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  • Location
    North of Annesley Junction (Near Manchester, actually.)
  • Interests
    The Great Central Railway, pre 1923.
    (Most other railways are of interest too, particularly if they have steam engines, but I can't model them all.)
    Bury Corporation Tramways 1903-1949
    My other great interest is the middle ages, especially England and Wales in the 14th/15th century.
    I write historical novels. Two have been published.
    I also enjoy walking, beer and eating out. Sadly I can no longer walk as far as I did or drink as much as I should like.

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  1. I've just discovered that a tube of Evostick costs £5 nowadays. I can remember when you could get a RTR OO gauge loco for that, and have change.

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    2. cromptonnut


      I remember when you could go into the corner shop with 50p , and get a can of coke, a mars bar, crisps, popcorn and a cake ... then they went and spoilt it by putting in CCTV.

    3. halfwit


      Remember though that those sub £5 locos were c***!

    4. Poggy1165


      Aye, and Hornby-Dublo never did get around to producing something really useful, like a J8...

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