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Everything posted by Penlan

  1. I have built the Woodham's Acid Tank wagon too, and I see I've added a single brake shoe to it. Didn't seem right without one. I see I've fitted five link couplings too. Lettering - plain white and Staffs knot - HMRS transfers, White shaded Red, something from the 1980's.?
  2. .... Ah, that's because there isn't a 'Chaperone' available yet to accompany a 'Lady' out walking with a Gentleman....
  3. Unfortunatly my wife was looking over my shoulder and I've now had to bookmark that page - she's getting ideas for evening wear, looks like it's going to be expensive..
  4. Aberdare, yes the Blue Lady does have a nice face, but bearing in mind, in the picture above, she is seen at least 3 times bigger than the actual model (on my PC screen), I had to get the spy glass out to see that detail. Good painting. PS - I would like to get some ready for Southampton Show in 3+ weeks time, but there's one or three other jobs need doing first.....
  5. ... and I'm pleased to see the Victorian / Edwardian (and in some parts of west Cornwall still) code of conduct in keeping the gentlemen separate from the ladies has been maintained through to the packaging of the figures too..... Very nice, and clean. Thanks Andrew.
  6. Don't forget these are in Pewter, not white metal (a bonus) and at £1 each (10 for £10) very good value, in my opinion. When you go to 'check out' there's a PayPal option too. I've ordered my sets already.
  7. I have seen a layout where a splitting junction signal had the arms pointing to the right, not the left. To be fair, they were at the end of a narrow room on a tight bend for a 'U' shaped layout - I hadn't noticed them until I looked at the photo's of the layout I took when I got home.
  8. I posted this on another topic, but don't forget the goods stock either. The inspiration for this was one I saw on the late Geoff William's 'Aylesbury' layout. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=1956
  9. The 3770 picture is NOT Knighton on the Central Wales line, been there, had official plans, photo's etc., for a model about 30 years ago.....
  10. The rear of the layout, ah!!!! No wonder, for as far as I can remember it was operated from the front
  11. br2975, I'm not sure what nhy581's point is either, although it maybe that the room you were in was a little detached from the rest of the show, though if one wanted the toilets, you would have known where your (and other displays) were. Each time I looked into the area where Sanatorium was based, the layout seemed to have plenty of people around it, perhaps nhy581 means the layout's quite running, and the viewers were so absorbed in the operation of the layout, they were left speechless... Think positive.
  12. I'm glad you like the end result! I'm surprised by the way the window pane, next to the droplight looks opaque in the 2nd photo, That's probably because it's plastic, different reflective qualities to glass, including the material within the 'sheet'. Possibly next time, try glass microscope slip covers, they are 5 thou thick. PM/Email me if you want to try some in other stock or the buildings. But, the model is looking very good, not brand new......
  13. I told you I'm getting old ! I can't remember where exactly it's from, but I believe it's from one of the long defunct branches in Wales. It was left to me in a Will, around 1975. I have got the plate for the front of it somewhere, with it's Number on, no markings inside the case though, but the workmanship is a joy, and very simple.
  14. Mention in this Topic has been made of the Repeater Signals in Signal boxes for 'out of sight' signals, so for those who may not know what repeater signals in the 1:1 scale Signal box look like, this is an old GWR one, the three aspects are shown, I'm sure further explanations will follow..... OK, not brillient photo's, but it's dark here.....
  15. If you mean the Signalman, on my layout Penlan, in it's previous life as Hartwell, based on the track plan at Hartington, the (Hartington) Signal box's location on the platform at 1:1 scale gave it a good view either way as it was on the outside of the curve through the station. When the layout was built the curve was reversed and the Signal box was thus on the inside of the curve and basically all signals in one direction where obscured by the station buildings. When I took over the layout, altered and renamed it to Penlan, I removed the Signal Box and placed it (well a new Saxby & Farmer one to be honest) on the outside of the bend so all signals were visible from the Signal box - I felt happier with that, more prototypical !!!. If you mean the operator as in the Layout's operators, then all signals are visible from the main control panel, however there's a Home signal which is obscured by a tree from the 'operator' at one of the fiddle yards, this signal lets them know train required, ready to accept or just the main operators waiting for you...... 'pull your finger...'. There are plans to relocated this Home signal to a better/visible position for the fiddle yard operative, or be combined with a LED light in the Fiddle Yard to alert the operator. Sorry I'm nearly a month behind with this reply, other activities have proved to be a diversion..... On the OP - Well done Dapol for supplying working signals. From acorns, mighty oaks will grow, eventually.
  16. Penlan

    EBay madness

    Yes, and for me the phrase'Ratio Kit Built 00 Scale LMS (LNER LNWR) Corridor Composite Coach Set x 3..' Iimplies at least one, if not all, are kits have been built, at least in my limited grasp of English, OK I know it shows the boxed set etc., ...and also... only one of the 3 kits is a composite, the other 2 are 3rds in the description. ...and as 'LNWR lives on' says, you can pick these up off Ebay around £10 each, or less anyway.
  17. Penlan

