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Dick Turpin

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Status Updates posted by Dick Turpin

  1. Enjoyed a fantastically relaxing sunny afternoon at the Ryedale Society of Model Engineers' Main Line Rally. Amazing live steam action!

    1. Liam


      A place I know very well, as I went to the school across the valley and so spent many happy Sunday afternoons down at the railway. Must get back up there at some point!

  2. I seem to spending most of my modelling budget on archery lately

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. andyram


      Green Arrow? Or Robin Hood?

    3. Arthur Budd

      Arthur Budd

      I seem to be spending most of my modelling time on archery lately! Big home shoot this weekend, set up Saturday, Record Status Double WA 70m Sunday.


    4. Wild Boar Fell

      Wild Boar Fell

      Think I must be doing the opposite then, not shot since a WA1440 & WA70 a few weeks ago, but been building a layout instead.

  3. Hoping the rain holds off for the Captain's Arrow archery competition tomorrow.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ian J.
    3. Dick Turpin

      Dick Turpin

      This is in Scorton, North Yorks, home of the Scorton Silver Arrow, the world's oldest and longest running sporting event.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Ah, well I'm elsewhere.

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