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Posts posted by edcayton

  1. When I was doing my own tax returns (UK), I was told all sorts about the HMRC. In fact they were incredibly helpful and made the job as easy as possible. Mind you, that was before Tax Credits came fully in to play. They have now closed the St Evenage office so I guess it's not as easy now.



    • Like 1
  2. Today we went to Stratford (Ontario) to see the swans paraded back down to the Avon river for the summer. Very crowded, and it looks like a long walk for such short legs.


    They have the options of swimming or flying.



    • Like 7
  3. I was with my Sicilian FiL in a travel agent in Palermo, trying to get a ticket for a ferry. It was like a zoo. I asked him where the end of the queue was. "Only stupid people queue" was his reply. "You have to know somebody".



    • Like 3
  4. LHD. On most small cars the driving position is better because of the relationship between the wheel arch and the pedals. Dash boards are often arranged for LHD, and if you must have a touch screen then most people are right handed and will find it easier to operate with their right hand.



  5. A pair of sunglasses to be worn on the way home after the test, makes the eyes a lot more comfortable!!! :sungum:


    I agree. It is probably going to be the sunniest day so far this year too. The High Road in Benfleet isn't exactly a tree lined boulevard either to provide shade.



    and a hat with a peak.



    • Like 2
  6. Good morning all.


    Does anyone have any experience of "Hive" or similar systems giving remote control of the domestic heating system please? I quite like the idea but it seems really expensive. 


    Thanks in advance



    • Like 6
  7. Morning.  Disturbed night due to Mrs NHN having a killer cold.


    Wet 'n' windy here, but 7 miles away, but 1500 feet higher.....bungalow crossing up the mountain railway, and our usual route to work!





    Clearly Spring has sprung on Fraggle Rock.



    • Like 2
  8. Morning all. Another day of sitting and waiting to be called. Boring.


    I'm always surprised by people that can't swim. Growing up it was mandatory in schools to reach at least the Red Cross Survival level. A pass for that meant stripping off street clothes in a 12' deep diving pool, treading water for 10 mins, then retrieving your clothes from the bottom. (Swim suits worn of course)


    I can sign Canadian passport applications made by people living in the U.K.


    And what exactly did they do to those who did not reach that level?



    • Like 2
  9. Driving and diabetes. Agree with what has been said. As a rough guide I have been told that "4's the floor, 5 to drive" for Bm values. Mine rarely gets in to single figures. I'm always being told off by diabetes nurses and doctors because I don't test often enough. No-one has said that the strips are rationed, maybe that varies from one ccg to another.



  10. Good morning all.


    I have been asked to look after cats on several occasions over the years. They tend to take one look at me and bu99er off for the duration! They don't really need looking after as such.


    Best wishes



    • Like 14
  11. Morning afternoon all.


    Running late (again!). Went to the excellent East Anglian show at Godmanchester yesterday, although the late running meant too little time there. Met and had a chat with Jamie of this parish. What a nice chap! Didn't realise Barry was there, what stand were you on?


    I had left what I hoped to be the best (Grantham) til last, but the show closed and they stopped running and then turned the lights off. Shame.


    Not that I was buying, but I thought the trade stands suffered from the poor lighting in the hall, especially when next to a brightly lit layout. The stand selling half-price "daylight" magnifying lamps appeared to be doing good business.


    Best wishes



    • Like 12
  12. Interesting fact about the Renault 4, the wheelbase on one side was 2 cm longer than on the other. This was because of the rear torsion bars being traversley mounted one in front of the other with the swing arms being fixed to the ends of the torsion bar.


    Same on several Renaults, including the 6 and 16. I drove my parents' friend's 16 quite a lot after he died, and quite liked it column shift and all.



    • Like 2
  13. Moaning all from the borough de boring. It was bright and sunny when I started typing but the clouds have rolled in. Meh. Managed to BBQ in the drizzle last night so hopefully the rain will come and go by late this afternoon so I can fire up the Kamado again.


    Needles. Strange things. I can be cut, gouged, bleeding like a stuck pig and it doesn't bother me. One whiff of the antiseptic they use and the feeling of the needle digging about under my skin inside my elbow and I go wobbly. It doesn't help that like my dad, I've got hide and go seek veins. Found the solution from a rather good nurse a few years ago. Now I soak my hand in hot water to make the veins popup, lie down flat, and have the blood drawn or the cannula in the back of my hand. More painful but easier to handle.


    And now a rant about excessive government fees. SWMBO has finally gone for her full citizenship. This has only taken 13 years. First they changed the rules so that it was 5 years of residency instead of 4. That meant her ancestry visa expired too early. That was another £300+ Life in the UK test another £80 by the time you get the book. ILR £1500. Citizenship £1300 + another £70 for the checking so that she doesn't lose her existing ID for 6 months. Then £90 for a passport. £3600 plus by the end of it. People wonder why so many immigrants don't get their citizenship done. They can't bloody afford it, that's why. Once upon a time a Right of Abode was £20 and transferrable on your passport. Now its £472 and you have to reapply every time your existing passport gets renewed.


    Canada is no better. Canadian dual citizens are no longer allowed to enter Canada on anything except a Canadian passport. So for UK citizens that is $15 for a 5 year ETA. For dual citizens its $220 for 5 years or $270 for 10. Can you say ripoff? With the current sh*t exchange rate, that's £179 I've had to cough up this month. Not including the hour of time I lost sitting at the Canadian High Commission, or the schlep half way around Central London to find a place that can do the oddball sized passport photo they insist on. (used to be a place by the Northern Line entrance at Charing Cross but that's closed at the moment) They are all a bunch of thieving cockwombles.


    and breathe. More coffee awaits, as does the ever approaching end to the 2 projects I'm on.


    Enjoy your day.


    What's ILR? My ex is doing the citizenship thing and I was aware of the other expenses but not that one. What country does your wife originate from?



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