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Everything posted by westerner

  1. Near enough finished re-jigging the scenery. The more observant of you may notice,amongst other things, a couple of new trees. So some photos. So it could be the telegraph wires next.
  2. A new hydraulic arrives at Wencombe. Yet to be detailed and weathered.
  3. Thank you for your kind comments hawkingetippyd.
  4. Thank you John. I've just been reading about your alterations to Hintock in the Nov Railway modeller. It too looks a very interesting layout to operate.
  5. What you see at Wencombe when you get up early. The parcels. These will be attched to different passenger trains throughout the day. The first morning produced an eclectic number of 4 wheelers and Interestingly on the second morning of my early morning photography the Eastern region van is a 50ft Gresley carrying the pigeons.
  6. One last photo of the stream end of the layout. A little photoshopping in the bottom corners to hide the baseboard edge.
  7. If I remember Jeff the stream was painted brown with the odd greenish streak and then PVA'd.It didn't look quite right (no Depth) so the chippings were glued on (another layer of PVA) and then all allowed to dry. In fact I left for several months but still not too happy. I then discovered a bottle of Realistic Water that i'd used on a previous layout. It looked as if it had enough in it for a couple of layers. Which is what happened leaving about a week between layers (each one no more than a max of 1mm probably only about 0.5mm. In fact I managed to get 3 layers on. A Word of warning do not make the layers too thick or it will not set properly. On the old layout where it was used in harbour I thought after several days it had gone off enough to place the boats on it. A few weeks later I decided i wanted to detail one of them only to find it was well and truly stuck to the layout.
  8. Yup A shot where the sun has broken through the threatening clouds and glints on the top of the A4's boiler. I like it. Don't give up.
  9. Just good luck. I'm pleased you like the photos.
  10. Now that the fencing is finished I've been working on the atatic grass around the streeam area, add some "yellow flowers" and sunburnt grass. 4561 on her wat down the branch.
  11. At last finished the fencing this afternoon, Here are some pix.
  12. Thanks guys for all yor answers. I feel for 60 yds apart(72 cms in 4mm) with a sag of 4-6mm is a bit much for most layouts. I think many compress the distance between poles as we compress station lengths etc. I suspect I'll reduce it to a distance of 600mm a scale distance of 50 ft. But I'll suck it and see what actual distance I have to cover. One more question Were the wires conduited through a tation. I was thinking of the Main and branch linres being overground at the stream end of the layout to the signal box and then restarting the poles just past the diry. imagining the wires would be underground or conduited through the station.
  13. Please do Clive, particularly the distance between posts. I have the figure of 60 feet in my head, is that correct?
  14. I do agrre with you Ian I seem to remember a couple of excellent exhibition layouts (by the same bloke and his wife) which all had Ambridge names and only what you saw from the front was modelled even converted coaches were only repainted on the viewing side and buildings were only finished on the viewing side. He treated the layout as a piece of theatre and in the theatre they do not paint the back of the flats.
  15. I suppose the one advantage with EZ line is its stretchability. Even If I do snag the telegraph lines there is less likelihood of doing too much damage. As Isaid before they wont be started until the grass is finished and I think I need to get another couple of poles (the Ratio sort) so I'll nip into Norwich tomaorrow and hope Great Eastern have some.
  16. They will be, apart from the branch. But i take your point.
  17. Completed wiring the fences at the Dairy end of the layout. Hopefully tomorrow I'll start on the stream end, at least they are shorter runs of fencing. I've just had a thought, now Ive done the fences I suppose I'll have to do the telegraph poles??!!**??!! Once I finished detailing the grass.
  18. Looking good Tim. I've probably missed in an earlier answer but how wide is the the board where the concrete is?
  19. Blimey ,you'll be running a Grange next. Sounds good to me!!!!!
  20. Re the photos, I probably do spend too much time in the railway room with the camera, and not enough time modelling! Les Like wise until the last week.
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