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gronk the shunter

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Status Updates posted by gronk the shunter

  1. If I win the lottery tonight there's a big order going JLTRT's way!

    1. Horsetan


      If you win the lottery tonight, you may find yourself at the receiving end of begging letters! :-O

  2. If I win the lottery tonight there's a big order going JLTRT's way!

  3. If I win the lottery tonight there's a big order going JLTRT's way!

  4. If I win the lottery tonight there's a big order going JLTRT's way! 24's and 40's as far as the eye can see!

  5. If I win the lottery tonight there's a big order going JLTRT's way! Rats and 40's as far as the eye can see!

  6. If I win the lottery tonight there's a big order going JLTRT's way! Rats and 40's as far as the eye can see!

  7. I'm spending far too much time talking about modelling on here when I should really be busy doing it instead!

    1. marc smith

      marc smith

      Easy to do!

      I'm spending far too much time doing everything else

      Wish I had more modelling time....

  8. I've discovered I just don't like travelling on modern trains anymore! I'm stuck in the 70's and can't get out!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gronk the shunter

      gronk the shunter

      But there had been something in those pies, the pastry was stained, so where did it go????

    3. Rugd1022


      The rats at Willesden Carriage Sidings ate them all.... ;o)

    4. Rugd1022


      The rats at Willesden Carriage Sidings ate them all.... ;o)

  9. Just got sound in my bog-cart! Bzzz Bzzz!

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