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Red Devil

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Status Updates posted by Red Devil

  1. grime street

    1. Londontram


      Still going we hope

  2. Well that's my attendance at Warley with layout seriously in jeopardy.... Some low life scum has just nicked my van, tools the lot...I hope for their sake the coppers find them before I do....not happy.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Red Devil

      Red Devil

      Thanks fellas, on my way home now. Barry phone call to be made tonight...its not just the van but the whole inconvenience..I'm working 7 day weeks as is to keep up this just ###### it all up and I'm afraid playtime will probably have to be curtailed.

    3. Barry O

      Barry O

      Understandable that! I just hope the police can sort it.

    4. shanks522


      Thieving baskets! hope you find em before plod do!


  3. oddsoracle blog, well there's a perfectly balanced fella, chip on both shoulders!.

  4. Is wondering are all French streets verbose in the extreme?

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      I can think of one which is unnecessarily verbose. ;)

  5. Have now seen my BRM DVD interview and it isn't quite as bad as I feared....!

    1. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      You're a natural. I hope Howard didn't damage the tram climbing in and out of it.

    2. Red Devil

      Red Devil

      Nope no damage, not sure about 'a natural', glad I had time to sneak off for a swift nicotine infusion first!

  6. Brilliant, what I thought was the water pump on the van turns out to be head gasket, water pump, timing belt and a new radiator, good job it's all sorted now otherwise a run to Peterborough on Friday with a van full of layout could have been fun, ahhh the joys of exhibiting...

    1. Steve Taylor

      Steve Taylor

      blimey - thats a new van to most people.

    2. Horsetan


      Zen and the Art of Van Maintenance...

  7. When being isn't to Coventry isn't a bad thing...cryptic mode off...

    1. gwrrob


      Going to the Ricoh then.

    2. Red Devil

      Red Devil

      Are we allowed to say yet? Seen a few slightly less cryptic hints so far....

    3. nickwood


      I'll tell if you will

  8. Wasted a day plastering and fitting winter tyres, although I might change my tune if it starts snowing.

    1. halfwit


      Tyred + plastered...

    2. Red Devil

      Red Devil

      Nah, just tyred, I'll be plastered next week!

    3. davefrk


      Put the winter tyres on her VW Touran on Friday and it snowed today, only about 4cm but still falling tonight, she's out early tomorrow. Hey Ho.

  9. Just been to see New Order in M/Cr......superb night, curry, ale and Manchester's finest!

  10. Sat having a beer quayside in Split, 68f and sunny, free internet, lovely!!

  11. Stone Roses to reform, what the world is waiting for! Heaton Park next June, can't wait.

    1. gridwatcher


      Nah...Now if they did Spike Island again....

    2. SNCF stephen

      SNCF stephen

      did you know that Slash from Guns and Roses was invited to join them at one point in the early 90's?


  12. Cheers Roger, thanks for your kind comment, glad you like it, I'll repay the compliment and tell you I'm a regular reader of your blog too always an enjoyable read, thanks again, Mark

  13. Has had 2 months to sort things out for the Wakefield show, so why am I soldering track on the morning of the show???

    1. Horsetan


      Ain't that always the way?

  14. Carlsberg don't do great nights of football, good job Carling do!

  15. Is off to Clay Cross to take some photos of the stuff in the tram museum society store...

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