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Neal Ball

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Everything posted by Neal Ball

  1. Would anyone be interested in a commissioned kit for the AA19 van? In sufficient numbers, maybe that could be a route to a new van.... Let me know what you think. Thanks, Neal
  2. Thanks Mike really interesting. I have already sent an email to Bachmann!
  3. Interesting idea Mike, but I ave no idea how to go about it..... And I suspect do not have deep enough pockets...... Although I do like the idea!
  4. So do we pre-order and pay? Or wait until they arrive to check the quality first? But that risks missing out, due to likely delivery issues. Sorry I am very cynical about Hornby these days.
  5. Sadly Bachmann have also advised that they have no plans in this direction as well :-( We need some tactical lobbying here!
  6. I have had a reply from Bachmann, sadly they do not have any plans at the moment to do new Toad brake vans :-( Think we need some tactical lobbying here!
  7. Thanks for the updates guys, that sounds like a recipe for dsaster, all that work going on....
  8. I think the Billingshurst box will be going to the Bluebell at East Grinstead. Any update on Gatwick station? We fly out soon, what can I expect to see this time? Thanks
  9. That's a shame, I was hoping you had a solution there! back to the drawing board I guess!
  10. I've not heard about unpainted GWR wagons - even post WW2 A quick scan of GWR Wagons by Atkins; Beard; Hyde' Tourret Z: Gunpowder vans - no change - although the diagram Z4 was stated as 1939 - RCH self contained buffers and draw gear and Morton brakes... but "straight down" stanchions... there is no mention of a Z3 diagram :-( Sorry there are no running numbers..... V36/7: There looks to be so many variations: "Plywood panels replaced exterior planking on L1467 in 1944 which gave rise to dia V36 where also a hidden alteration took place.... V36 was vacuum fitted... running numbers 65183/346 Hope that helps!
  11. Will they still be there in July?
  12. Neal Ball

    Dapol 'Western'

    Thanks Jon... In which case Hattons have not received any!
  13. Neal Ball

    Dapol 'Western'

    Anyone know when the BR Blue versions will be out? Hattons have advised they are over-due, but do not know of a delivery date.
  14. and I think mine is the first edition.... Published 1973; reprinted 1975, but it doesn't say if it was amended..... I always thought he was right!!! But I blow to your first hand knowledge Mike. What about the head lamps though? Thanks very much
  15. Does that mean my signalling bible is wrong Mike? - I swear by that book! Blimey Robin, those moguls are working hard tonight! - Great photos as ever.
  16. Centre and Right would be H headlamps, which Adrian says is for Freight, mineral, or ballast train or train of empties carrying through load to destination (bell code 3 4 1)
  17. According to Adrian Vaughan in GW signalling it would be G Headlamps; which is one lamp in the centre of the buffer beam: Bell code 2 3
  18. Clearly not always clean either!! - The cleaners need to be taken to task there Robin, letting the side down... no doubt they are spending more time polishing those kings
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