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3 link

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Posts posted by 3 link

  1. I’m not sure if I’m alone, but the main reason I chose to go DCC was because in my opinion it gave much smoother and better running, and I like to control the coasting and braking.  After around an hour running with the sound on, I do turn the sound off, because it’s like an “ ear worm “ and the noise stays rattling around my skull for hours after. 

    I went to an exhibition ( remember them ) a few years ago, and there was a American layout on show. Not a problem in it’s self, but the operators had the sound much too  loud , the noise reverberated around the hall so much so you could hear it even in the entrance lobby. It wouldn’t of been so bad but you also have that constant bell ringing that the Americans love so much…


    End of rant,



    • Like 4
  2. And if you want to keep the prices down, make your own frogs and switch blades. Not to hard to do mainly a couple of good files and some elbow grease. C&L point kits work out very expensive, so make your own but use their parts.



    • Agree 2
  3. Hi Simon,


    I wouldn't be without Touchcab, no leads, ease of use and even I could set it up without breaking into a sweat. I haven't heard any news of it being withdrawn, I certainly hope not fingers crossed.


    All the best,



  4. Martyn,

    I am usually too lazy to crank up the airbrush. I rubbed down the van body with a fibre-glass pencil to fade the markings, followed by some judicious brush painting of rust patches, streaks and marks and finished with weathering powders. For the roof, I painted an undercoat of rust-coloured paint with talcum powder worked in in places. I then applied blotches of Maskol masking fluid and when it had cured painted over with grey paaint. When the paint was set I peeled off the Maskol and finished the roof with powders. 





    Thank you Chris, I must admit the use of my air brush is not very appealing especially this time of year, so I will have a go with your methods.


    All the best,



  5. Hi Rod,


    It all depends on what type of fire station you are going for. A normal 24 hr covered station will usually have a 5 floor training tower. Whereas some, usually the larger stations will also have a BA training centre which would consist of a couple of industrial looking buildings and an old 40 ft steel container.


    These containers were a baptism of fire to the recruits, if they didn't come out with blisters on their ears they weren't doing the job properly...... Mind you it's all changed since I started, you cannot even say " manhole cover " nowadays just " personnel cover".... Still I'll leave it there.



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  6. Merry Christmas Simon,


    I have just shown my wife your amazing layout and she reckons you must live on site, in the first photo that you have put up today the wife reckons in the left hand corner you have your washing hanging up ! : )


    Anyway all the best and keep up the good work,



  7. Thank you for the kind words Dave, I have been on a bit of a go slow of late but hopefully the mojo is returning. Sometimes I think I have taken on a bit too much being a one man band, but I'm enjoying the journey.


    It's great that I will finally get to see your fantastic layout, like I said on your blog, Portsmouth is only around 30 minutes drive away. If it hadn't been for your blog I didnt even know about the exhibition, perhaps they need to advertise it more widely.


    All the best,



    • Like 1
  8. Morning Simon,


    The shed and it’s roof and framework look amazing, so much atmosphere already . I think you have found your calling in life, a cottage industry beckons : )





  9. Hi Steve,


    I see you have placed " Lightning " on what looks like a possible turntable site, so have you kept your original t/table ?


    Have you received your order from C&L yet ?



  10. Hi Matt,


    Not sure about the 1:50th question, but if I were you I would clean the paint off the top of the rails sooner rather than later, otherwise it will be a right pain to get off and it will leave flakes on the sides of the rail.


    Keep up the good work.



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