;s
  2. This would be a guess I would predict too, the 37 is now the biggest class of diesels (in terms of numbers built) after the 08 and 47 were done to not have sound, it has been a year or 2 since the last 37's were done. Think it was June 22 with the sales rep and club exclsuive versions. It's surely the one type crying out for sound upgrade now.
  3. The Bachmann newsletter confirms two announcements are coming. Whatever they are has to be more headline grabbing than a V2 as they obviously wanted the V2 to have its time in the spotlight. Too soon for another steam engine? Perhaps more Mark 1's based on the expanded Bachmann range - trying to think logically of what they can shrink down here. 25/3 maybe?
  4. Wonder what it is, I have no inkling here. Would have said PCV's in N Gauge but they will surely come from EFE
  5. It seems they are now on eBay, the business address is Osborn's in Bideford. Guessing the eBay shop is accurate as I doubt eBay would let them list stuff they don't have https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/britishcommercialclassics?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=m1ethr3brcy&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Rapido posted an interesting one on Facebook this morning, a rejected livery (Intercity swallow) for a peak, main thing for me is the livery render is on a 45 with high intensity headlight. Have they broken the news of a 45 early? There is a new announcement at TINGS according to their last newsletter. 2+2= ?
  7. It says on the first post of this topic "If these sell well then we will move on to the class 45 and 46 in further production runs.” will be a while I imagine but people buying class 44's will help I reckon 😉
  8. TINGS is now less than a month away, will this be when Accurascale enter the N gauge market or will we still be waiting a bit longer?
  9. until
    Foolishly our area groups exhibition manager (that would be me) has decided to put on an open day for the club. The venue will be Christchurch Centre Newport https://maps.app.goo.gl/as3hJeYjWMNF5SVS7 Date will be the 16th November and will be and so far 8 layouts are attending including 2 club modular layouts the exhibition debut of Weargate works The final appearance of Much Snoreing before its rebuilt in the future Foxwood end from Basement Trains More details will be added in due course
  10. The Hebridean set from Bachmann Farish featured a Mk2 TSO and a 101 trailer. Both have also done a Scotrail Mk2 TSO and
  11. Windsor Castle was 47620 and then 47835 not 820 😊 Hopefully either 47609, 47620 or 47834 and 47835 will appear as these were the royal engine and even were after becoming 798 and 799, given that 835 has appeared in OO and they missed the Intercity Swallow 47 off the first batch I have my fingers crossed for one as well
  12. TINGS is 2 weeks before and Rapido has a stand there, could be quite a coup if they had samples on show, keep it quiet and surprise us all
  13. I am not an expert on it but as you say the orange cantrail stripe - and the yellow livewire signs is the only change I can see in its service life
  14. The Crewe Cut 47 was a previous announcement - originally it was going to be 1 of the 3 with sound (Colas I Think?) with the Virgin and RES on 6 pin chassis, but they "dropped" the sound version to get it back on course regarding release, obviously they added the sound back behind clsoed doors. Ultimately anything is possible from Farish now, we just have to wait and see what is in the video when it drops
  15. To be fair if you had asked the same question of the 08, 47 or Ivatt 2MT prior to the quarterly announcement I bet you would have gotten the same answer for them, and a new LNER V2 would also have been given the standard "we will put it to the planning team" response. They won't say what they are doing, not saying the Fairburn will have an 18pin and sound, just saying Bachmann keep things close to their chest and won't divulge it until they are ready.
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