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Everything posted by wollastonblue

  1. Heard the Scotsman has failed at Tyseley.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. davefrk


      Och't leave the boy alone....

      His realisation was funny though.

    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      As was his pose on Alan Buttlers big screen. Someone did say he'll be signing autographs at the next show he goes to.

    4. Horsetan


      Bloody celebs.

  2. 1 140mm Radius Curve Short. Time for another order to Japan!!!

  3. Oooops. Placed an order with a shop in Japan.

    1. rembrow


      arigatou gozaimaso wollastonblue san

    2. Horsetan


      I see a bulk purchase of Pocari Sweat.

    3. Claude_Dreyfus


      Ooops indeed #slipperyslope

  4. Do I buy Tomix or Peco track to complete my layout?

  5. Well is been a long, long, time since I updated my blog. But a recent visit to Weston Super Mare, and of course the wonderful Model Masters (just a very happy customer), reignited the flame to push on with the layout. A Faller Platform kit, and Alpine Chalet have been obtained, along with some PECO code 80 flex track. After much deliberating and playing around with Anyrail/Scarm, comparing prices and availability, I have decided to scrap the Kato/Tomix track idea for the scenic areas of the layout, and I will be going with PECO track. It also allows me to allow for a slight S bend before the viaduct over the stream. Cutting has started for the trackbeds, and helix required for the the layout. Just need to speak to the Bank of Wife with regards to stock, although I am dropping massive hints for Birthdays and Christmas.
  6. Exactly the same shape as a Thingy!
  7. My modelling mojo is back!!!

  8. Having caught up with it yesterday. I really enjoyed it. I am and always will be a big fan of Evans, having grown up with him on the Big Breakfast and don't forget your toothbrush. I was more sceptical of Matt LeBlanc, but I'm guessing thanks to Episodes he understands the British sense of humour, and I thought the Nomad piece was brilliant. I hope the new format does well.
  9. Please don't let the Farish announcement make me want to start another layout. I must concentrate on my current project.

  10. A quick update on proceedings so far. The Kibri Castle kit was quite a monster as the photos show, the Faller viaduct kit is rather straight forward. Work is due to start on the track bed, as soon as the weather improves so I can cut the hardboard required. A few photos: The Viaduct: My little one thought it would better with a train on: The Kibri Castle: On another note I have actually finished a layout!!:
  11. Promising things are coming from Kato. Looks like passenger sets for the Glacier Express coaches are forthcoming.
  12. Hi Dave, Did you see Decembers Continental Modeller? I would be interested to see what you do with them, as I would like something along the same lines for my new layout.
  13. With a week off looming on the horizon, work can really get started on the trackbed. In the meantime some shopping has been done, and I am waiting for a couple of packages from Japan to get really cracking on with the layout. My annual trip to Warley, was more expensive than originally planned as one Trader had a Kibri Kit of Branzoil Castle which was on my list of kits to get. While my good lady has been watching that thing in the jungle, and with the little one asleep I have completed 2 Faller viaducts. An issue that arose from the construction is that they aren't Kato track friendly, so a purchase of a length of Fleischmann Profi Flexi-track was made at Warley as well. My little one thought it would be better with a loco on it: Watch out next week for loads of updates and construction.
  14. With the limited selection of stock available to me it is going to be present day. The layout will be a representation of my little bit of Switzerland, rather than based on an actual location.
  15. To keep costs down, and as I've also had a play with Scarm. I am going to stick with the 3 APA boxes as the boards for the layout. This is what should be the final track plan: I have found a couple of Youtube videos with KATO RhB stock going round the 140mm Radius tomix Track no problem. So I have the curves on order from Japan. I have also discovered that Tomix turnouts can be controlled by Kato switched, by splicing the wires with a Kato Point extension cord. While the good lady is watching I'm a Z List humiliate me on TV, I have these fresh from Germany to build:
  16. I am now the proud owner of 3 APA boxes. I have knocked one up quickly, and a couple of issues have arisen: 1. The 150mm radius Curves fit, but only just. I can carry on with them, but it will be tight. Alternatively I can utilise 140mm Curves from Tomix, however the corresponding points are Tomix too, and I can't seem to find out if they are compatible with Kato Switches. 2. The upright posts are a little wider than expected, but this can be got round with a couple of gentle S Bends and some surgery to them. I say construction is about to begin as I may completely scrap the APA boxes and go for some bespoke laser cut baseboards, which would give me a lot more to play with. This gives me the chance to use the Kibri Albula Viaduct, and add some more buildings into the layout. The APA boxes wouldn't go wont waste as a near 2 year old in the house can use them for their original purpose. Why does this hobby constantly through decisions at us?
  17. Booked a Christmas City Break to Hamburg. I'm saying it's for my wife to visit a proper Xmas Market. But really we're off to Minatur Wunderland!

    1. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      We did much the same a couple of years ago. Minatur Wunderland is great - worth a repeat visit, in fact.

  18. 3 APA Boxes on their way!!

    1. NXEA!


      Where from?!

  19. Waiting For a Star to Fall - Boy Meets Girl
  20. A bit jiggling around with Scarm, and testing heights for the Helix, has allowed me to put a fiddle yard in. The helix needs to 45mm from base to the next level. It looks like the eBay supplier has run dry of the APA boxes. So I may either attempt my own or get a laser cut kit to suit.
  21. While having glass of beer the other night, I was pouring over different areas of Switzerland to visit next year, and which railway journeys I could do within the time frame without boring my good lady, and letting the little one splash around in the pool. I think a Eurocamp (other mobile home holiday companies are available) holiday next year will tick the majority of the boxes for us as a family. This led me on to the my proposed layout, and the small amount of stock available to me. Usually, when starting a layout and I think a lot of us are guilty of buying more stock than we actually need. So I did start wish listing for more stock from Kato, my list is as follows: i) GE 4/4 II with normal RhB stock (they probably have a name but I don't know it yet) The loco provides a number of livery options ii) GE 6/6 I Krok with Alpine Pullman Coaches This would make a lovely set. iii) Good stock suitable (Again they all probably have names, but I don't them yet) The RhB is used a lot for freight. iv) ABe 8/12 Allegra unit in "Arosa" blue livery Possibly already on the cards. v) Moving away from the RhB, a MOB Golden Pass set I just love the livery. The loco is there, some of the coaches are there, just the end panoramic coaches to produce. (I'm sure someone will tell me they are a lot different) I am also hoping for more liveries of the GE 4/4 III, I'd love the HC Davos version in particular. I'm loving my on-line research at the moment, but I would like some reading material, and I wondered if there was a sort of "Swiss Metre Gauge Railways for Dummies" book. I have some hardboard ready for cutting, just awaiting for someone to pay me for some items on eBay so I can buy the APA boxes. There may be more reflections to come before work really begins, but I'm eager to get cracking.
  22. Kiss From a Rose on a Grave - Seal
  23. Thanks to Keith at Traintrax, this arrived for me on Saturday morning. It's easy to set up and have a play good look at everything. I am very impressed with how it looks. The coaches are excellently moulded. The only criticism I do have is that the the Rapido couplings are very obtrusive on the locomotive. However, the close coupling system offered by Kato should remedy that. With a visit to France round the corner, my spending is to be curbed, but some addition Kato track and the all important APA boxes are next on the shopping list. Below is a Scarm 3D Drawing of the proposed layout, if I keep all four posts of the boxes in tact, and I have to say I don't think it detracts from the overall view of the layout. ] I hinting at the wife that a December break to Switzerland would be brilliant, but as she's getting broody again, it may depend on her situation.
  24. If the Fat Controller ran Eurotunnel.
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