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St. Simon

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Status Updates posted by St. Simon

  1. Bye this time tomorrow, will have finished the majority of my exams. So I can relax on car park stewarding at Railex on Saturday!

    1. Kempenfelt


      Well good luck for tomorrow Simon! The euphoria of finishing the majority should make the weekend feel even better!

    2. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Thanks! Yes, I hope they will!

  2. Right, got a 2 hour Tech Exam tomorrow, really don't want to mess this one up!

    1. SouthernRegionSteam


      Good luck!!

      I'm sure you'll ace it. :D

    2. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Thanks, I hope I will!

  3. Nice to know I never have to do another english lesson again! :)

    1. halfwit


      English lessons used to suck the fun out of reading books.

    2. Grafarman


      used to use mine to catch up on the weekend's sleep... and still got to A level !!

  4. Just had the last day of school, didn't know until an hour before we left! Feel a little emontional now!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. PhilEakins


      My youngest's last day was last Friday - he went in on the school bus as normal this morning ...

    3. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Yeah, have to go in for an exam at 09:00 the next morning!

    4. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Turns out that I have to go back for lessons for subjects I haven't had my last exam for!

  5. Right next week sees an exam every day, including 2 2 hour exams :help:, but at least Railex is at the end of it

  6. Right, first round of the exams done, got 1 everyday next week, 2 of which are 2 hours along! At least I don't have to do a biology lesson again! :)

    1. Jenny Emily

      Jenny Emily

      Biology lessons? *pffft* You learn the good stuff later.

    2. St. Simon
  7. 3 down, 13 to go! Better get off RMweb and do some more revising!

  8. Right, the first of 15 GCSE exams over the next couple weeks starts on Monday, so I won't be on much from now on. Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      All the best! :-)

    3. DonB


      I remember a 3Hr Chemistry practical in the AM then 3Hr Theory the same PM!

    4. Danemouth


      All the best

  9. It's amazing how modelling can relax you!

  10. Tech coursework finally finished :)

  11. Looking foward to Taunton members day on Sunday!

  12. Back to Oracle tomorrow, going to take the camera this time!

  13. What is this, no April fools jokes yet? :D :P

    1. Horsetan


      Most of them are in the status updates.

    2. RedgateModels


      I think Andy has wiped them :lol:

    3. Mikkel


      Roll on, April 2nd ;-)

  14. My T9 may be out of action for a while, after falling from the layout! :(

  15. Sat in a conference room at Oracle in reading with the GWML opposite me :)

  16. 's modelling mojo is missing, if found please return to me :(

    1. SouthernRegionSteam


      It will return in time! Chin up :)

  17. is reading a Wallender mystery...

  18. Getting ready to load up Hythe and take it to Abingdon, come along and say hello tomorrow!

    1. Claude_Dreyfus


      Likewise for Yamanouchi Oshika...that and the prospect of a 5am departure tomorrow morning!

    2. SouthernRegionSteam
    3. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      yes, your almost right next to us!


      Thanks Jam :)

  19. Have had to take the day of school because I'm not feeling very well

    1. SouthernRegionSteam


      Not good :(

      (but did it allow you to do some railway modelling?)

    2. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      I'm afraid not, the whole layout is up at the club waiting to be taken to Abingdon!

  20. Should be a large blog update tomorrow night with everything that has gone on with Hythe!

  21. Feeling Incredibly stressed right now.....

  22. Now the proud owner of a Heljan Class 33 in Green as 'Eastleigh' :)

  23. Good Weekend, all the rails connected up for the Extension for Hythe parkway!

    1. SouthernRegionSteam


      Excellent! Will there be a blog entry later?

    2. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Yeah, only thing was that I forgot to take pictures when the 2 boards were together! d'oh!

    3. SouthernRegionSteam


      I know what it's like - you get focused on building and forget the photos!

  24. There's a hole in my layout, I'm looking into it....

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Put a turntable in it.

    2. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Nah, got one of those already!

  25. Just found the Ideal lorry to put on the Extension for Hythe! :)

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