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Everything posted by wollastonblue

  1. This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both of Us - Sparks
  2. Fantastic model, and I'm sure this will be a brilliant model. N Gauge would have seen me parting with some folding notes. I'm waiting for people to find evidence of the APT-E on the Somerset Levels, over the Mendips or working through Par though.
  3. We Three Kings - Mario Lanza (other versions are available) Memories of a childhood christmas!
  4. For your eyes only - Sheena Easton
  5. While searching for N Gauge EMUs, I found this from one the favourite sellers on this thread: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/111321257653?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT What class of EMU is this?
  6. I live by St Ambrose Church, and went down to Kidderminster SVR Station on Saturday to collect some tickets the 1940s weekend. I even went down the platform to check out the 5mt that has just come back into operation. There was nothing to say that this was going on. I would suggest maybe a date on the RMWeb events and exhibition calender. I would have thought though that the SVR would have put some form of notice up though.
  7. I didn't know that it was there, and I live across the road! Would have popped in.
  8. I'm sure I've past this behind an A4 locomotive oop north. I do know where this is. When complete you are giving me more of an excuse to come up that way? Do you have any connections to the other model shop in this location though?
  9. For N Gauge please Dave, LSWR O2 Tank Beattie Well Tank LSWR T9 SDJR 7F GWR 43xx I know Union Mills offer a T9 but as well as the lack of DCC, I think their chassis is rather crude.
  10. It may still be there but above the bar in a pub on the Isle of Wight, a sign with a pair of baby booties read: "Warning. The Landlord eats children. Please keep them away from the bar, as he is trying to lose weight."
  11. Need to get to grips with point motors.

  12. Need to get to grips with point motors.

  13. Do I go for Dapol 9f or wait for the West Country?

  14. My 2nd wife knew about my hobbies before we met, as I put it on my profile on an on-line dating site. Since my first marriage I think honesty is the key, so if prospective dates didn't like it, it was their loss in my opinion. My wife even mentioned Tornado on our first date, asking if I know anything about it. So I took her to Stourbridge to watch her steam through one Saturday afternoon. Although football is our main interest in common, she loves spending time with me down by the river Severn at Arley or Trimpley watching the trains go by. I took her to the NEC for the Warley exhibition within three weeks of us dating, and she was fascinated by it all, so much so she disappeared and came back with a Hornby Collectors Loco for me, and said that should fit in with your train set. Now we have a little man in our lives, I'm now being harassed to get on with my layout so Shaun can watch the trains. I believe an order for a Tomix Thomas has been made recently, that's probably my fathers day present.
  15. Being Stourbridge born and raised, and married to a Wall Heath Wench, it's nice to see the grot of the black country being modelled. I've only just read this thread and I'm amazed that no-one has mentioned Simpkiss or Sarah Hughes for other breweries. My Nanny Nock (There's a black country surname) makes the ultimate Faggots, they are the best you've ever tasted. The recipe is as follows: 1.5lb of Pigs Fry (Usually made up of Liver, Heart, Lungs, and Cheeks). Don't forget the Caul (Kell) 2 Large Onions Salt and Pepper Teaspoon of Mace Tablespoon of Dried Sage Wash the fry, and soak the caul (kell) in luke warm water to soften it and make it easier to use. Mince the the fry with the diced onions and mix well with the mace,sage and seasoning. Divide the mixture into eight pieces and form into balls with your hands. Wrap each ball with in a piece of kell. Place into a moderate oven for about three hours, basting them regularly until browned. Don't forget the Mushy Pays, Orange Chips and Pint of Holdens Mild
  16. Hi, Just read through this thread, and I'm very impressed with your work. This is just the sort of layout I would like to start to build in place of my N gauge now I have a little son who WILL want to play trains with daddy. Just a couple of questions: What are the baseboard dimensions? Is the track all setrack? Keep up the good work.
  17. My little man (6 weeks old), on his first of many visits to Kidderminster SVR:
  18. Having had a look at the Full size Polish Tank Loco on eBay, as posted on: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/82340-go-on-you-know-you-want-to/ I found this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SUPERB-RARE-BOXED-BECKMANN-TT-DR-LIVERY-0-6-0-CLASS-BR-89-6-TANK-No-89-603-/400661492291?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item5d49493243 I'll leave you to pick yourselves up off the floor.
  19. How about this then: City of Truro
  20. is going green.

    1. Jim49


      Is this a medical complaint?

    2. wollastonblue


      Come over with Kettleitis.

    3. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Something similar happened to me, I woke up after too much beer and curry

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