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the penguin of doom

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Everything posted by the penguin of doom

  1. Those buffer stops look really good! I'll be having a few of them I reckon! 86's looking good too. Cheers. Sean.
  2. Is this the one that is now on a small length of track on the main road between the docks and Liverpool city centre Michael? Everytime I visit a pal in Liverpool, we seem to drive past it en route from his house in Crosby to the city centre. Cheers. Sean.
  3. Looking forward to seeing a little Lima detailing. I still say that many of the Lima bodies stand up to todays more modern offerings. Cheers. Sean.
  4. Looking forward to meeting you too..... I'll be the one on crutches..... Cheers. Sean.
  5. Ah yes, You did mention that one before Clecklwyke..... I too have fond memories of that club. Well, I say memories, I mean hangovers! I'm hoping, (due to unforseen circumstances), to be able to get to scalefour north and so see this layout. Cheers, (literally). Sean.
  6. Slightly off topic, but I've never seen that picture of DP2 before. She looks shiney and new although I'm not sure what the white blob is in front of the drivers windscreen..... Cheers. Sean.
  7. Hi Ian. All looks very good. I seem to recognise the 5 storey warehouse also. I believe it is still standing? Cheers. Sean.
  8. I'm definately looking forward to these in Maroon, (a dead cert, surely?). They're the only well detailed RTR stock missing from my roster and will look great mixed up with Staniers, Gresleys and MKI's. Can't wait. Cheers. Sean.
  9. Ah, ok Richard. It's such a long thread, I couldn't remember if this was your first Western or a replacement. It would be baffling me too to be honest, especially since everything else on your layout and with the stock seems ok. Very unlucky if you've managed to find two duffs though...... Keep your chin up for now though. At least you'd not got rid of your Heljan ones so you can still have a Western running on your layout. Just trying to think positive thoughts. Cheers. Sean.
  10. Richard, I might have missed this, but is it just this Dapol Western? To be more specific, have you another one to try and/or, have you had your original faulty one replaced or repaired? I'm just thinking that if it's a fault with this one loco, another Dapol one may run fine?..... Just a thought. Cheers. Sean.
  11. Unfortunately, I only have the one which is needed to replicate my avatar..... Cheers. Sean.
  12. Wished I'd known Horsetan, I'd have made you an offer and maybe saved a bob or two..... Neil, I just realised you'd said to post some of the pictures of Mike's 40 conversion and I totally forgot. I hope it's still ok, but below should be a link to my thread, (page 37), so as not to clog your thread up. The class 40 stuff is near the bottom of the page..... http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/28223-the-penguins-workbench-trans-pennine-transformation-part-2/page-37 Cheers. Sean.
  13. And that for me is what it's all about. Cheers. Sean.
  14. Thanks Mike (and Horsetan). It would appear that I am going down that route as, this evening, £15 secured me a Lima Western loco, spare body and some detail parts..... An upcoming minor operation and post op recovery time, (away from my work bench), means this might be just the job to while away the hours of boredom...... Cheers. Sean.
  15. Keep us all posted as soon as you have your new model Shane. Cheers. Sean.
  16. Hmmmn. Thanks JJ. Still, theres a motor and chunky chassis block that's useable. Anywho, as above, back to the Dapol version..... I'll put any Lima based ramblings over on my thread. Before I do theough, if anyone has a, (very), cheap Lima one, please feel free to PM and feed the fire..... Cheers. Sean.
  17. You are of course quite right Barry. Then there's the roof vents etc..... It is however a nice challenge and what I enjoy doing most, hacking things up and sticking bits of metal to them..... I do have a spare Deltic chassis which could yield a transmission and motor and if the bogie wheelbase is the same or similar?..... If I can find a Lima Western cheap enough, that would hopefully offset some of the cost, then I'd only have to find some etched brass roof lifting rings..... Anyone know who produce them?..... ;0) Cheers. Sean.
  18. It was the first thing I did BR(W) and I have to say that the conversion seems to make into a very nice looking model. Given that I've no real need for a Western, it could be a good cheap alternative. No dissing the Dapol version, but I could be persuaded..... BTW, thanks for your comment on my skills I was that chuffed I showed your comment to Mrs Penguin. Anywho, back to the Dapol model...... Cheers. Sean.
  19. STOP IT HORSE TAN!!!!! I didn't realise Brassmasters did a Lima conversion pack...... You've got me juices flowing now! Cheers. Sean.
  20. Thanks for posting that link Dave. I'd been looking for that site for ages and couldn't for the life of me find it. I dunno if the electrics are still in production but as soon as funds allow, I'm going to try and order a class 83 and bogies for a future conversion project. Cheers. Sean.
  21. Could you lower your usual high standard on this one Brian? I'm feeling a little insecure with my efforts now..... ;-) Cheers. Sean.
  22. As per your usual standard Michael, that's a smashing shot. Cheers. Sean.
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