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The Evil Bus Driver

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Everything posted by The Evil Bus Driver

  1. I'm fairly sure there's a picture of a Blue & Grey mk1 coupled to a green Bulleid floating about on line somewhere. The mk1 must have been ex works as it's very clean.
  2. Here's a 16 Ton Mineral wagon I put together from an old Dapol kit I found while moving house. Came up pretty well. I didn;t have any grey so I painted it Bauxite instead so It'll be getting a brake pipe once I can remember which box I packed it away in and where that box got stored. I have a horrible feeling it might be in Bexhill, which given the current plague situation might pose a problem or two.
  3. Having stayed over in the ex Travelling College coach and the ex-Queen of Scots mk1 at various times I bet these are a step up, the former probably being quite waterlogged by now
  4. Excellent news. Still this side of London at least. That plague has a lot to answer for.
  5. That's ok. Hopefully once this chaos ends I'll make it to one of those shows. Luckily Aylesbury is roughly an hour away down the M40 so not too much hassle
  6. Thanks John that's much appreciated. I'll try and get to one of the shows if I'm not working. If not this year then next if Warley* is still off this year. Hopefully not but lets see what Covid pukes up next. *I'm guessing the EMGS/Scalefour wouldn't miss that one
  7. Thanks for posting the step by step. I am planning to play around with building a few turnouts. May I ask where to obtain the crossing filing jig?
  8. Have a look at this thread You need to scroll down a bit but there's a picture
  9. Great news about the biopsy results. Fingers crossed for all the results and its something completely harmless. Those crossovers are looking delicious too.
  10. That crossover looks great on the board . I'm just learning Templot at the moment so I can start building something once I get loft clearance from the household authorities. I'll be using Peco and SMP bullhead plain track and hopefully just build the turnouts and short stretches of plain line. on that though as it'll be big. Good luck with the results though the waiting is the worst. And you too Ray.
  11. I am actually playing around with Templot at the moment. I'm just learning what everything does and wondering where I'm going to get a new printer from (to print the control keys list like it says) We have an impending loft flooring session this year and I have permission to put something in the loft so my attention turned to Hornby magazine's Operation Build-It and how that would be an ideal test bed for building turnouts. Maybe if I learn how to plan it using Templot and get a couple of these kits too then I can see what would work best for me.
  12. Looking at the picture of Oakworth crossing from the road there appears to be an extra rail in the road. Perhaps this carries signal wires in the groove or something as it lines up with the track cess and the platform. but appears to be made using a length of rail and check rail. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.8412291,-1.9426374,3a,27.5y,141.16h,61.07t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sG72BKmXWtW49M6qP45j4ow!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
  13. I know I am a few years late here but I did find this https://hmrs.org.uk/photographs/fcn-sdjr-no-5-4-wheel-3-compartment-first-op-shows-solebar-lining.html Definitely a passing resemblance there
  14. I think it has ply with a couple of copperclad strips iirc. I am not sure where it's stored so I can't get a photo
  15. Yes I was looking for that post so the 0.50 came from memory so 22.99. Still a good price though.
  16. I have a C&L kit for a curved turnout somewhere in my kit box. It might still be down south though but that is pretty much as yo described. Not sure if I should build it or put it in a museum.
  17. £22.50 seems a fair price for one of these turnouts. I looked up bullhead ones from Peco and Gaugemaster are selling them for £31 each and they have a RRP of 34. I reckon once word gets around these will sell like hot cakes, Maybe put ads in BRM, Model Rail, RM and Hornby magazine and they'll fly out.
  18. Wayne that's a great looking kit. You might want to head up to Brighton MRC and show them. They build their turnouts there but I think they'd be interested in your kits. Just tell them I sent you and there'll be a free cup of tea available too.
  19. Really sorry toread all this Gordon. I really hope they can sort it out and you can get back to what you do best, whacking balls building awesome trackwork. Good luck and I really hope it turns out well for you.
  20. Hehe good meal then. How are you anyway? I haven't managed to get back down south since this chaos started.
  21. When I visited Germany I had to catch a train out of Hamburg to reach Itzehoe. I was fascinated by the ramps on two of the platforms at Altona station and the fact that the cars to go on the Motorail (Autozug) train were just driven across the passenger concourse. They just put up rope barriers around them. Of course they were driven at breakneck speed... Linky: Vehicle ramps at Hamburg Altona station
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