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Everything posted by Danemouth

  1. A new book by Peter Dale featuring as the title says the Glamorgan Railways that no longer exist. Photos are 1900 onwards and each branch is detailed. I particularly liked the shots of the Porthcawl Branch which is a significant part of my inspiration for Danemouth Esplanade. Well worth £16. Regards, Dave
  2. Whilst I was in the shop this morning I asked their email address. It's info@lordandbutler.com Regards, Dave
  3. There are two types of Equity Release: Mortgage, as Phil said usually repayable on the death of the surviving partner or the property is sold . Note that the interest owed accumulates and may wipe a significant part of your equity in the property when redeemed. Reversion where you sell part or all of the property to the company. My advice would be to seek advice from an Independent Financial Adviser taking care to ensure they are not tied to just one insurance company. Regards, Dave
  4. Have to say that this is one of the nicest railway pictures I've seen of late. Regards, Dave
  5. When I was in the shop last week something was said about a new email address but I don't know what it is Dave
  6. I have BT Mail on the new service but have experienced no issues - I normally use Thunderbird to read my mail - I stuck with POP3 rather than switching to IMAP. Tille had her operation about 14 days ago and the stitches came out last Monday. Dave
  7. Does this mean some modelling time Mike? :) Are you hoping to visit the Cardiff show on the 18th & 19th October? Regards, Dave
  8. If I remember correctly TV sets had an EHT supply to the tube ~11Kv for B & W and ~25Kv for colour though I expect that supply was fully screened! In those days I don't think TVs were earthed. Dave
  9. Keep it coming please Brian, Cheers, Dave
  10. My mojo has returned and work restarted on Danemouth Esplanade

  11. Tony, All you say is right in my opinion! When I look at a thread I want to see a picture of the model or layout without the addition of artefacts such as smoke and steam that were not present when the picture was taken - important for looking at how things were done or how a model actually looks. Photoshopping though is extremely useful for removing extraneous detail and backgrounds! My preference is the the "enhanced" images to be in separate threads and titled as such. Sorry to be a grumpy old man! Dave
  12. Well it's the end of an era at Chez Danemouth today. Like many on here we have a spare bedroom that has become something of a dumping ground. This includes a seven foot high wardrobe containing all my photographic and electrical stuff. Out went mounds of odd cables, including mic leads not used in 20 years. 70 VCR tapes - no charity shop will touch them. Filled the car and went to the recycling centre. I kept my expensive film cameras - I will try and sell them but will only get a pittance. Did throw out 15 rolls on unexposed slide film left over from my switch to digital in 2006. End of an era? Last 150 LPs went to the charity shop and the audio and VCR players recycled. This is the first time in 55 years I don't own an LP! Next job - Scan the slides I want to keep and dump the rest - that will take weeks. Regards, Dave
  13. I think that new Green Bus thingy must either be new or the pride of Abercynon Fach - it's nice and clean :) Nice photos Brian, Regards, Dave
  14. Lovely photos Brian, please keep 'em coming! Regards, Dave
  15. Strewth! And I thought the 19 coaches I have for Danemouth (a smallish layout) was OOT! (admittedly I can run the layout as B & C or maroon). Dave
  16. I will remember you in my prayers Don, With best wishes, Dave
  17. Since I retired I only wear mine when I go out! Dave
  18. I like a straightforward watch with a plain face and a simple day/date - none of those fancy Chronograph thingies thank you very much! Eight years ago for our silver wedding SWMBO bought me a nice Rotary watch with a face I really like. After about 18 months the battery went, so on her advice I took it to a stall in Cardiff Indoor Market that she has used - this being my first battery watch. Well the lady put a new battery in but it wouldn't work, so I took it to the local jewellers for them to have a look - it seems when she tried to change the battery she put her screwdriver through the coil! Cost me 40 quid for a new Rotary mechanism. When the battery fails now I always go back to the jeweller. Been out taking even more pictures at Castell Coch for a new diaporama I am making for the Camera Club - that makes 700+ in total, will only need about 50 for the show so it's off to do some Lightroom work on them. Regards, Dave
  19. Happy Birthday Don, Best wishes for a speedy recovery, God Bless, Dave
  20. I use Adobe Audition to record and encode my vinyl to MP3 without any issue and I've never had any problem loading them into iTunes. Friend of my does the same with Audacity without difficulty.When encoding a use 320 kbps with CBR (Constant bit rate). Obviously the iTunes database can't add the title, artist or album name but you can do that for yourself - it does help if the name of the .mp3 file is the title of the song. Regards, Dave
  21. Surprisingly the piano version was the original as written by Mussorgsky - I was playing that - Barry Douglas performing. There are several orchestral versions Ravel being the most well known though I prefer the Henry Wood version. Also have an electronic version by Tomita. I could bore for Wales and win the gold! Regards to you all, especially Jock - all the best! Dave
  22. I have Apple configured to import my CD's as MP3 rather than the default AAC which is their proprietary format 320 kpbs is the maximum, Regards, Dave
  23. Neil, I've done both CD and Vinyl imports into iTunes. The CD stuff is straight forward - I insert a CD into my laptop, iTunes recognises it and gets the title info via the internet. I created a separate folder called MP3 tracks within the iTunes library structure where I place all the vinyl MP3's I then add them to iTunes via the "Files" menu - either add a folder or a file - all straightforward, You can download iTunes for free from the Apple website - have a look for yourself. Now listening to Elgar "Enigma Variations". Regards, Dave
  24. I have an iPod Classic and find it very good. I use iTunes and imported a whole wodge of MP3 music into it without any problems. Currently playing Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition" from iTunes on my laptop via a USB to a DAC connected to a Quad amp and Castle Speakers and the quality is fine. My iTunes library is 40gb with 6,500 files! - that's a lot of music, HTH Dave
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