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Everything posted by Giles

  1. The house has it's rather run-down front door....
  2. Cottages are progressing again, with stonework completed and painted Windows are underway - just in primer, CNCd out of Trotec (acrylic) on the Stepcraft
  3. Thought you might enjoy this....... from a private 10 1/4" railway last weekend!
  4. Stunning.... simply stunning! I've finally got into my Mars 2 Pro and am finding my way with that, and loving it - but this takes it to a new level!
  5. Always a problem - or opportunity! I used fixed rails to lift up the tippers on The End of The Line, but I wanted to Do something different for the next layout, so I built up a man who tips the wagons in 7mm, which works nicely, and, having recently made a number of 009 wooden bodied tippers, I thought I would try the same thing in 4mm.
  6. It would work if the position and angle is right...... I used to tip KB scale tippers on THE END OF THE LINE very successfully, although the tippers themselves needed fettling and polishing in order to tip reliably.
  7. I do have four 4mm tools available if you still want - pm me. Best Giles
  8. Thank you. They are 6.2mm wheels from Mosskito Narrow Gauge, available ftom Light Railway Stores. They really are nice!
  9. Half a dozen finished...... I'm pleased with how they've come out, at any rate.
  10. Having acquired a couple of 009 Bachmann WD 4-6-0's, simply because theyre so good, I thought would make some wooden side tippers for them to work with. Being so much smaller than the 14mm ones, a different approach was called for, so my Mars 2 Pro 3D printer was the tool of choice. I drew the wagon up on Design Spark Mechanical (by RS) and various prototypes worked through till I was happy. All the rest of them to paint now!
  11. I'm using home-made point motors that operate on a single push-to-make button just like this- but I'm afraid they're not solenoid, so therefore may be a red-herring to this thread?
  12. A couple of (printed) boats for the layout
  13. You did indeed - looking extremely bedraggled if I recall ( rushing from pillar to post). There was also a series of DVDs now to be found on YouTube called Miniature Pleasures which might amuse.....
  14. Impressive in any scale - but this is 4mm? Very nice job!
  15. Sorry Simon - I understand now!!!!
  16. I think more reliable than most, and easier to sort than most if there's a problem. At present the follower pin is part of the print, as appears fine, although one could certainly replace it with a solid pin with little trouble. The third microswitch fitted should indicate route reliably, as (do long as you wire it up correctly!) The single detent in the wheel (one every 360 degrees) used by that switch only corresponds to one particular blade position, and the rest of the wheel give you the other blade position - if that makes sense? So it will always read the correct road in any event. The only switch that has two detents (180 degrees) is the one operating the motor. The motor probably takes about 50 - 100mA whilst operating - the load isn't high.... I haven't a clue what an Arduino puts out!
  17. The trackwork and point over the bridge is also complete, and the point Motor fitted and working. The trackwork on the village/bridge side is tramway. 2.5mm strips of nickel-silver are soldered next to the rail to achieve this.
  18. The first cottage on the way. It's clad in Das Stone again, and has taken about 25hrs of carving.
  19. I now wouldn't be without my Mars Pro 2, regardless of the £/S/d. It has simply opened up another level that has hitherto been unavailable to me! Go for it........
  20. A good job - not easy...... many have failed to sort things like that! Good luck with the next hydraulic!
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