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Bluebell Model Railway

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Everything posted by Bluebell Model Railway

  1. The main job on this 3D printed kit was to fit out the chassis, as it's just the basic shape with no detail like vacuum pipes or truss rods so this needs to be made up. The truss rods and the supporting rods were made-up of 0.8mm brass rod and soldered together. The battery or electrical boxes also required some extra detail small rods were required around them, small holes were drilled in the tabs I had made on the CAD as these were made with holes but are way too small to actually print, so had to be re-drilled. The lower footboards were made with 0.5mm brass rod and some brass sheet, again soldered together. (Plan transferred to paper from the CAD drawing, then made in to the brass.)
  2. Excellent, at least you can tell me if I got it right or wrong hehe. Its been a long time since I've been there 4 years nearly, maybe 5 since I actually travelled on that particular carriage. Still enjoy doing the research on these carriages the other I'm working on is also up to 2 years.
  3. The body CAD was sent off to a home 3D printer using a 3D print hub, for a quick and slightly cheaper turn around, this was printed in grey resin, using a the SLA printing process. Took about 3 days to print the whole lot, which isn't bad going. The print was not bad at all, and didn't show too many print lines, and all the detail came out quite well including the handles on the top of the seats, crazy! But amazing! The print was cleaned and all supports removed before it arrived with me, which save me a lot of time. I did however clean it again, and sanded any areas that required some cleaning up with fine wet and dry. The chassis plus details arrived from Shapeways a week later, and again wasn't a bad print thanks to the new customer or designer tools where I get a say which way round the model is printed. Some of the smaller items, roof vents, and buffers, I printed extra ones, as you never know when it may get an unfortunate tap and something breaks. The body was test fitted together making sure all 3 sections were square and fitted together nicely. (Complete print, 3 body sections, 3 lots of seats, 1 chassis, roof and chassis detail, some spare parts included in the smaller details.)
  4. I received number 27 last week, was a little disappointed the motor was disengaged from the gearbox due to a wire which was over the top of the motor, pushing the worm of the motor upwards. Secondly 27 being preserved like 178 from the earlier batch I was hoping Hattons would of included the SR buffers to help modelling flexibility. So before I send it back would anyone like to swap buffers?
  5. LNWR, Observation Car, OO Welcome to this LNWR rolling stock build or should that be design. I don't normally enter competitions as the standard is very high especially here, but as I had this started, I thought it would encourage me to finish it. This journey started two years ago, replacing some old scratch built items, one of which is the LNWR observation car, I obviously by my username model the Bluebell Railway, and one item of rolling stock is usually on the end of set's every time I attend. So why this particular carriage? As far as I am aware there is no kit for this particular coach in 4mm or OO, instead of scratch building this, I feel not just to benefit me, but others also I would try go down the 3D print route, but this means a lot of research, and the best way to go about it. Two years ago, I started researching, contacting the LNWR society for any available drawings of the observation car, they managed to find one, but no measurements. Thanks to some contacts on the Bluebell Railway, they kindly helped me out with detailed photo's and a few measurements. (A selection of research images) With basic measurements I could start building the coach in CAD, for this I turned to a nice simple 3D software Google Sketchup, I am not an expert at 3D design, and I am sure someone who is more experienced than I could do a better and faster job, which is why it took 2 years. This model will be printed to 4mm scale OO, which is what I model in. Due to its length and complexity the body was divided in to 3 sections, 2x ends, and 1x middle, details for the roof were added details, as well as an interior were all printed separately, to aid quality. The chassis was printed in a different material which will be dyed black, to aid painting, this is a flexible nylon material, which has similar characteristics to plastic but just cannot do the detail. (Some completed CAD's showing the main sections) More soon next time.
  6. I wondered why the views on my video went up all of a sudden... Was good to meet you Gary, Linny and Alex. Was a good event.
  7. Humm might be interested in this as I have an LNWR project on the go at the moment, sadly waiting for transfers... when ever they are available again from HMRS.
  8. Yes indeed, well after checking again last night only the tender is picking up power, when the plug is connected to the loco. The loco pickups are still dead, so I think my next course of investigation is to replace the wires from the pickups to the small PCB, check again and go from there. either a fault on the small board or a broken wire, but its odd that bogie and main driving wheels are not picking up anything. I have replaced the loco's plug as that was damaged, and made sure all wires were replaced one by one, and in the same place.
  9. Hello, I don't usually ask for some direction in terms of fixing things, but this one has me scratching my head I purchased a Damaged Hornby schools, the chassis was in good order, all damage was on the body. I finally got round to using that chassis today, serviced, checked wires, traction tyres ect... After a blonde moment, I plugged the tender in to the loco plug, which is where it got confusing. Loco ran fine, but was only picking up power from the tender, the loco pickups were dead. Checked the wires, all connected, on to the PCB, which sits behind the motor. Again checked connections, and where they go... all ok, but I am not getting any power from bogie or driving wheels... Is there anyone who has had a similar issue, or know of what might be a miss... I suspect it might be the small pcb. Many thanks
  10. Was after some LBSC transfers recently sadly Eric no longer produces them, so sadly pre grouping modellers are a bit stuck when it comes to LBSC transfers. I have a coach waiting for some which is probably going to be waiting a long time...
