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Ian Holmes

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Everything posted by Ian Holmes

  1. YES! I have internet back!!!

    1. Ian Holmes

      Ian Holmes

      Modem died I believe

  2. After a whole week of 90 degree temps. I'd love some good old British rain

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mod4


      You would be welcome to the rain Ian its playing havoc with my diodes!

    3. DonB


      Mod4..Did we really need to know about your peronal problems? (hehe)

    4. DavidLong


      Plenty of the wet stuff in Bridlington at present, Ian.

  3. I hope Tom Cruise isn't in this particular MI4

    1. bcnPete


      Think he is to busy finalising sertlements...

    2. bcnPete


      Err..Settlements... !-)

    3. devondynosoar118


      No he's a tenth level theatan...

  4. Suitably impressed with the downloaded latest issue of BRM...

  5. Track for the new layout arrived from Caboose Hobbies yesterday!

  6. Nick, Not too late at all. Excellent. Thanks for sharing Ian
  7. Get with the 21st century Ian. You've got photoshop why don't you use it to add some colour to your layout sketches? I like to see other peoples visualisations of their layouts even more so when they pop them in photoshop an give them that added zing with a bit of colour and texture. You know who you are... People who work with Photoshop all day find this task easy I expect and finish the task in a few minutes. Whereas I, with my laptop on my lap learning as I go along find it takes ages. By the time I get good at rendering this layout visualization I will have probably finished the layout anyway. So here's an attempt to add a bit of colour to a sketch in attempt to give it that added zing. Apologies for the crudity of the technique but we all have to start somewhere...
  8. 5 pack of coal hoppers on the way from hattons

  9. thinking about a stock list for the new (British outline) layout

  10. As is my wont I have been messing around with a pad and paper trying to visualise how the layout would look.
  11. Have just been saved from spending some money thanks to an issue with the ehattons website

    1. AndyB
    2. Ian Holmes

      Ian Holmes

      Glad its not just me!

  12. It's the 4th July. American Independence day and as a result my email inbox has been full to overflowing with emails proclaiming all kinds of wonderful holiday deals. The one from Caboose Hobbies bit me. So I bought some PECO code 75 track for the forthcoming project. (Is my typing of PECO in all caps indicative of some kind of brain-washing from the Pritchard Patent Product Co.? That's the way I've always seen the word courtesy of Railway Modeller. It just looks wrong written any other way. Peco, peco... ) So anyway, 6 yards of code 75 and a turnout are on the way. I was looking at the first picture on his page the other day http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/m/moss_halt/index.shtml Moss Platform, Moss Halt or whatever name it goes by. I just love the way the buildings stack up on the hillside behind the station there. It's something worth featuring on the layout. Don't know if I could pull it off in the triangular baseboard I have allotted to this project. But not to worry I have other ready built baseboards that it would likely work on...But thats a scheme for another day.
  13. You've really studied up on this preservation modelling business. You've definitely got my interest in this concept. My image of "preservation type" layouts is "I'll run this, this, this and this and call it a preserved railway" You're developing the whole rationale to make it believable. I hope the whole project comes together for you.
  14. Track for the new layout ordered! PECO code 75.

    1. Phil Copleston

      Phil Copleston

      ...from the Caboose Hobbies July 4th sale, I hope!

