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SNCF stephen

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Status Updates posted by SNCF stephen

  1. Gosh darn those non paying bidders on ebay!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      Thanks for the advice. I have given them a week to pay and contacted them several times. I suspect that something got lost in the translation (the buyer was French) and they wanted to back out. I would be ok with that but at east say something!

    3. Stevelewis


      Ifd they want to back out then they have the opportunity to request this on eBay, you would then be sent a request from e\bay to accept or deny the request'It is probaly simpler if you just open a non payment case let eBay handle it.

    4. muddys-blues


      Saying that about eBay, it is now happening on here with the classifieds, people say yes please, me me I will have it, then don't answer your messages for a week, but still come on here, as if they hadn't noticed the red flag of message received in the top right hand corner, like you say if they reply with sorry I have backed out now, it is more courteous than ignoring messages.

  2. Just wondering if anyone on here knows if how busy Luton Airport Parkway station car park gets during the week?

    1. Ian Hargrave

      Ian Hargrave

      Use it every so often.Never had a problem.reasonable & a stress free way of getting into London if driving down tha M1

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      Cheers Ian. Much appreciated!

  3. So I am looking to the future and thinking that I won't have enough time for modelling. It has been taking a back seat to a lot of other stuff recently so I might be on the verge of putting my layout into storage for a little while. Not sure how I feel about this but it does take up a lot of room. If I do that then will I ever get it back out again? Do I keep it and get back to it in the future or do I consider trying to sell it?

  4. Trying to find a decent 60W plus guitar amplifier on ebay. Not having much luck.

    1. Michael Woolford

      Michael Woolford

      Have a look at some of the Blackstar amps, they are some of the best out there without spending silly money.

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      Thanks Michael. I love Blackstar amps their tonal range is great but there are none within my driving range (i.e. 70 miles away). Will keep an eye out.

    3. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      When I say none, I mean none that I can afford right now.


  5. 25 Transport books listed on ebay in under 45 minutes!!!

  6. I think my modelling mojo has started to come back!

  7. Going through the torture of PRINCE2 training at the moment. I doubt I will use it for my model railway projects!

    1. RJS1977


      Unless it involves making a model of a Ffestiniog loco!

  8. printed my first sheet of decals today. Looking forward to applying them during this week.

  9. I have temporarily lost my modelling mojo. I am looking forward to its return after my next holiday.

  10. I really dislike it when I have to spend time away from modelling! Hopefully next weekend I can get back to some of the UFOs.

  11. I don't know whether to be depressed or elated that when I do a google search for a subject at least 40% of the images found are my uploads onto rmweb!

    1. AndyB


      I'd go with elated. Elated apparently makes you live 7.5 years longer on average. :)

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      I like the way you think!

    3. AndyB
  12. Todays attempt at airbrushing was a failure. So I had to resort to the old brush method.

  13. just purchased my first part of a 1 foot to 12 inches train. Only a couple of destination plaques but I like the look of them. Now to source some wheels, bodywork, an 820HP engine and the rest...

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      when i was a kid my dad gave me a steering wheel from a car and said "its a start" :)

  14. A sunny bank holiday weekend and I am unable to properly enjoy it because I have a headcold and chest infection!

    1. Jawfin


      Unlucky! My sympathies. I can't have too much fun either, as I have to revise!

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      Thanks, good luck with your revision. I never did so well at revising so you are bound to do better than me!


  15. That moment when you realise you have forgotten to apply the transfers and you have already weathered the model!

    1. Horsetan
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Ow... Though I guess you could just assume the lettering's been renewed, justifying applying a patch of fresh paint, simulating a cleaned spot.

  16. In what is becoming a rare event these days, a couple of days modelling is planned. Fingers crossed I can sort out some of the outstanding stuff to do.

  17. some days you just feel like selling all your stock and stopping modelling!

    1. Southernman46
    2. 69843


      I call those weekdays!

    3. muddys-blues


      everyday in our house, but that is only my Wife, but it's my stock, so I'll decide when... just coming downstairs now Dearest!!

  18. Scratchbuilding fences in 1 Foot to 12 Inches scale!

  19. Can anyone recommend a good place to eat in Douglas (Isle of Man)?

    1. RedgateModels


      I remember a good place for burgers back in 2000 - Too Much Cheese mmmmmmmmmmmmm

  20. Can anyone recommend a good place to eat in Douglas (Isle of Man)?

  21. So when you buy a DCC ready train and it burns out one of your decoders because it was poorly designed/built what can you do?

    1. Leicester Thumper

      Leicester Thumper

      take a hammer and hit the plonker who designed it on the head.

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      So I need to take a trip to Spain!!! It is annoying that the cost of a decoder is borne by me and not the manufacturer!

    3. Leicester Thumper

      Leicester Thumper

      hmm, in that case I would bolt them an email or something. To be honest it is a product failure so really its for them to sort out


  22. Work took me to Sheffield today so I got to see some nice trains at Burton and Derby along the way. I think my favourites have got to be the class 26 in the yard at Burton and the pair of DRS 47s near Derby!

    1. SHMD


      Works taken me to Lyon this week!

  23. Pepperami, it's a bit of an animal... but which animal???

    1. keefer


      which bit, more like!

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      that was my joke before the whole horsemeat scandal...


    3. trisonic


      Pigs Trotters

  24. ebay just messed up which meant I missed out on some nice carriages. Drat!

    1. RedgateModels


      Ha! we just bought a new sofa, where's the old one going?

    2. M.I.B


      www.autionstealer. Set yourself a limit and walk away. No over bidding, and no mistakes.

  25. had a great day meeting people at the SNCF Society Get Together!

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