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Everything posted by wollastonblue

  1. Mambo No 5 - Bob The Builder (sorry couldn't resist)
  2. I wish people wouldn't list those Del Prado models under N Gauge Locomotives on eBay.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      I wish they would just chuck them in landfill where they belong. Even my local charity shop won't touch them!!

    3. Steve Purves

      Steve Purves

      I'm aftr a few cheap ones for my toddler to grapple with instead of my working stock!


    4. Grafarman


      Be careful; the paint's probably toxic...

  3. Sweets for my Sweet - CJ Lewis (other versions are available)
  4. Mysterious Girl - Peter Andre I know, I know, sorry.
  5. I prefer the Pale side of ale. I have tried a few of the Cottage beers including Deltic Gold and Golden Arrow, both are excellent drinking. My recommendations for the lighter side are: 1. Holdens Golden Glow 2. Bathams Bitter 3. Cotleigh Barn Owl 4. Wye Valley Hereford Pale Ale 5. St. Ives Brewery Boiler (only tried the bottled version, hoping to sample some draught on my next visit to the Duchy) 6. Padstow Gold 7. Ludlow Gold 8. Town Mill Lyme Gold 9. Otter Bright 10. Brakspear Oxford Gold There's a few for you to go at.
  6. Superman (Wish I Could Fly Like) - The Kinks
  7. In keeping with my last go: This OIe' House - Shakin Stevens
  8. Would that be the Fox opposite the Hippodrome? Harviestoun Schiehallion used to be on the regularly, it was billed as cask conditioned Lager, the Fox used to sell that alongside Highgate Dark Mild, and Brew XI. Birmingham has some excellent hostelries to sample the goods of small breweries; The Wellington, Bennetts Hill; The Post Office Vaults, New Street; Pure Bar and Kitchen, Wellington Street; The Old Joint Stock, Colmore Row (Not a vast selection of beer, but the interior is spectacular); not forgetting The Anchor, Bradford Street. I'm loving the smaller breweries coming out of Cornwall. St. Ives Boiler Ale is magnificent, but Padstow Gold is Cornish Summer in a pint glass. Not long till I'm down there sampling a few more.
  9. How 6 months have flown by. This time with the Prairie, and us riding up to Highley. The little man loved it.
  10. Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen
  11. Which pub does that board come from? I like a challenge. With the weather, I have forsaken real ale, and moved onto Thatchers Gold Cider in the pub or Bottles of Warsteiner, or Tyskie from our local Polish Shop.
  12. Boom Boom Boom I Want You In My Room - The Vengaboys
  13. Be Alright - Justin Bieber (Amazed I know that many of his songs )
  14. Love Is Only A Feeling - The Darkness
  15. The Village Green Preservation Society - The Kinks
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