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Everything posted by F-UnitMad

  1. It leans over but I couldn't get a decent enough angle whilst also operating to show it. The end of the layout is almost up against my shed wall. It won't rock'n'roll like the Maumee & Western anyway - first I don't have the length of run, & second, there are limits with rigid truck r-t-r locos, & I've pushed them pretty far as it is...
  2. One for Pete... a not-very-good video clip... The sound wasn't up (it doesn't sound like an Alco anyway) and camera in one hand & controller in the other was always going to be dodgy... http://youtu.be/xA562W8gn9w It's a clicky-link as I've no idea how to 'embed' you-tube videos... can't find an 'Embed' option along the toolbar.... sure there used to be one, nice & simple for us simple types...
  3. Been having a play - er, um... I mean Testing Sessions this week.... all going well so far; everything staying on the rails as intended, despite some stock looking like it's about to fall over, never mind just derail... Of course, when there's a large crowd in front of the layout - that's when the stock will fall off....
  4. Why bother with a scenic break..? ...and presumably, a "non scenic" fiddleyard? If you're viewing one side of the layout, the other side is behind you - out of sight - anyway!! I'd go for scenicking the fiddleyard - even if only very simply; it can look like an Interchange Yard or suchlike. I'm building an HO layout in my loft (very slowly!)... similar size to your's (mine is 17' x 8'); it's rather 'generic' although biased to the Mid-West for location, & was very much influenced by Lance Mindheim's thoughts on layout operation, with a very simple freight branch stretched around the outside of the layout & two ovals (one currently being relaid to represent a long grain siding). My version of a fiddleyard is not only scenic but right there in full view in front of the Industrial Park...!! Here's a link to a Thread about it on another Forum :- http://forum.mtimag.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=1055&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 I don't think I've done a thread here about it.
  5. Chris Ellis, Editor of Model Trains (the old Airfix mag, still going as MTI ) did articles about Short Lines in 1980, which was when I first heard about them The Interweb has made things much easier, though, that's true - with easy access to video footage of them in action, too.
  6. Agree about the tonnage figures, but I'd contend that for many "UK only" enthusiasts the image they have of US trains IS of those mile-long freights with 5 locos on the point. It's the secondary Regionals & Short Lines they know little about.
  7. The Maumee & Western has sort of become the 'default' Railroad of choice to demonstrate awful track. The sway of the trains is caused by several factors including the state of the track, & all of which are difficult or even impossible to replicate in model form, especially with r-t-r stuff. Considering the axle weights of US stock, the proper mainline track is probably some of the best in the world, surely?
  8. Nah..... jokes are usually only really funny the first time....
  9. Yes that's the one, although his signs were much larger than mine. I should also have said that the "Old fuel" one isn't original either; I've seen a photo of an American layout -probably from the 1950's or so - where the coal depot was named "Old Fuels" with the tag line underneath. IIRC the same layout had a factory called "Miracle Furniture" with the tag "If it's a good chair, it's a Miracle" .... I'm not always a fan of 'pun' names, especially extremely contrived ones, but some like these I think are very clever....
  10. I had an Airfix one years ago, but it had some things that spoiled it - the central 'drop down' bit of the body was shortened, and the motor bogie had moulded centre axle "wheels". Yuk!!! Lima made a decent body, model spoiled by those awful "Volvo bumper" tension locks that stuck out a mile. I always found Lima pancake motors thrived with extra weight added to the loco. Well-oiled, they could t hen run quite smoothly. Hasn't the present Hornby model had chassis metal fatigue problems? If you find a good chassis, my understanding is that the 'best' 31 in 4mm is a Lima body on a Hornby chassis. Now I have a Heljan O Scale 31, & I think it's great..... but there are modellers ready to tear it to shreds for not looking like the real thing at all.... if you talk in thou of an inch or points of a millemetre to three decimal places...
