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Everything posted by edcayton

  1. I'm guessing it's to do with charging electric cars. Ed
  2. I very much agree with you first and last paragraphs, but disagree just as strongly with the second. The likes of Tony, Larry Goddard and many others are far better modellers than I ever can (or want to) be. I don't think that they call themselves experts, it is a status which is thrust upon them by others who seek their advice and follow their modelling. There are many such on here, even more elsewhere. I have seen no criticism, except constructive when asked for. Comments like yours will lead (and have lead) to these people stopping posting or, worse, deleting threads (you know who you are!). Please don't be negative. Ed
  3. Do they still burn stubble in France? Ed
  4. They are indeed clever. The Torpoint ferry tolls also apply when escaping. If I have time then that is my preferred route into Cornwall, but A 30 or possibly A390 Liskeard to Tavistock coming back. Ed
  5. Evenin' all. What happened to global warning? Just taken the dog for his late night walk and it's bloomin' cold. Late June too. Ed
  6. Delighted to see you have a sensible (ie not derailleur) gear set. Is it a Sturmey Archer or something more modern? Did you build the bike or did it come with the hub gear? If so what make is it? Ed
  7. They f*ck you up, your Mum and Dad. Ed
  8. So as well as little blue men in the bushes we've got immigrants hiding in the shrubbery now. Ed
  9. I think a K series out of a Rover 25 or 45, or an MG ZR or ZS would be easier and you can get these cars as cheap as chips. Frontline do all the bits to fit them into a Spridget, dunno what gearbox they recommend though. Ed
  10. I have seen a scheme for this area somewhere, probably an old Toddler. Anyone else remember it? Ed
  11. Thanks for that Jamie. He went back to Addenbrooks yesterday. Apparently there's not much they can do but wait for the swelling to subside. He may lose smell and taste permanently, and has had some double vision so he could certainly do with someone to sue. He is self employed so no sick pay, but apparently he will get ESA or something (Janet doesn't understand any of this but apparently his family are on the case). So far nothing from the Police. Ed
  12. You can fit a Triumph overdrive box (from a Spitfire, not sure what else) to an A series, easier to find an A+ from a MarItal because they have the correct backplate, flywheel etc, but you'll probably need to do a lot of work to the floorpan and tunnel. Ed Have to say if I was going to do a lot of work to a Moggy van I'd want much better bits than Suzuki van stuff.
  13. Wipers? I believe the RAF would have been the safest service. Talking of bicycle mishaps. My friend's daughter's boyfriend was knocked off his the other night. He hit a telegraph pole so hard that he has broken every bone in his face. Apparently he was lying in a ditch for quite a time before being found, the police treated it as a possible fatality. Allis a bit confused as to the order of things, but apparently the person who reported it rang anonymously. Janet thinks it may have been the driver who waited until he had sobered up a bit. My son tells me that if you call 999 and don't leave name etc they are not allowed to trace the call to preserve anonymity. Do any of our Police-ey type people know if this is true? Ed
  14. Let her choose. You don't have to look at them anyway. Ed
  15. Any medical insurance to use up before you leave Doc? Ed
  16. It's the same here Doc. You try to compare John Lewis with Currys and the "same" model has a different letter as you say. The magazines (especially "Which?") seem to be out of date by the time you get them so it's very hard to compare. Ed
  17. To be fair, if they were little green men hiding properly in the shrubbery then there should be no sign of them. Be careful, they are watching us. Ed
  18. An S and M meal? Oh, wait.... Ed
  19. By 'eck jock, you do write fulsome posts. Do you have one of these magic gadgets that you can dictate into and it turns into text on the computer? Glad you're feeling better. Ed
  20. I'm new to this thread so please excuse if this question has been asked earlier. Are they going to produce the version with the stepped running plate (similar to GW Grange/Manor)? Ed
  21. But what would you do with it if you won? You'd still do cricket and model railways coz you lov'em, you'd still chat on here coz we're your friends. You would appear to have the ideal life! Ed
  22. Update. He is fine, but Mum still looks as white as a sheet.Apparently it was a reaction to a new medication, probably exascerbated (SP) by the above factors. Ed
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