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Everything posted by Clagmeister

  1. Checking in after a while away. Looking as fab as ever, certainly gets the enthusiasm going. thanks Claggy
  2. Hello everyone, just checking in to say I'm not dead. Formulating some new ideas at the moment plus getting the track cleaned at Caolisport to see if it still works. Claggy
  3. Will get some pics up soon. Thanks chaps, all of my 37/4s now have different sounds in them. Not all 37/4 though. Some 37/0s and 37/6s. Mainly being thrashed by me though Route knowledge like you wouldn't believe Derby-Edinburgh Crewe-Perth and just about everywhere in between Claggy
  4. Havn't visited for a while but looking as fantastic as ever. Went to Llandudno on the footplate of a Castle 5043 the other week. Was half expecting it to be like your model, thats what my mind was telling me. Twas very dissapointed when I got there You could sense the loss of atmosphere. Not a 47 or 33 to be seen anywhere, your layout does re kindle the old world well done. Claggy
  5. In response to Waverleys thoughts. Yes I have been busy on the railway, spent the day going up and down the KWVR the other day for a Northern Belle photo shoot with our new freshly painted 47790. Also have started learning HELENSBURGH UPPER for the Northern Belle. Thats like being given the keys to a chest full of treasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oban and Fort Bill only a hop and a skip away now. Claggy
  6. Here I am. Spent a week in Ardnamuchan last week. Did the new evening 'Sundowner' Jacobite. Saw some 37's at Fort William. Visited Glenuig(NICE) and am basically re booted. Got my Cal mac ferry fix although didn't get to see Finalggan. Also my final 37/4 arrived 37401 in mainline livery (also nice) Track needs cleaning so just did a depot start up clip for youtube, here it is. Hope you like 37404 starts up at Caolisport depot with the sound of screaming gulls behind then moves off towards Achaoish Junction to work the early SLK to Mossend. Also to be seen on shed are 37401 in mainline livery, 37423 in metals sector livery and 37425 in large logo behind. cheerio back soon Claggy
  7. 47802 fave loco or 47712? 47802 couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding. We have the Northen Belle now, so will be up your way again from time to time. Plus I'm working the Easter Highlander up there with a pair of tractors on the 22nd April. Getting relief at Perth. cheerio Claggy
  8. In the 60's the regular Newcastle(scotswood sidings) to Manchester (red bank) could have any pairing on the front from York. I have seen a picture of a Black Five and a Bongo. I wonder what other combinations there were? Claggy
  9. No I havn't. Don't really go for that kind of thing. As long as its got the right reporting number and looks about right, that will do me. Any pics of you're layout? Just as a matter of interest for anyone. Worked back over the highland mainline from Inverness with 2X47's in tandem and 6 air con Mk2s on Friday. I had 47712 the rear engine to Perth and then 47802 to Carlisle. Heavy snow etc etc. All the way I was thinking "its almost the clansman, its almost the clansman". Probably the best day ever on the railway. I know its not really relevant here but its what I've been doing instead of modelling. Waiting at Carbridge for the sleeper to rush through, hence the blurred front end cheerio Claggy
  10. Thanks Peter, good ideas. This do it. or this Off into the loft HOOORAY, got a Speedlink to handle in the yard. Will post pics soon. Claggy
  11. Nice thought. I think Carl was planning something like that. Dave I need to return your class 20 asap. Its run out of fuel
  12. Thanks chaps. What ever I do I've got to take my time and pick/do the right thing. Caolisport is great but.......... having spent the majority of it concentrating on operations and doing it properly, it turns out that even loco hauled 37/4 stuff can get boring. Theres only so many times you can run a 37 in, run round and leave again without it getting a little dull. I like the idea of setting standards higher and doing something on the side. Might even try some modelling. cheerio
  13. Thanks for all that Clifford Road. Actually went up in the loft tonight for the first time in months. Interest still at a premium unfortunately. Don't know why arrggghhh!!! Maybe because I have been road learning Stirling and Perth recently and don't actually need to play Scottish trains. I think maybe the time/date constraints are too limiting. Or just need a another little project on the side until I've got my 1986 bug back. I'll let you know, but a 2nd thread of a Cockermouth and Keswick railway station maybe on the cards. Maybe concentrate on the modelling rather than the operations. Any ideas anyone? cheerio Still here Claggy
