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Everything posted by darren01

  1. Few more hours of work hell ,then home and sleep...then work on layout....joy!

  2. HI Ray ( Granddad) The new plan is much better and i am glad you are going for ply sleepers ,they do look a lot better. Keep up the good work . All the best Darren
  3. DOH!!!! I always get it wrong , i meant to say the NCE Powercab , not the big place in Birmingham . Like the photo of the inside of the shed you have done ,very good . All the best Darren
  4. HI Richard The layout looked very good at the show and the NEC is good fun !. Was good to talk again and have a play , well done .
  5. last bits of wiring to do...then more point motors...

  6. Hi all I thought I would share with you a day out I had up at the Lynton and Barnstaple Railway. A good friend of mine had booked me on as a cleaner for the day, starting at 7am! I had to get up at 5am to get over to him and then on to the railway for the day, on arriving to our loco for the day was waiting in its shed. The loco was brought out with the help of a small shunter, and we set about getting her ready with me cleaning all the paint work and brass. This took around an hour to do, while the fire warmed her up and the driver went round oiling up. The smell of coal, steam and smoke early in the morning on a spring day was wonderful. The rest of the day was spent going up and down the line and on the last few runs I had a go on my own at firing “AXEâ€, so here are a few photo of the day, and I would like to thank all the people at the Lynton and Barnstaple railway for giving me such a good day out……I think I will be going back for a bit more of this…. All the best Darren
  7. up and working on the layout :)

  8. I have a week off work and a week working on two layouts .

  9. Wish i was at home working on the layout...

  10. cup of coffee

  11. more point work done

  12. up and working on the layout.

  13. HI You can count me in on this ,with Torrington , their is no better railway than the Southern. http://www.rmweb.co....__fromsearch__1 Darren
  14. HI I think this is going to be something very nice to see being built, i nearly did this one myself ,but ended up doing Torrington. If you need any info just PM me ,have lots on Barnstaple . Keep up the good work. Darren
  15. last night at work...more track laying and rebuilding Torrington :)

  16. Mmmm! I think i have a plan comming on!
  17. Here is a shot taken in 1965 of the siding being removed from Marland Clay works. Darren
  18. be glade to get home from work and get some sleep, been a long night, may lay some more track when i get up later today!

  19. layout has come to a complete halt...Due to lack of chairs! :(

    1. bcnPete


      Hope you still have a table to work on though ;-)

  20. More track built ....layout coming on well.

  21. HI Olddudders They where being sold for £30.00 . Darren
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