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Blog Comments posted by 2milgeezer

  1. Hi Ian


    Sorry for the lack of any signage but the second and third pictures above are of my 2mm narrow gauge layout, billed as 'Camard Newtown'. It is slowly extending (4 boards, so far, the fifth still to be built) and morphing into the fictitious Irish narrow gauge 'West Sligo Light Railway'. This means that any wind you can almost feel will be off the Atlantic Ocean!


    best wishes


    Brian Denton

  2. I was sorry to see that you'd withdrawn from the Challenge. Of course, I respect your decision but suspect many of the other entrants share your misgivings about exhibiting part finished (part started?) layouts in such august surroundings as the Golden Jubilee Expo. Indeed, I've had my towel to hand for several months now.


    However, I'm soldiering on, in the hope that some visitors will be interested in seeing an unfinished layout (no scenics yet :( ) and that I will get some sort of satisfaction simply from 'taking part' in the Challenge.


    Hope to see you at GJ Expo.



  3. aaahh yes - I see it now - I couldn't quite make it out by zooming and I thought that Jim had an open style display of cassettes in the fiddle which I couldn't quite place!!


    'Welton Down' uses cassettes stored vertically. In the second picture you can see the two cases of cassettes before the 'lids' were removed. The carrying handles are visible at the tops of the cases.



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