  14. Raining in Cumbria today so had a little time in the loft. Quite enjoyed it! Stroke of luck, I rolled my ops issues dice for Tuesday 18th February 1986. It seems that delayed overnight SLK from Fort William to Mossend has derailed south of Glen Douglas with the last 8 timber wagons tearing up the track and spreading themselves about the place. The incident happened at 0520 thus blocking the line. Initial reports point to a collapsed culvert. Both north bound sleepers are stuck in the Dumbarton area as are the early morning freights from Mossend to Fort William and Caolisport. Luckily this traps 5 sets of coaching stock at Caolisport, Fort William and Oban and 8 37/4s. I'll keep you posted on how it affects operations, all freights cancelled until further notice. Claggy
  15. Tried that! Went to Mull in the hope of climbing Ben More. Guess what............................. torrential rain, cloud base down to 300m. Never saw a thing. So had a day watching 44871 on the Jacobite in guess what?............... torrential rain. came back totally depressed:( its never like that in the photos:) I'll have to wait for my winter climbing week in Glencoe next February for my next fix. Failing that a cottage in Strontian is booked for next May. Should be able to visit Glenuig whilst I'm there and see if I can find the track bed and whats left of the station;) cheerio Claggy
  16. Thanks Clifford Road, Have been having a little break from the modelling. Although 37423 has settled in well mainly covering out and back passenger diagrams from Eastfield. Had done it to death with the day in the life pieces I did. Also stuck in a 5 man RHTT link covering the North East at the moment with endless 12 hour early turns when not doing that covering other work in a Midland RHTT link with 11 hour 1am turns so very tired and a bit sick of railways. When the Autumn leaf fall season is over I'm hoping my enthusiasm is going to return. Next major jobs to do. Finish the street scenes at Caolisport. Finish the small harbour with cottages and Inn at Druimdrishaig. Get 37401 in Mainline livery. In the meantime my locos are going to be employed on Tulloch Bridge layout at Workington Show this weekend. cheerio Claggy
  17. Whats this?????? Been away for a while and look what happens!! Monday 17th February 1986. A non large logo 37/4 Sir Murray Morrison arrives at Caolisport with 0803ex Glasgow Queen St. This is the first of 2 non Large logo 37's for Caolisport. I know its not 1988 by the way which is when it got this livery, its just I do intend to get that far eventually. cheerio Claggy
  18. I was stood in the rain on Kingmoor last night looking at 37038 before I prepped it and thought I need to capture that in model form. So 404 and 425 stand in the rain at 0425 on Sunday 16th February 1986. cheerio Claggy
  19. I didn't think this through totally:unsure: Its now dark and I can't see so, I'll just run through the last workings of the day. 37410 arrived at 1538 and left at 1740 back to Glasgow. The Caolisport shunter is seen doing his stuff during the run round 37425 came back yet again before going back to Cambletown at 1800. A bit of fun (yes i do do fun from time to time) Le Man style shot At 1900 37406 returned with the Hebrides from London At 2100 409 came into Caolisport and ran round before taking the last train to Cambletown, from where it will be the branch engine on Sunday. Having passed 409 at Tarbert 425 returned yet again, leaving its stock in the station and joining 404 and 406 on the stabling point. The three 37/4s are seen late at night awaiting their Sunday duties. 425 will work the first Glasgow, 404 is spare and 406 will work the evening sleeper. That brings an end to a day in the life at Caolisport, hope you liked it. cheerio Claggy
  20. Saturday 15th February 1986. 1545 5025 takes the Glasgow road at Achahoish Jnc and gets ready to tackle the 3 miles of 1in 50 to Fuar Summit in fading light at Caolisport. Already running 12 late due to a late in bound passenger from Glasgow. With a full(to keep the firebox covered due to running tender first) and cold boiler , the gradient, relentless curves and some priming will reduce the loco to a painful slog. By Lochgilphead it would be 22 late! cheerio Claggy
  21. Saturday 15th February cont'd.............................................................. The light is beginning to fade as 37410 drops down to Achahoish Jnc signal box at 1536 (7 late) with the 1220 from Glasgow Queen St. For those keeping up 410 left early in the morning with 0650 off Caolisport on a double return overnight Eastfield diagram. cheerio Claggy
  22. All depends on which portal I stumble through. Could pop up and it be 1986 again:blink: or it could be Garsdale 1966, or Machynlleth 1958. Whichever way it goes its about 10 years away.
  23. Saturday 15th 1310-1445 A general view of a quiet Caolisport. 5025 which is based at Aviemore makes its way back to the station after servicing 1415 Coupling up to the empty stock in CS2. Waiting in platform 2 at 1445 with the return Paps of jura railtour to Edinburgh which she will work tender first as far as Dumbarton before giving over to 47/4 traction. bye bye Claggy
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