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the penguin of doom

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Everything posted by the penguin of doom

  1. Hi all. Those of you who may have been following my workbench thread..... http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/28223-the-penguins-workbench-trans-pennine-transformation-part-2/ Will know I've been off work having had a minor operation recently on my knee. As part of my recovery process, my employer has sanctioned a fortnight at the company recovery and treatment centre which will commence mid May. Having pondered what I'm going to do in my spare time, consideration was given to taking a couple of projects away with me but, a full Trans - Pennine set will be just a bit too much to carry along and so I needed something else..... At my local club, we are building an O gauge layout, (the class 27 is currently sidelined but WILL return), and a few months ago, I got a good deal on a couple of Tri-ang Big Train MK2's. I have been steadily amassing bits and pieces in order to get this conversion/detail project underway and so I think this may be the ideal project to complete in two weeks..... So, the challenge to myself is to start on the Monday with the "untouched" model - more of this below and finish on the second Friday with a body in primer ready for top coats. I must stress, I have not made any inroads into the interior or the chassis, so anything extra done on this side will be a bonus. I have also got an Easybuild MK1 and will also take this along just in case I suprise myself and proper crack on with the MK2. So, firstly, and I know this contradicts the above, I popped both bodies into brake fluid to strip off the paint..... I didn't think it would go down too well having this set up with me on the commencement of my treatment so surely can be forgiven for "starting early" and although I've had to cut off the ends of each coach to get them to fit in the tray, they will need further reduction to get one correct length coach. So, that's all for now, please feel free to join me for a forntnight of intense modelling commencing proper in a weeks time and we'll see how I get on. Cheers for now. Sean.
  2. Tamiya is a renowned tape and one I use myself. Even so, you've still got such a crisp line that I thought you must have found another product! I'm going to have to revisit my masking skills1 ;-) Cheers. Sean.
  3. That's very crisp paintwork. The Red line is excellent, what masking tape do you use? Cheers. Sean.
  4. This is a very interesting thread, I've only just found it and as a "Brid Kid" I was hoping to be of some use. Unfortunately, (for most of you), I was born in the 70's but do recall at Brid, (and Scarborough for that matter), that the station was still always very busy during summer weekends. Certainly, when I was a kid, there was still a comparatively large number of loco hauled holiday trains and excursions which seemed to downgrade to DMU's during the 80's and then dwindled to nothing which I'm sure was a sign of the times in most if not all British seaside towns. Anywho, having wiped the tear from my eye, onto the point of the post. Bridlington still does have many of it's old Victorian sea front buildings left. Of particular note is the Spa Royal Hall which has recently gone through a major restoration to its "Art Deco" style and although I am biased, is absolutely stunning! You might also try google street view for "Marlborough Terrace", (if memory serves me right), which was across the way from my old local, "The Hook and Parrot", and although now converted into flats and bedsits, (just a bit of political correctness there), still appears as a Victorian style row of affluent buildings. There is also a very large hotel on the North Bay which I'm sure is of "Art Deco" style although, for some reason, as I type, it's name escapes me. Our new club layout at the Hessle MRG is to be called "Cayton Bay". No prizes for guessing it's location, type of trains to be run, station it is based on and who influencd it...... Unfortunately, limited space means it is unlikely we will be able to model some of the "civilian buildings", but we are currently thoroughly enjoying building the railway buildings. I have a, (very infrequently updated), thread running on the railway buildings if you'd care to pop in and take a look. Nothing stunning but good fun none the less. Cheers. Sean.
  5. I think I'll be ordering 5 sets for the parts box in good time..... Cheers. Sean.
  6. Happy Penguin day to all!

