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Everything posted by Ceptic

  1. Harking back to when I used to ask my ol' Pappy, "What would you like for your Birthday. Pa ?." His reply, 9 times out of 10, would be...."Next week's 'Football Echo' / 'Sporting Life' / 'Racing Post'.... I have no doubt, whatsoever, that there is no big money riding on whichever model railway products are due from wherever, but,.. .....I have this uneasy feeling that this, sometime, bookie's shop style guessing / wish listing (Don't mention betting), coupled with 'someone, knowing in advance' approach is, somewhat, detrimental to the whole'.... Regards,...
  2. This emporium had a few 'A' & 'B' packs left. (Mon 07/07/2014) http://www.platformmodelsltd.co.uk/00-scale/00-gauge-coaches?page=9
  3. Many thanks, nigcuberail. Without me being an expert, and not wishing to get in too deep a detail on such matters, I'd like to add that, from it's inception, the 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division, a.k.a..'The Fighting Wessex Wyverns' drew from, relied on, and were manned by many personnel from a T.A. Regiment http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/43rd_(Wessex)_Infantry_Division My Dad, a.k.a. 'The old Man', did his initial training with the 'Sussex Regiment'. One of many T.A. Regiments, of that time. All the best, Frank.
  4. Hi Paul. The 'Wyrm' (although a different design) was my original avatar, when I first joined RMweb. This one's based on the military vehicle insignia / stencil, carried by the 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division. The change is in commemoration to the 70th. anniversary of the battle for Hill 112, July 10th.- 22nd.. 1944. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Jupiter_(1944) My 'old Man', being in the 5th. Batallion, Wiltshire Regiment. got mixed up in this. All the best, Frank.
  5. Hello All.....coupled with apologies... ...It's been some time since I posted any sort of newsworthy update of this layout. This latest news stems from the fresh aerial images of the Central station area, added to the 'Britain from Above's archive. http://www.britainfromabove.org.uk/asearch?search=Bournemouth Several of them pick out the overhead details of buildings the Group are modelling, namely the G.P.O. Sorting Office, Kennedys (next door), and, on the other (South) side of the tracks, the 'Institute' and 'Fish Depot'. These aerial photos were shot by the high-flying photographers of 'Aerofilms', without whom, track, ground, building plans of the era would be that harder to obtain. .....It may have been a routine 'job' to these guys, but.......Respect, and Thank you. All the Best.
  6. Impressive modelling / workmanship, Dave. Captures the prototype perfectly
  7. Hi Flappington Jct...... .....Nuthin's simple in the world of railway colours ! Over the years, the only propriety model enamel paint that I perceived as closest to "just out t'shop" 'Blood & Custard', was that produced by 'Gloy'. Unfortunately, this has been out of production for some time.(I've got one pot left, and it ain't fer sale!) If you're looking for a darkened, soot laden version, then I would go for 'Precision' The two are compared here. I've no experience of Howes' 'Railmatch' versions. Perhaps someone can photo / scan a sample ? Bachmann, Hornby & Dapol still persist on selling us their drab versions of this livery.... ,.....Maybe ?, it's time they played catch-up with Hornby-Dublo ? Regards.
  8. They would be,.........if only they could find any evidence / clues / witnesses
  9. Hey Colin,... You're getting me flummoxed ! I had to 'double take' hat initial b&w roof picture !...I was so sure it was one of Dave's (dasatcopthorne's) photos of the prototype !.....Talk about perfection. It's been a pleasure to meet you (via the Ether of RMweb) and to look in at the result of your craftsmanship over these past few years (and pick up a multitude of tips, along the way) Wishing you All the best for the P4 project (I will be looking in) and for the future. Cheers, Frank.
  10. . Many thanks for inviting me onto this topic, Mister Spoons These photos were taken in 2011, during a rush visit. Apologies for the fuzzyness. (You may need 3D glasses for some of them ! ) I wonder how many will be modelling these, fitted with trolley booms, in 79 years time ?. All the best, Frank.
  11. Superb modelling Mister Spoons. I've always been a fan of the UK trolleybus, especially the silent power of the imposing six-wheelers. I've got a few pics of the LT's Covent Garden Museum's Cl. K2, No.1253, if anyone's interested. Unfortunately, the photos of the wheels are rather blurred. Regards.
  12. Many thanks for answering Robin's question, Paul. There have been several enquiries regarding the layout's location and requesting the possibility of a viewing. Some posted within this thread, and some via a PM. The majority of these requests have been forwarded to the Group. Each one has been politely declined. Security being the prime concern*. As stated previously, when the Group consider it timely, to open the layout for private viewing, then, hopefully, I will be able to post the details here. *The Group may be finding it somewhat irksome that several of the pictures posted here, are cropping up on Google and elsewhere, hence, (This is my opinion, only. I could be wrong) maybe, this is the reason behind the shortage of updates ? In the meantime, again, as stated previously, I've been in contact with a new group, The Bournemouth West Model Railway Group, supplying plans and photos. These guys are starting on a 4mm. scale layout, modelling the terminus to the entrance to the Branksome Carriage sidings. Hopefully soon, I'll have some pictures to post. All the best, Frank.
  13. Hello 'J' for Johnny,....." Plans acquired,.....Are you receiving ?, ....Over" Bump
  14. Hi Colin. I hope he doesn't mind, but zooming in on one of Dasatcopthorne's photos (p#8 of your earlier 2-HAP build) my eyes are telling me that it looks very much like a 1 Ton limit. What say you ? All the best. Frank.
  15. Persuade her to look in on here, at the 'Big Red Spidery Thing'.... If she could produce that, out of balloons, then, she could, not only entertain the kids (and us), but also get a job as President Obama's Sign Language Interpreter ?......
  16. "Wha's wid de negative (X) waves Griffgriff ??
  17. A 'must' for every finger on the pulse, up to date 'Ace Face' Mod ?
  18. To quote Jonathan Winters, A.K.A. 'Ye Olde Story Teller' on the Andy Williams Show " Yuur That's weird Andy"
  19. 33s and portions of, at and around Bournemouth. Most, if not all of these were posted onto PCM's excellent, long running topic, on the previous version of RMweb*. A couple have been posted on different threads on this one. The 'Belle's reincarnation. Could have done with a spruced up loco tho'. Something like this. One of the last Weymouth bound Pull 'n' Pushes. One of the many 'Specials'. Unidentified 33/1 disappears under Cemetery Junction. Approaching Branksome after crossing the Bourne Valley viaduct. Central's Centenary Gala. July 20th. 1985. Another 'Belle', another grubby loco. A poorly lit Special. And to end with, a brighter one. I knew I had a (slightly) better picture *Loads of pics here, http://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=35116&hilit=photos+of+the+southern Edited to add extra pic. of 6532 (ex- 33 114)
  20. Hi John. Apologies for not replying sooner. Any new posts on to this topic don't appear to 'Flag up' at this end, like they used to. It was thanks to 'Snakes's PM that I'm now aware of the 'new' comments. Regarding the station's plans, I'm afraid my set are on loan at the moment. I'll get something sorted out in the next couple of days and get back to you. Regards, Frank.
  21. Was also good for thinning down the old formula 'Evo-Stik'*. I used the mixture to paint 'n' glue thin stainless steel or galvanised steel curved formers to the interiors of my Lam Model's plasticard Bulleid coach sides. They're still stuck there, maintaining the profile. *Haven't tried it with the 'new' formula tho'.
  22. In the bay at Bournemouth. Not much chance of having a paddle here, tho'.
  23. Hmmm.....A chance to browse.....methinks
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