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Tim V

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Everything posted by Tim V

  1. Easier to get around, none of the usual 'problems' with your average show. Yes, go for it - what's stopping you?
  2. My layout was at an exhibition when someone sidled up and said "your trees are too big", to which my reply was "no they're too small" they were a lot less than they should have been. Turned out he was a professional (!) tree maker - I suppose if the trees are smaller he could sell more of them. Back to the OP, as you comment on the height of the trees (in Perth), I thought you might like a picture of these taller ones.
  3. The one I remember being exceptionally good value was the Triang/Hornby converter wagon - it had a tension lock at one end and a buckeye at the other. It was less than half the price of their ordinary wagons.
  4. As they're in a park - they may well have been coppiced.
  5. The better quality ones had two crown wheels (like the two on this thread). The cheap ones had one crown wheel - bit of force on the drill bent the shaft!
  6. Just returned, a good day, and despite our fears, well attended.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/askjack/2020/feb/27/can-i-move-my-data-to-the-eu-before-google-shifts-it-to-the-us-brexit
  8. Google is moving its servers outside of EU jurisdiction - so goodbye to any GDPR safety nets. Thanks Brexit.
  9. I would say the downside of a 'smart' speaker is that the thing is always listening to you. I have a cheap tablet (came free with a phone) connected to a pair of old computer speakers. Just log into the station. Simples and for me free!
  10. Tim V

    Panic buying

    I panic bought two broccolis yesterday ...
  11. Perhaps you are expecting too much from RTR models?
  12. At the time, there were no known drawings of these buildings, I measured quite a few of these buildings. Here is a sketch of the end.
  13. I went there once, in 1976, just had a look on street view - changed a bit!
  14. Are the crankpins at right angles to the wheels?
  15. Bottleneck = slower cars. No bottleneck = faster (perhaps speeding) cars.
  16. Or when it's all over: 'Frankenstein' by the Edgar Winter Group
  17. Thanks, but things have moved on. As the motor was scrap, I used a blow torch on it, got the worm glowing red (!), then when cooled down cut the shaft between motor and worm and finally was able to knock the worm off.
  18. Meanwhile back in 1981, a different sort of footbridge.
  19. That's odd. I like the Roco controllers - very easy to use. I have several red ones and one wifi controller, nothing but praise for them. However, this is a 2mm thread - so not appropriate to discuss here.
  20. I have found that DCC overcomes a lot of the problems inherent in the control of 2mm models. 16v on the track at all times, instead of 1-2v - that is just not going to cut it. Decent controller? How about decent chips - there is no such thing as a cheap DCC chip, you get what you pay for.
  21. There was a Japanese brass model - sometime in the 70s.
  22. Tried that! I'm suspicious it has been glued on. As I am junking the motor, I'll try the soldering iron trick, and if that doesn't work, I'll try a blow lamp.
  23. So I'm trying to press the Dapol worm off their motor, to use on an association motor, but having no luck, any suggestions? All my pullers are too big for the 1mm shaft.
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