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Everything posted by Jack

  1. Jack

    Dapol Class 22

    Mine did break. Thankfully Dapol Customer Service is very good and replacements were sourced without any problems. Maybe the tooling could be modified to include the valances on the body?
  2. Jack

    New OO gauge Class 73

    I can see where Andrew is coming from too. I managed to get a blue 73 in N gauge ... it took months of hunting and I had to pay well over the odds. Likewise I had a real ****s ache getting the blue 22 in OO I wanted. Perhaps Dapol could follow the Bachmann model of limited editions? The commissioning retailer has dibs of the livery/model for a set number of years, then Dapol can release them in the general range. btw Dave, any chance of more 73s in N gauge, atleast for the popular liveries like banger blue?
  3. Jack

    baseboard #3

    Looking good. what are you going to use for alignment?
  4. Lets hope so, this is a cracking layout!
  5. Oh, thats what a good nights sleep is ...

  6. Jack

    Dapol Class 22

    I used the Kadee pliers on my #18 couplings today. By bending up the metal pipework a bit more the coupling works absolutely fine. The same procedure worked on the Beattie as well.
  7. 12" ... oo-er matron ... although you should be able to run round 2-3 short wagons with that. Certainly looking good.
  8. Wow, very impressive! What radii are the points?
  9. Jack

    Dapol Class 22

    Perhaps another production run is in order for 2012? I'm sure given the scarcity of the models there is a good market for more green and blue models with different running numbers ... ... and not to forget a limited edition model in Engineers Dutch
  10. Jack

    Dapol Class 22

    Mine are a bit sloppy too. However, the slop appears to be in the pocket rather than the fixing, so i've put some card in under the coupling and bent the kadee wire up slightly. Not quite sure how i'm going to fix the Kernow Beattie which is displaying the same problem ...
  11. Jack

    Dapol Class 22

    Dave, I am a muppet and managed to break one of the valances for my D1000A (blue) ... I've not had a response from the contact email on your website and can't seem to PM you on here atm ... could you drop me a pm when you get a chance. Ta
  12. These are the magnets I have used to replace the Kadee magnets which were sitting on top of the track ... http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00383M0KO I fit them inside the rails, using three on each side to draw the coupling wires apart. Cheers
  13. Thanks for the opportunity to play trains at Canterbury. Twas lots of fun! All we need to do now is finish converting you to the dark side of Kadees
  14. Maunsell Q Class could also be found around Gravesend and the EKLR ... I have some pics lurking somewhere.
  15. The Hobby Shop is definitly worth the trip if you are in the area ... I can also recommend the Bear pub just round the corner in the Market square
  16. It will be interesting to see if they can be used to close the gap on corridor stock. A welcome addition to N gauge.
  17. So, it's a blue redback ??? Keep the pics coming, Llanbourne is one of those all inspiring layouts
  18. Jack

    Dapol Class 22

    Hey, I have to shut due to high winds occasionally ... it can be quite painfully Thanks for the update.
  19. Jack

    Dapol Class 22

    Oo, 22 pins for the price of 21 ... I do like a bit extra Seriously, A big thanks to Dave for being so up front about this. Looking forward to my shiney blue one when its ready.
  20. Just magpies and the occasional robin or wood pidgeon here. Although there is plenty of evidence for owls and buzzards as well. Given the bird table is still in one piece I guess we haven't had a visit from the Great Bustard yet No sign of small birds though, except for the robins. My mother, who lives in Kent, has plenty of visits from all the usual customers, with no sign of the bird numbers falling.
  21. Jack

    A Growth Spurt

    Would placing a wye point leading into the goods shed instead of the left hander remove the 's' bend and make things a little less cramped? Just a thought. I know things have gone quiet on the modular front, but will your layout with extensions still be able to link up?
  22. Jack

    Dapol Class 22

    Are you sure, I thought they were supposed to be cheaper than Tescos ... ... don't worry, already got me coat on Thank you for the update on the numbers, my pocket money is at the ready
  23. Its worth giving John a shout at Silver Fox. I had one from him last year, he may still have a few in stock?
  24. Good luck with the recovery ... take it easy in the garage! Just had a look at Spilsby on "Disused Stations" - looks like an interesting project. I'll look forward to the thread.
  25. Yes, but under the current rules you would only need about an inch of straight track at the board edge. Although a through station would be easier its your layout. If you want to build an 'end' that wouldn't be a problem. This was considered, but the rules were used to keep everything as simple as possible (especially where my carpentry skills are concerned!). Having seen Mozzer's On30 CRM module at the Taunton meet a few years ago it seemed sensible to stick with a 'table top' type. I'll put my hands up an say I still don't like the idea of bridging units protruding onto boards (alla N Trak). I think it ruins the look of the scenery and any movement of the modules risks damaging the area around it. I've tested the bridges I made and they seem quite stable. The way the current bridges are designed it doesn't matter what thickness or material you make them out of as they are joined using the rail joiners. No problems at all, constructive comments are always welcome! I've aeperated the rules (http://www.rmweb.co....ction-standard/) away from this thread to try and avoid any confusion. I must admit that having become a father this month I haven't given the modular layout much thought at all ... in fact, I only properly got my head around the forum changes last night. Once our little bundle of poo and vomit has developed a sleeping pattern I'm hoping to revisit some of this in more detail. However, do keep the suggestions coming. Have you got a thread for your layout yet?
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