  11. With only a few weeks to go to TVNAM, some finishing touches are getting done.... Allports Truckstop is pretty much complete. Road markings & weathering to do. The old Depot is done. I intend to do an interior for the end office, but this won't be done in time for the Show. The backscene behind the spurs is done, trying to portray wide-open spaces across 24 inches... (& the outskirts of Portway North Industrial Park) ... and there's room for a bit of subtle humour, too... "I know I left that dang thing in here some place..." ... and not-so-subtle.... This has been done before; hopefully my version is a little more subtle. There's a C&W song "King of the Road". I don't care who did it but everyone knows the opening lines... This isn't subtle at all.... I'm going to get lynched......
  12. Sorry, Monty Python Mode /off.... Quick google for "switchlist generator linux" just threw up this link... http://www.sol.me.uk/download/switchlist/index.html Mentions Mr Shortliner by name, too, so will have to investigate further....
  13. Two things I would want from a switchlist program.... 1. Available for Linux/open source. 2. The ability to "follow on" from one list to the next, if that makes sense. 3. ... Sorry, the Three things I would want from a switchlist program.... 3. Still simple to use. 4. .... I'll come in again.....
  14. Rather annoyingly, the GP38/38-2 is one type not available as a decent 2-rail model. Weaver do make one, but it's not a patch on Atlas standards.
  15. Not as rare as in the USA!!! I don't really like modelling in the "mainstream" anyway, doing the same as everyone else.... so US O suits me fine Supplies? Not telling....
  16. That loco & train look like something out of Flash Gordon!! (The original 1930s version)
  17. Why does Mr Farage, as head of UKIP, pronounce his name the French way.??!!??
  18. The other North British (21?) can just be seen behind it in that picture.The Diesel-electric 21/29's were of course also somewhat longer than the Hydraulic 22's. Their appeal & popularity in recent years is quite strange in some ways. As I only got into trains in 1977/78 I remember seeing Hornby's Class 21/29 & wondering what on earth it was, & what an ugly diesel to model. It seemed a strange choice given all the other then-current classes that weren't available r-t-r.... My own interest in the 22 came as a result of my interest in the Forest railways far more than the type itself - I still couldn't give a fig for the 21/29, or the 'original' Warships as per that Barry picture.
  19. As Dapol have done the 22 in N & OO, then an O scale version makes sense. It was rumoured to be on the cards, IIRC, when they announced plans to make O Scale locos, but the severe delays afforded Dapol's promised Class 08 have severely dented confidence in them as far as I see it.
  20. You very very very lucky Chap, Martin... I am only a little bit jealous, honest..!!! You even got the side of D6320 with it's unofficial name "Lister" on, under the totem. Thanks for sharing. Now, could you just go back & take them again, in colour, please..?
  21. I have been rather remiss in not updating this Thread... Just 8 weeks until Show Time... ... work continues on Portway Center. A couple of closer looks at Allports Truckstop, which is nearly complete :- The building is removable, but the impression of being 'planted' is done by gluing a strip of balsa to the board around the edge of the building, and the ground cover taken up onto that, so the building looks 'bedded in' and not just plonked on the scenery - a real spoiler on some layouts. The Static Grass applicator (courtesy of Mike Bragg of this Parish) has been in use, and will be in use a lot more yet. I have to say, it's the best scenery I've ever managed, with this tool! No need to point out the rough track, I hope... Speaking of which, I have tried to replicate the staggered joints of US track with some C&L rail joiners. Some of the joints actually were staggered by bodging around with the Peco flexitrack; others were simulated just with a notch cut in the railhead. With the rail joiners in place, I have soon forgotten which are which... I know chaired, bullhead track is entirely wrong for the US; I had it already and getting hold of Atlas O track is difficult & expensive, and unlike on Schiller Point, I didn't fancy hand-spiking the lot again either. Other work has continued as well, here's a Weaver GATX Tanker taking shape. This was just 'body & bits' at my local Model Shop, for just £3.00 - well it would've been rude to just leave it there I had spare trucks already, Kadees were £3 when I got them, and wheels £8 for the 4 axles, so £14.00 for a decorated, O Scale wagon...
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