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Blog Entries posted by johnteal

  1. johnteal
    Having been asked if I have tried using the 3mm Neodymium magnets, here is a video to show how they work.
    You can just make out the magnet inside the rails as the couplers open/close.
    They are much better on straight track rather than curves but I think that is a general Kadee thing, I should also point out that I haven't used them before so still need to master the "kadee shuffle"
    The video is done using a loco and 2 boxcars, no editing.
  2. johnteal
    My Neodymium magnets arrived today, so I have spent the evening on a crash course in setting and aligning Kadee couplers, having never used them before.
    After a lot of trial and even more error I finally found the best position for the magnets in relation to the couplers. I had done some internet research which had got me to the point of buying the rod magnets (3mm x 6mm) I did get to the point of wondering if I should have just bought proper Kadee magnets but as my 25 magnets only cost £2.20 getting them to work was worth the learning curve.
    And here are the working positioning, 3mm holes drilled and the magnets inserted, the big problem now is spotting them in operation.

    as the coupler approaches the coupler moves to the side

    I have had to straighten the headshunt as with the curve I just couldn't get the couplers to work

    I have set up the magnet points

    At first I thought i could just have magnets at the closest point in the picture but as the headshunt only fits loco and 1 car I had to fit magnets in the far positions to be able to slit strings of cars in the spurs to bring them back out.
  3. johnteal
    If you see a Metrolink in the street you don't realise how much detail is on the roof !

    Below is the view most of us see, in fact this is more elevated than a street view


    But from above there is all sorts of equipment. Its very rare to get a view of the roof, I have spent ages on Google. So I had to put on my "train spotter anorak" and go find a foot bridge.

    Armed with a limited number of pictures taken at a distance I have started to add the roof details





  4. johnteal
    Its been a while since I have had an urge to model, but after a trip on our new metrolink tram from Oldham to Manchester I started thinking ............

    Of course, never one to do things by halves, my chosen scale is 1:24 (G)

    I dont plan to have complete internals as I need all the integral cross braces as I can get at this size.
    If all goes to plan there will be limited details from seat level up, with everything below seat base hidden with a coat of matt black.
    I couldn't find any plans but did get a pretty useful picture from google that I have blown up to match the tram Overall length and height I found on line.
    The picture I am using is a pretty good representation having spent several hours trawling online pictures of the units.
    I still have some sections I have know idea how to tackle but will as always make it up as I go along !!
  5. johnteal
    Some more progress this afternoon. the second unit now has side panels. and the center section has some form
    A bit of "artistic licence" Due to the length and the under minimum radius curves in the garden I have had to make the sections that will be concertina a bit bigger. Although at this point I haven't worked out how to make concertina sections.




  6. johnteal
    Over the past few weeks since the last post I have been stealing odd moment to go to the shed and work on the section of the layout in front of the sector plate
    A new platform was constructed using a length of 3" x 2" timber with a 6mm ply top on it. The front of the timber was faced with plasikard stone affect.

    Next up a ramp to the left and a section of platform across the end of the line.

    Below is a view from under the footbridge that shows the curve

    Then a second ramp to the front of the line, graded to allow vehicular access. this ramp is made from a block of Balsa

    All the platform tops painted with railmatch Concrete colour

    The platforms were marked out with pencil to replicate 3' x 2' flags

    Each flag was brush painted with matt magnolia emulsion to give some variety

    A bit more of the magnolia done

    Then magnolia across the end

    Step back for a context shot

    pointing man "mind the gap"

    Tarmac laid (OO cinders)

    Once dried the tarmac was sanded down to lighten to high spots and flatten off a bit

    A view from under the bridge, siding empty.

    A view from under the bridge, siding with one wagon

    Edges whitewashed

  7. johnteal
    With a bit of spare time I decided to tackle ballasting the second base board half. I have been using what woodland scenics, describe as "Fine"

    When its this big there is no point messing with an eyedropper.. So its get a half full bottle of PVA and top it up with water and a dash of Fairy Liquid

    Prior to ballasting I had decided to reduce the amount of track in front of the fiddle yard, so the point work has gone and its a single line siding now.It just needs extending a little as I ran out of track.

    Under the footbridge the ballasting extends up to the traverser

    Look who is back !! Pointing Man is home from his ship building holidays. "Too much PVA here mate !"

    Thought I would take a gratuitous 25 picture

    The suburban is too big for inside !

    More updates to follow
  8. johnteal
    Having got the layout dusted off (see last post) thought I would give a loco a run in the garden... I don't think our Cockapoo puppy is knows what to make of it !

    If only I could remember how to embed a YouTube clip !!
  9. johnteal
    After a long break and a sudden urge to spring clean the shed... I have dug out from the back my 45mm indoor module.
    Its an 8' by 21" layout in a BIG scale !
    It has been the subject of previous entries on this blog, and hopefully over the next few weeks will be the subject again... As long as there is an interest of course
    Above is a view from center to left, Below a view from center to right.

    Beyond the footbridge is a hidden sector plate, in front of the sector plate is a small visible spur

    To give you an idea of size the last picture shows the OO line that circles the shed above it...

