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Blog Comments posted by Mikkel

  1. Interesting theory about the internal sections being from the LMS coaches. It certainly seems to follow the type of design decisions that were made at Hornby back then, judging by the other models that came out at the time. Perhaps Pat Hammond over at MREmag might know the answer, it seems just his field.


    Yes lets hope we finally get some new GWR coaching stock next year (Toplights please, although I suppose that is hardly likely.)

  2. I seem to have missed this over on the old RMweb - this sounds like a very interesting project, now added to favourite blogs!


    Are you familiar with Chris Baker's superb "Much Meddling"? His work seems to have a number of things in common with your plans (including working point rodding, illustrated with a short video on his site - although I see you have dropped that idea). It's all here:



  3. Thanks Barry Ten, that was news to me!


    I assume you mean this product: http://miniatures.about.com/od/materialsforminiatures/gr/scenicaccentglu.htm


    One problem could be that it seems only to work on smooth clean surfaces (which makes sense), which is fine for platforms but may give trouble on bare ground surfaces. But then again, it's better that some figures can be repositioned than none at all. Think I'll give it a try!

  4. Glad you think so! It's been good fun making these and a number of others. Currently mulling over how to fix them in place. My nerves aren't strong enough to melt wire into their feet (and too late now anyway), and glueing them in place doesn't appeal to me as I'd like to be able to possibly re-use them in the future. Suggestions anyone?

  5. Aha, very nice! The V2s are so perfectly dimensioned, among my favourite GWR vehicles. I assume this is the old Colin Waite kit? Have you maybe added some extra detail to the hounds ventilation etc, as it seems more elaborate than in other built up examples I have seen of this kit?

  6. Thanks for your kind comments.


    Missy, you will be relieved to hear that I have fitted a head to Mrs Longbottom's niece just this evening smile.gif.


    Rob, yes I've seen Aidan Campbells figures. They have that same "mass" as the Monty's ones, and with much personality. I think that some of them are perhaps a bit too much like charicatures for my taste. But there are one or two that may turn up on the layout in due course.

  7. Well it does actually have a gutter now - though not in the photo smile.gif


    The drawings I have of the Didcot buildings do not in fact include measurements (which makes them somewhat useless, yes), and this is a generic model of the wooden style anyway - so I simply guesstimated the height.


    Being Danish, I measure these things in centimeters - and the model itself is 4.4 cms to the gutter, which I believe is 1.7 inches.

  8. Jim, originally because I lived in a small flat and didn't have the room for more than a micro. Now I do have the room, but find that it works psychologically better for me to focus on small individual sections - that way I can focus and don't loose faith in the idea (I'm a slow modeller). Some time ago I did get tempted to build a large new layout, but eventually gave up and returned to this idea.


    Edit 10 years on: Back in a flat again :lol:

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