  7. Happy Penguin day to all RMwebbers!

  8. Happy Penguin day to all RMwebbers!

  9. Very nice that Jon. I notice that Shawlan have released the cab door window frames which I reckon I'll be making use of. Cheers. Sean.
  10. Hi Lee. Unfortunately, I don't have a link, but for your eyes, try googling "Archers rivet strips". I used them on my DP2 model and have some waiting for my O gauge class 27 roof, but I did notice they did "eye balls" too which was a suprise to see, but very innovative. Cheers. Sean.
  11. Some smashing work there matey. Both me and Mrs P think the peeling roof and new door ideas look great. Cheers. Sean.
  12. I agree OzzyO. Even just those first pictures of the track work are seriously smart! The whole lot of track work will be like a lace pattern I'm sure. Keep up the good work Ron, it's VERY inspirational...... And that's shouting! ;-) Cheers. Sean.
  13. I'm concerned at your phrase "The baseboards are in their final position". Now I've changed my avatar picture back John as you instructed, I'd at least expect you to move your layout into an exhibition hall at least once! I'm going back to the picture of me driving D335 if not! ;-) Cheers. Sean.
  14. Seconded, some smashing pics. I think you mauy be right Dave, I was at the Manchester show and so it was probably there we chatted. Glad that's resolved, I didn't sleep last night! Cheers. Sean.
  15. I've never been to the Glasgow show Dave, so definately not there. Hmmmn, got me thinking now where it would have been. Anywho, no matter, it was good to talk and in all honesty, by it's very high standard, Waverley West is an equally memorable name and a damn good read too so far! Cheers. Sean.
  16. Some smashing photography Dave and a smashing layout too. I've been meaning to read through your thread after we met briefly at the Doncaster show a year or so back, (I think it was Doncaster but may have been elsewhere, we were both talking to Brian on the Shawplan stand). Anywho, I'm going to read the thread from start to finish over the coming days and just know I won't be disappointed. Cheers. Sean.
  17. the penguin of doom

    Hornby B1

    DMR will be able to supply the generator and everything else you'll need for the fall plate. Cheers. Sean.
  18. Heh heh. Stop it Eric, I'm blushing, (or should that be brushing). You mention a washplant 03, well, I do have an untouched Bachmann one, (save for a renumbering), but I also have an 08 which was a bit of a cock up with what was described as Brunswick Green, but was clearly a few.shades lighter..... Might be something for you to get your teeth into?..... Anywho, I've just picked myself up off the floor..... Back in the day, you'd never have admitted to having a Pannier Tank. Have you gone all Western on us? I'll have to get you a nice J72! Cheers. Sean.
  19. Thanks for the suggestions chaps. I'm having knee surgery next week so will have plenty of recovery time to ring around and see whats what. Cheers. Sean.
  20. Now then Eric, (and Gripper of course - hope you're keeping him fed well.....) Looks like you've hit the ground running on this one and the results reflect the hours spent on the fine detail. I'll be following your weathering blog with interest for obvious reasons. Who knows, I may even have a go myself...... Hmmmn, I think however, I've sent all my wagons in a pick up freight to Brid! Great to see you back on the railway side of the fence, keep the updates coming. Sean.
  21. Hi Brian. Sorry to be a pain and maybe go a little off topic, but I've run into a problem with an O gauge build and wondered if you or one of your followers might be able to help? I have a MK1 TSO kit which I'll be starting soon, but it appears to be missing it's roof vents, (it was second hand). I wonder if you could recommend a decent manufacturer for ridged dome roof vents? It's difficult to judge online which are crisp casts/mouldings etc. Thanks. Sean.
  22. Thanks GriffGriff. This was the book I was thinking of. Obviously, can't post the picture due to copyrights.... Cheers. Sean.
  23. It is indeed a breakaway window. I have a book showing the window with an ambulance stretcher being manhandled through it! Only on a training excercise. I'll root the book out and see if there's any more details. Cheers. Sean.
  24. Hi Brian. Nice work so far on the 27..... You should keep posting as many pictures of the non boiler version, just to show us all how close to the prototype you are, not for any other reason such as they may help me when I recommence my effort..... He heh. ;-) Cheers. Sean.
  25. That's very kind Lee. I don't need any just yet as I am focussing my attention on other aspects of our club layout BUT, if the offer still stands in a few months if you're not too busy, that'd be grand. Cheers. Sean.
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