  10. johnteal
    For those of you that have followed this blog for a while you will know of my star assistant "pointy man" he at one time had quite a following on the tinternet. He is currently on a work placement at my Dads house to oversee the construction of a fishing trawler in his scale ( he can criticise in multi disciplines ) Pop over and pay him a visit on my Dads blog if you get a spare minute. Ok its not railways but he is an excellent modeller.
    One man and his Dog
  11. johnteal
    As the country is battered by storms, it seems today Oldham has been spare the weather today. Never one to pass up a chance I ran some trains.


    I was almost looking forward to running in the rain but that chance will present itself soon enough !
    A video with some close shots can be found
  12. johnteal
    The relaying of outdoor track was completed yesterday, between the showers




    Ps Also got some sailing in ..

  13. johnteal
    Whoop Whoop !!! I made the press, they took the pictures about 2 years ago and the shed looks
    nothing like this now, but it was a nice trip down memory lane. Looking back there are lots of things
    I would have done differently / better though.
    Strangely enough it coincides with me starting a bit of ballasting ....... More info may follow if I keep going.
  14. johnteal
    Thats 4mm to the Inch !!!!!
    Hope you are all keeping well !
    Just to let you all know I am still alive and well, my current modelling projects are still not Railway related but that day will no doubt return... Here is what I have been scratch building. I started with a resin hull bought on ebay and the rest is scratch built from a range of different pictures found on google, resulting in a hybrid freelance charter boat. So if you fancy a diving or fishing trip !!!
    She is about 45" long built to 1:6 scale To give a better feel for size from the fact that the figures are Action Men. More information about the build and some videos of her out on the water can be found on my blog http://www.rjrmodels.blogspot.com




  15. johnteal
    Its been a while since I did any model making, and even longer since I posted anything on this blog. I have been blogging in other forms. Just not here ! After a long summer and lots of Hospital visiting my mum passed away in October. This has resulted in my Dad and I spending more time together. It seemed a natural thing to find a way to share our mutual interest in model making. To that end I have taken a few tentative steps back into the shed and more tentative steps into the world of R/C model boats.

    To start I have taken on responsibility for one of the beautiful 1:50 scale boats he has made. in order to add a little personality of my own to it, I have been working on a new payload... A shipment of Railway stock !






    I am now a member of the Etherow Model Boat Club and we have spent the last few Saturdays together sailing. The other boat in the video is the one he chose to sail for the day, again built by him





  16. johnteal
    Well the modelling Mojo is at an all time low, so I have decided to tidy the shed and lock the door till it comes back.
    If I get any minor interest to do anything I will probably just update my modelling blog, rjrmodels as interest in visiting forums is low at the minute too.
    Enjoy life !
    If you want to find me in the meantime I will be at rjrdaydreamer blogging about other things as the fancy takes me
    I guess this image would be a fitting image to end to the blog for the time being.

  17. johnteal
    last night I went down the shed to do some modelling, but nothing got done ! I ended up just playing trains. The UP short freight arrived and needed switching !
  18. johnteal
    You may have noticed by the lack of posts that I haven't been doing much modelling recently ! Real life has kept me pretty busy and I've been spending more time messing with my other, non railway blog

    Last night I wandered down to the shed for a bit of modelling, during the course of the week I had picked up a packet of Noch grass clumps

    Individual tufts of grass. A pair of pliers and some wood glue were all that was needed to stick them down, oh and some patience as there were 70 tufts! The first picture is an overview of where most of them ended up.

    I found they looked best grouped a little.

    They are very soft to the touch so are pretty good between rails as they move easily out of the way of couplers or wheel flanges.

  19. johnteal
    Very little modelling done this week, about the most I got time for was mounting the aircon units on rooftops, they will need some ducting and pipework at some point in the future.


    My non railway blog seems to be taking more of my free time than modelling at the moment, but we will see what the weekend brings ?!
  20. johnteal
    Not much modelling has got done this week, the only thing that I have got done is making a batch of Air conditioning units that will populate the flat roof spaces.

    They were simple to make, a few thickness's of plasti-card to make up the depth and a picture of an aircon unit printed on sticky labels and stuck on the front.
    During the course of the week they will be fitted, photos to follow.
    Part of the reason for reduced modelling is an increased interest in my non modelling blog.. rjrdaydreamer.. but I have plans for the coming week in the shed
  21. johnteal
    Over the past few days I have been working on a new structure to replace the old brick one that was a recycled model from an earlier layout. It didn't really fit the scene and I don't think it was as good a standard as I would have liked.
    The new building.



  22. johnteal
    Unmarked railroad crossings are often protected by the train crew throwing red flares onto the road before crossing, as per this video.. at 1:19 in
    I have been trying to work out how to do this and came up with these

    Fibre optic shoelaces about £5 of ebay for a pair (2 light units)
    hole drilled in the road and the fibre optic rubber "lace" pushed up from underneath, bit of paint and a piece of wire for the flare body..

    and here they are in action
  23. johnteal
    Having been a regular blogger here and in my external blogger blog, the bug has caught. Today I have launched a new non railway blog
    which is a collection of thoughts prompted by daily life, your welcome to visit.
    The railway stuff will continue here and on RJRModels its just another creative outlet
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