    EBay madness

    I couldn't see a field for 'Ask seller a Question', but at £330, 7 - 9 days delivery..... I wonder if anybody will be caught (my wife tends to miss things like postage and 'from China' etc.,).
  18. Penlan

    EBay madness

    And they have taken some time and effort to try and identify the original models etc., and write it up, an honest Joe!!
  19. Still not the full version as the VIN isn't showing. The version we used in the AutoShop I worked at also had the facility that if what the customer told you wasn't the same as what was on the screen, there was a facility to notify DVLA immediatly. The eurocarparts site is good though and it allows you select any of the parts sections, select a part type, and it shows you the correct part number (say for brake discs) for your car - The car I looked up had aftermarket makes as well.
  20. The first part - that is correct, Second part they have not taken to re-issuing defunct numbers, yet. That I think that would be a minefield and anyway they would have to dribble the numbers out to maintain the DVLAgency's profitability, which at the end of the day is all the Agency is interested in. On another Forum I am fairly well known for taking the DVLA to task over their non-accoutability on 'Cherished' Reg Nos., in relation to cloned vehicles MoT's to enable transfer etc., (don't get me started on that one)... but it does involve various Police Forces, Courts, MP's, The Home Office, VOSA and the DVLA. Registrar A7CA.... = 'Penlan' in a parallel universe.
  21. This looks as if it may be similar to the Auto Trades Data Base, or at least the Platinum version, only the auto-parts counter hand can do it for Free (depending on their conditions of employment). But the main thing is it brings up the make for free, which means you can then go to the DVLA's web site and do a Vehicle Enquiry with the Reg No and Make (both fields required) to see if it's on the road legal and/or Sorned. This is one of those area's on the DVLA that is down a few 'side streets' but you should find it here :- https://www.taxdisc.direct.gov.uk/EvlPortalApp/app/enquiry?execution=e1s1 if of course you need this type of information - I use it as part of a check with pre-war classics in a parallel universe.
  22. In the Historic Car hobby, there is general moaning about the loss of Reg. Nos., in general from old cars, be they good examples as in previous posts or some desire to have an 'old' Reg. No. on vehicles. Remembering all the time that ultimately the numbers belong to the DVLA. The impression given is that it is a recent/modern trend, but the earliest example I know of is the Cornish AF 85, issued in 1903 and transferred in 1905 to another vehicle. I'm also aware that CV 9999 was transfered in about 1941 to another vehicle and the number is still in use around west Cornwall. I have CV 9998 on it's original vehicle still...
  23. If you mean the digits are incorrectly spaced, I don't think at that point they can confiscate it, but you can certainly be charged with not having the digits at the correct spacing. In our village we had RO51E MM (Rosie Mxxx) - the owner was prosecuted and now they have RO51 EMM on the plates. The Supplier of the plate with an incorrect arrangement of the digits can also be prosecuted, that's why their mark is normally somewhere on the plate. Don't forget, if the cars in an accident, that nice plate goes to the insurance company (normally). Of course Rosie is narked because we also have 5 URF in the village - oops sorry 5URF, and they regularly park about 5 doors away from Rosie. I use to have CG 7241, but during the car's 'Lost' phase, the plate was sold on. I saw a reference to it on a Forum once saying it would match some wording (not defined) and I still haven't worked it out.... I recovered the car some 8 years ago with an age related plate.
  24. Penlan

    EBay madness

    There is always another side.... Following on from the PAT testing Topic and other recent Exhibition requirements to list the wattage required for the layout etc., I borrowed a KewTech KT 200 Clamp Meter for some readings, then it had to be returned..... Looked on Ebay and they were circa £50 - £70, most reasonable ones were in that area. Then I spotted one which looked to be alright, but Cheap at £7.99 post free. You get what you pay for, I know, but as it was just for back-up, I went for it. It's arrived and very nice too - see http://www.ebay.co.u...984.m1497.l2649 ..... Only notice the price has been reviewed to £70.99. So no wonder mine looks the bee's knees..... I admit I had a fright when I went to do the feedback and saw £70.99 on the listing, then I quickly checked my PayPal account etc., yup, just £7.99 paid out. Oh joy. No wonder 19 have been sold already I thought I might get the add-on Insulation Tester (261), but that's expensive.
  25. In the early 1950's my Gran use to put on the Sunday table a joint which apparently was lamb at one end pork the other (or perhaps beef) - well what she actually said was "pork or Lamb?" and would slice off the said choice from one or other end of the joint. This of course maybe why I'm not renowned for knowing my meats, but the positive side is at least as children we were asked what we would like.
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