  11. Hi Dave, yes I am still here still doing some sort of modelling, and still reading your inspirational builds. Hope to be posting something a bit more interesting in the not to distant future. Cheers Matt
  12. Evening, it's been a while since I have posted anything on this topic, been busy writing various bits and pieces for magazines, and also working on some 3D print items as well, Since I last posted here a number of models have been build... not all southern but most are, I have written them in to a PDF as it was easier for me, and also safe in case a forum disappears or closes. So in some sort of order... Keyser Kit, A-Class (Metropolitan) Purchased from a member here... can't remember who sadly, but a difficult kit with its own K's issues... but always liked the London underground... and remember this in the museum in Covent Garden. PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_s5cq6YuUSwWjFVbms1MHJXVEU/view Keyser, K-Class Another attractive loco, one of the great losses from the preservation lists, Purchased from a forum I think it was mostly complete, however I had to make some weight saving as the tender was extremely heavy and would probably struggle to pull itself let along a few coaches. PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_s5cq6YuUSwemJ6dkRNUGxhdm8/view SE Finecast, W1 (Hush Hush) I like un-usual loco's just look at that bullied I built a few pages back... this one was one I just wanted, the looks and being different just makes it interesting for me... and possibly some Bulleid Ideas in there too... but it's and interesting one, I couldn't quite afford building the entire chassis and had a spare A3 loco chassis, looking at sizes and measurements I needed to change some bits and pieces, and also add an extra wheel under the cab. PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_s5cq6YuUSwMHBFN2FfU3Bjd0E/view More soon when I get some time to actually write about them...
  13. I have gone through all of the images and uploaded them on to an album on FlickR not the best photos in the world... https://flic.kr/s/aHskySQW4a https://youtu.be/NaoSbWZZiqA
  14. Yeah I didn't buy it either, tried the download version before, but didn't like at as it didn't work properly. So this months people who buy from the shops just miss out on this months dvd? Bit unfair I feel as it will give false results on market research. Of course people will just go buy that one copy online. Either way I can't watch it either way.
  15. It's been a while since I have updated this topic! So let me bring up to date, the layout still exists, till the house is sold, had a few magazine enquiries... but I feel in its current state I don't think its magazine worthy. Anyway with the layouts future now in the hands of time... I have been replacing or rebuilding stock. The LNWR observation was sold off to raise funds for the 3D print I have had waiting for 2 years to print, so that's pretty much built and painted... now the long wait for HMRS to have the transfers back in stock... which I think was the same issue I had 5 years ago... Another coach I have wanted to do is the LBSC Directors saloon, and thanks to Worsley Works they did a sort of starter kit, which then took 3 months of research to get all the bits together, bog thanks to the Bluebell's C&W team for helping and Mike who did a photo survey for me, as that really helped... at the moment its very brown, waiting for lining out, when ever I have the funds to afford it, as it was being written for a magazine sadly the new editor isn't very communicative like the previous editor so I'm left in limbo really... till I find some more cash to finish it. I made the longish journey back to Buckinghamshire, first to attend Railex 2018 at Stoke Mandeville Stadium, which was ok, wasn't the best one I have been to in recent years... but was better than the one we have on the island... Secondly of course was to check on the layout... and seeing as it was supposed to be nice weather... which didn't happen although It did clear I managed to get some running in on it, 12 hours overall... and only a little bit of swearing at it... and some maintenance with a large hammer... Anyway I received my 2 P-Class one in March which was 323 Bluebell and 178 in lined SECR livery in May, produced by Hatton's. Both needed some tweaking on their pickups as they were a little bit inconsistent when running, but after they were great.. I have added some extra touches of my own, etched numbers, and route discs as well as a crew... which was a royal pain to fit in the cab as access was not great. And a cheeky P-Class review:
  16. I attended on Saturday, bit of a way from the Isle of Wight, show was good, but I did feel it was lacking something... didn't seem as busy as previous years, layouts were a good standard as always, seemed to be a Scottish theme this year, one layout was there a second time, but over all good, heard some moans of not enough 2mm there its was good, well organised but lacking something... Well done to Risborough and district model railway club, for a well organised event / exhibition. I have put together a highlight video for those who may not of been able to attend... and photo's will follow a bit later... https://youtu.be/NaoSbWZZiqA
  17. Yes I agree, I have seen photo's of it in the museum and it looks close to Brunswick and that was my first guess at it, close to it as you say... Thanks for your view
  18. I have a kit I'm currently painting, which is a Ks kit of Lion. I'm trying to find what people use for the paint colours especially the green, as I see from various modellers the shade does vary... Any help will be much appreciated Cheers
  19. Yes I see a few of my fellow group have got their notifications oddly ordered later than me bit odd... But looking forward to its arrival.
  20. They are all Cambrian kits for SECR wagons ect, they are cheap to build but effective, the coaches are my own 3D prints, which are on a suitable Jouef wagon chassis, forget which, but they have been modified to suit their new life.
  21. Middle of April I got back to my layout, to do some photo's and a little bit of running as well, I don't expect to be back with it till the end of May, I hope the other turns up before hand but then again it may not but will have to see... So a few photos from me...
  22. Yes attempted this sadly they kept returning to their former position and so there for not touching the wheels.. Anyway since typing the last post I have managed to remove the brake rigging and keeper plate very carefully, and sorted the pickups out, they are very stiff I must say maybe thicker bronze than what others are using... just have to keep an eye on it.
  23. Has anyone here managed to remove the keeper plate to access the pickups as mine is suffering from poor running pickups not touching the wheels.
  24. I have had mine for a little while, giving it some running time on other peoples layouts as I don't live with my layout, pretty happy runs nicely, had a small issue where the pickups were not touching the backs of the wheels when going round corners, so I have tweaked those and runs nicely. I have done a little review of the model, knowing this particular one reasonably well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uOUU__xY5Y
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