  15. Caboose Hobbies is having a 4th July sale. Hmmm...

  16. Then there's this first picture of Moss Platform http://www.disused-stations.org.uk/m/moss_halt/index.shtml I just love the way those buildings stack up on the hillside behind the station
  17. The title of this entry does not allude to any forthcoming trip back to blighty, (oh that it did) but the desire to build an English outline layout. I've been umm-ing an ah-ing about it for a long time. I even joined the Scalefour society in the hopes of being able to start a finescale 4mm English layout. But with no 4mm finescalers in easy reach to talk to the enthusiasm faded. So I periodically find myself being blitzed with the urge to model in English 4mm scale and not being able to do anything about it. People like Chris Nevard and others have shown time and again that finescale fidelity is not needed to build a realistic layout. So perhaps the key is to forget the finescale idea and just get out there and build. My latest research led me to discover Berwig Halt and Vicarage Crossing on the Minera Branch near Wrexham. http://www.disused-s...wig/index.shtml http://www.disused-s...alt/index.shtml I spent a couple of years in the Wrexham area at college there so I had a familiarity with the area. The first picture on the Berwig page was dripping in atmosphere for me. I felt it was the kind of image that would have graced the cover of Great Western Railway Journal. The pictures of Vicarage crossing had a grimy run down feel that I love, so typical of that rundown early 60's era. So I'm thinking of some kind of cross between the two. I have plenty of unused baseboards in storage so today I took a look and doodled on the face keeping the photographs in mind. Why the baseboard is triangular is a long old story that I shan't bore you with. The idea looks interesting and has me in mind to investigate it further. The ground level will rise from below track level at the front, to above track level at the rear. How much, I don't know. That's one of the things that needs investigating. I've got a Ratio Tin Tabernacle" that would fit on the layout nicely. The rest of the structures would have to be scratchbuilt. I have procured plenty of rolling stock over the years that could suit a mid 60's period layout. So at the moment expenditure would be minimal. Most of this is stuff that I bought because I liked it and has no regional consistency to it. So the layout would just be something to show off British trains to punters at US train shows. I'll let the idea brew a bit and see what transpires.
  18. After intensive research, my current latest project would appear to be inspired by Vicare HAlt and Berwig halt on the Wrexham Minera branch line...

    1. DavidLong


      Nice choice, Ian.

  19. looking at the disused stations site for inspiration for a small layout. Anything with "platform" or "Halt" in the name will do..

  20. For some reason I find myself wanting a HO scale Q1

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ian Holmes

      Ian Holmes

      Do you have no good reason other than you like the look of them for wanting one? If so it would be the same

    3. Allegheny1600


      I rather think you would have to scratchbuild that - but it would be well worth it!

    4. Ian Holmes

      Ian Holmes

      Why did I type HO I meant OO. I've spent too long on this side of the Atlantic...

  21. I have mentioned many times the industry of Deltak, now Hamon Deltak, across the road from work. Here's some film of the UP delivering a flat car to the premises. Notice how delighfully scenic the location is for being in the middle of a major industrial park.
  22. OK only two... I thought I'd take time to share a few pictures of some outsize loads I've made as traffic for the APA box layout. This first one is based on a picture I found on the internet somewhere, I've lost the link now but it was built to fit the car it's on the proportions look about OK. So I'm happy with it. It looks a bit over simplified but that's pretty much how the inspiration looked. Besides its only a load on a freight car it will be moving all the time folks are looking at it... The other one was based on some oversized loads I saw in the yard at Deltak (Now Hamon Deltak) across the road from where I work Its a rather large heat exchanger. Like with the other load I just modelled it to look right and fit through the doors and exits on the layout I don't know if I have time before the next show on Saturday to work out how to model the strapping down of the loads so that a load can be placed and removed in seconds but we'll see. Ian
  23. making up a sector plate fiddle yard for the APA Box layout

  24. http://www.railpictures.net/viewphoto.php?id=146128&nseq=1 The Brainerd Local running towards the Paper Mill in Brainerd, MN. I've tried several times to catch this working so far with no luck Ian
  25. Ian Holmes


    It's been a very busy few weeks. Not all model railroad related. Things were coming along very nicely with the APA box layout then we had a flooding in our basement. Luckily the layout was not damaged but quite some time was spent sorting the mess out. Which, of course left me precious little time to get the layout ready for the Granite City Train Show. I kinda sorta had it ready to exhibit. There was a bit of a bodge job in the fiddle yards but everything worked OK on the day and the layout impressed many people. In fact you can read a bit about it here at a friends blog - http://look4trains.com/2012/04/granite-city-in-rain.html It impressed one person enough to invite me to another show in Alexandria , MN next weekend. So, I'm working pretty hard to sort out my previous bodge job and get everything ready to show again. Perhaps when things have calmed down after next week I can write more at a more relaxed pace.
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