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Everything posted by amdaley

  1. I've got no problem with any retailer making a killing from a model but the fact that the very same retailer was the one who sold such a poorly engineered model in the first place leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Many people bought this model thinking they were buying a quality product only to be let down by both the manufacturer & the retailer. Yes they could get a refund but I'm sure people don't buy something just so they can get their money back. Ultimately it was Hattons who were responsible & to top it all they try & sell some piece of junk that they had left over from the whole sorry mess for a healthy profit. Shameful profiteering I call it. To me this is just taking the mick & adds insult to injury
  2. I wonder did they ever ask for any spares from Heljan
  3. My problem with the Garratts was not that they were of poor & cheap design & construction. My main problem with the whole affair was that Hattons knew or should have known of all the failures yet they continued to send out the models to unsuspecting customers. This to me was a blatant insult to customers many of whom were loyal Hattons customers of many years standing. I only bought one Garratt having waited for it for three years. It lasted one circuit of my layout at low speed. Yes I received a refund when I returned the failed model but had to ask for a refund of my return postage.That would have never happened in what I would call the old Hattons. I said at the time that I felt there was a change at Hattons & many have experienced that chance since. In the past I would just turn to Hattons when I needed something. Not anymore. To me now Hattons are just another online retailer just like the rest.
  4. I'd say put it on rollers Colin & run it in gently. If you run it slowly then no damage will happen. If on rollers all that can happen is that one of the motors will stop. See what happens. Incidentally if you're not a religious person now would be a good time to start
  5. My order arrived this morning.Took 10 days which isn't so bad I suppose.
  6. I got an email yesterday to say that one of the items I had ordered on the 16th was no longest in stock & had been added to their inventory by mistake. I later got another email to say that an item I had ordered was not in stock & again had been added to their inventory by mistake. The only problem with the second email was that I hadn't ordered that item at all. In fact the email had someone elses name on it & shouldn't have been sent to me at all. You couldn't make it up So Mr Weeks if you're out there. your order won't be fulfilled because they don't have the item in sock. I think I should add that they never had the item in stock in the first place.
  7. Or maybe they just ran out of string The way they're going at the moment there's a danger that they may also run out of customers.
  8. I ordered on Friday but I was told this morning that the warehouse doesn't work weekends any more ? I thought their business had expanded with Brexit so why no weekend work ? I just checked there now & my order is still on the same picking list. This is it for me with Hattons. If they're aim is to turn customers away then they've just succeeded with me. At this stage of my life i don't need frustration like this
  9. I placed an order with Hattons which was put on a picking list on the 16th. This morning the 20th it was still on the same picking list. I went online to be told that the warehouse no longer works on weekends & that my order would be going out today. When Hattons turned out its new upgrade we were promised a newer faster more efficient service. Their service was already a fast efficient service so why change it ? Instead Hattons have turned what was a fantastic service to something from the stone age. I really can't understand what Hattons are trying to do ? If you want to kill a business then this is a great way to do it. Somethings not quite right with Hattons I think ?
  10. I take it you need a DccConcepts mimic panel for every 12 points points you have on the layout or are there add on panels you can get ?
  11. Hi Peter. I had a good chat with Hattons on live chat yesterday & that's when the bit about training came up so they obviously know who packed the order. Hopefully its just a blip due to whatever changeover that was taking place & won't occur again. I have been assured that the service will be even better than before even though up to this order I had never had a problem with Hattons. Tony.
  12. Received my order of 22nd Aug this morning. It only took 15 days. Was very disappointed with the way the box was packed. All the items were bundled up together, wrapped together in poor quality plastic bubble wrap & stuffed into a cardboard box. Not what I have come to expect from Hatton’s & much more poorly packed that previous orders. Some of the boxes were opened & had damaged flaps. It seemed like someone had just gathered the items, wrapped them quickly in a piece of poor quality bubble wrap & stuffed them in a box. Is this the new packaging system in operation I wonder? If it is then I think I will be looking elsewhere for my supplies in future. Fortunately there were no locos in the box. Never received an order packed like this from Hatton's in all my years dealing with them. Had a chat on line & it seems my problems may have been down to a training issue. As I said previously. If it isn’t broken then don’t try & fix it.
  13. Well it hasn't reassured me. I placed an order with Hattons which was put on a picking list on 22nd August. I knew about the upgrade to Hattons systems & expected some delay. Two days ago, nine days after being put on a picking list I was told that the order was going out that day. I checked a while ago & discovered that my order was still on a picking list When I contacted Hattons I was given all sorts of apologies & was told that my order will definitely be going out today according to the logistics manager? Note to Richard Davies, MD of Hatton's. There's an old saying which goes. If something isn't broken then don't fix it. This upgrade to your systems did not go well at all & the service was not what I have come to expect from Hattons over many years. Not at all happy with Hattons
  14. My last order was put on a picking list on 22nd Aug & nothing has happened since. When I contacted Hattons I was given the spiel about upgrading the packing system etc & was told it would be going out yesterday. Guess what its still on the same picking list today. I can understand why there would be disruption due to the upgrading but why they couldn't have kept the existing system until the new system was up & running I don't know ?
  15. I could do some serious damage if I was let loose in that warehouse
  16. I don't think anyone is suggesting that Oxford have committed any crime. People are only saying that there is no need for some of the errors as the correct information is there for the asking. Oxford have already received information from members on here which I hope they will use. I for one want them to succeed but I want them to do so by producing models which are as correct as possible.
  17. Thank you for that information Edwardian. It sounds like there's hope for this model yet.
  18. If I needed a review of a model I wouldn't be looking in a magazine. I'd be looking somewhere like this forum or similar
  19. When Oxford started producing model railway products I was delighted. I thought they would start producing models which were as accurate as possible to make. I am not an expert so I rely on others like on here to educate me as to how accurate or otherwise a model is. I bought the Oxford wagons even though doubts were expressed as to their accuracy in design & livery. I bought an Adams Radial even though again doubts were expressed again about certain details on the model & that daylight problem under the boiler. I convinced myself that they are only starting to make rtr railway models & will learn quickly. I was really looking forward to the Dean Goods as it is an iconic loco. But it seems I will be disappointed as Oxford have not learned anything at all from previous mistakes. The only difference is that this time I won't be buying. At least I have learned from my mistakes even if Oxford haven't. Thanks to those on here who expertise have helped those of us lacking in such knowledge.
  20. Its wonderful to see another company entering Model railway production & with such gusto. No overly long waiting times for products to arrive. Whether we all see something of interest in their product list doesn't matter. All that matters is that its shaking up the existing companies & keeping them on their toes which can only be good for us modellers. Well done Oxford
  21. I'd be surprised if they sold very many at that RRP but seeing some of the prices that are paid on that auction site I suppose those with deep pockets will be interested. I know my pockets are deep but they have holes in the end of them If anyone is fortunate enough to be able to pay such money I hope they will let us know what the models are like.
  22. Now if they were to sell them off cheap I'm sure some people would take a punt on getting them to run properly but not at the prices Hattons are looking for them. I wonder if some of us live on the same planet ?
  23. I don't think anyone is suggesting a boycott. Its just some won't buy any more without seeing the goods first. Once bitten twice shy & all that
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