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Status Updates posted by Bill

  1. From Russia (Ekatarinaburg) With Love (Zillertalbahn D11)..

  2. Why is it I can only lay track late at night? Is it prototypical?

    1. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Only if you overrun and play with buses the following morning....

  3. Way to go Tillig! Instructions included for the etxra bits!

  4. One loose rail joiner and nothing works!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gridwatcher


      Never use rail joiners to feed current is the motto. A feed to every individual piece of rail!


    3. yorkie_pudd


      obviously bored of been a joiner and wanted to re-train as a sparky.

    4. Tim Dubya
  5. Wechelstrom nichts gut!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bezzy Oppo

      Bezzy Oppo

      You can get a pill for that

    3. Bill


      Ya ein Roco Gutterwagen mit konductiv radsatz!!!

    4. NGT6 1315
  6. Wechelstrom nichts gut!!!!!!!

  7. Is Internet Explorer dead? Or is it just acting that way? Perhaps it likes to randomly punish its users? Just to let them know who is in control...

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      no, just c**p

  8. Is Internet Explorer dead? Or is it just acting that way? Perhaps it likes to randomly punish its users? Just to let them know who is in control...

  9. Is HO - N gauge for them of us a bit over the hill??

    1. SwissRailPassion


      I think TT or 3 mm gauge would be ideal. N is quite small and OO takes up space especially with modern 12 inch locos and coaches. TT gives more space and flexibility. In modern smaller homes where space is short I'm sure there'd be a market for train sets in TT.

  10. All hail to the prodigal sock - it is still refusing to tell me where it went!

    1. bgman


      Have another look in the washing machine.... Or in the 'fridge next to the Stinking Bishop !

  11. All hail to the prodigal sock - it is still refusing to tell me where it went!

  12. Super glue can defy the law of gravity and even relativity - It can climb against gravity -and go where no one put it - Magical mayhem would be a better name for it...Perhaps the words Krazy Glue were more apt than the inventors realized...!

  13. Ashort note written to a well known and much loved supplier of trains...Why on earth would you list a forthcoming Bachmann item 44-539 (Scenecraft Platform Tractor Unit) under magnifiers and loupes? It took a while to find.. Are to trying to not sell them? You might want to relocate this item...Just a suggestion.. However it might just be some clever marketing ploy that has somehow eluded me...

    1. Stevelewis


      If it is who I think it is L Postcode Not S then this is a quite common occurance, They had a loco listed in wagons in 0n30 no sales from the 3 instock for weeks until i bought one BUT if it is them they really do appreciated customer Feedback on errors

    2. steve22


      I recall reading some years back of someone having seen an advert for a cassette hose in the Hi Fi / Audio section of a local newspaper.

  14. Bacchy shunters truck has arrived - lovely model - BUT! What am I doing buying more oo gauge stuff when I have changed to 7mm modelling?

  15. Have I become as Beeching? Does all of it have to go?

    1. Jawfin
    2. Jawfin


      Or should it be no and yes..?

    3. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      May be or may be not

  16. Its all got to be cleared up, inventoried and packed away - then to start all over again. It's th only way...

  17. Soldering white metal - Its like fixing copper pipes only what 's being soldered can also melt -

    1. Tim V

      Tim V

      So can copper pipe - just a bit hotter that's all...

  18. No use crying over spilt milk - However half a bottle of Tamiya black paint on the carpet is another matter :) oops!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Platform 6

      Platform 6

      You need a dog - or cat - that will lie to order!

    3. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Acrylic? May wash out with soapy water, enamels...different matter. Swarfegas pretty good followed by mucho scrubbing with babywipes.

    4. Bill


      SWMBO was very kind and just smiled. The carpet man came and went leaving it patched. Cost? The price of a new Loco - Ouch!

  19. Let the great contest begin - Goop vv Super Glue vv Epoxy to stick white metal to white metal - at the moment all seem to be working...:)

    1. Kev_Lewis


      I prefer 100 degree solder.

    2. Bill


      THat would work only my soldering skills remain Neanderthal...

  20. Have broken through the mental block of installing an O gauge double slip - used a Y and a LH point instead - Whew!

  21. Have broken through the mental block of installing an O gauge double slip - used a Y and a LH point instead - Whew!

  22. Have broken through the mental block of installing an O gauge double slip - used a Y and a LH point instead - Whew!

  23. Have broken through the mental block of installing an O gauge double slip - used a Y and a LH point instead - Whew! (anyone need a double slip :-) )

  24. Is wondering what all the extra bits are for in my first ever Slaters 7mm BR Van kit

    1. mozzer models
    2. cromptonnut


      Probably brake gear - I've got a bag of the stuff in the box and really aren't sure where it is all supposed to go.

    3. Jon Fitness

      Jon Fitness

      Keep them, they're good for modifying other chassis..

  25. Is it Windows 7 or just the freaking G@$#$^y computer that freezes up at random intervals?

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