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Blog Entries posted by johnteal

  1. johnteal
    The Metrolink has now had several coats of primer with rub downs and fills in between


    I have used a regular "rattle can" car primer and also a High Build primer in some areas,

    hence the slight two tone appearance.




  2. johnteal
    With the roof dropped in place and the window/door frames taking shape, it almost starts to look like a metrolink,
    Well it does if you squint !


  3. johnteal
    This post sees the start outline of the cab structure installed.

    The curved and multi-faceted front has created some challenges


    Some rudimentary tests of the concertina connections,

    these are made from folded thick paper



  4. johnteal
    Always a good idea to test as you go along ! So here is a quick video of a tram skeleton traveling around the garden

    With everything working work continued



    Thanks for the suggestions for the concertinas, either as comment or PM
    I have tried a couple of my original ideas with varied success

    Various thickness of paper and card with different fold sizes

    10 thou plasticard held together with sellotape..
    With some time I will try the ideas sent.
  5. johnteal
    Tonight was probably my last chance to escape to the shed this week so I made the most of it !
    Things are going well, I would say "to plan" but that would suggest I have a plan!
    Note that I am leaving the cabs for the time being as they are more Tricky
    Oh and say hello to "pointing man" he is back supervising







    Yes the class 20 in a couple of the shots is OO, just to give you an idea of how giant this is !!
  6. johnteal
    This is the beast in full length, The chassis are complete and work has started cutting the side panels
    the first pair of panels are seen lying on the bench . The McDonalds milkshake cup gives a bit of perspective.

    This second shot shows a pair of panels in position

    Last shot first panel stuck in place
  7. johnteal
    Its not trains but I am moonlighting, doing a bit of boat modelling between the garden railways. As i posted a link to my dads trawler here are some details of my build..

    Two Saturdays ago my Dad and I took a trip over to Barnsley to pick up a model kit of a fishing trawler. He had very kindly ordered and paid for it as a present to me. We picked it up the manufacturer, Model Slipway which is a small husband and wife cottage industry.
    The kits are made in a series of large sheds, portakabins and a garage in the back garden. It is composed of a fibre glass hull, several large sheets of flat plastic with parts either printed or engraved on, and hundreds of tiny metal castings. Also included are a set of full size engineering drawings and a thick instruction manual.

    Their porakabins are full of racks containing thousands of little hand cast fittings that they cast themselves. The kits are hand made up of all the required parts to order. When you consider how labour intensive the manufacture and putting together of each kit is you realise that they are not overly priced. Click on one of the two pictures above and look at the detail.
    I made a start with the first item on the list.. A stand, this isn't included but is made by marking out a supplied paper template on a piece of plywood. You need the stand to have somewhere to sit the hull !

    Next up.. have a good read of the instruction manual to learn how the rudder and propeller shaft fit. This is always a tense moment as it involves drilling holes in the bottom of the hull. Every hole is a potential leak !

    Not good at reading technical drawings, this is probably not the hobby for you ! What you see above ends up looking like this below.

    Inside the boat the propeller shaft and rudder can be seen below and then in the second picture a wooden block has been stuck in to mount the electric motor on.

    With the 6v motor screwed in place, we have a form of propulsion

    It will probably take several months to construct as its not quite as simple as an Airfix kit. When finished it should look like this....

    The kit is a scale model of a real Shelter Deck sea trawler, that can be seen operating out of Scarborough.
    I probably wont clutter up RMweb with boat posts but if you are interested you can follow along with my external blog RJRdaydreamer
  8. johnteal
    Once again the back garden is buried under about 6" of snow. It doesn't seem like 12 months ago, well perhaps it isn't quite that long. If it isn't snowing tomorrow I may well try a snow running session. In the meantime here is some video action from last winter
    All the above stock is still in the shed, might be fun to see the 20 or 25 in the snow
  9. johnteal
    Its taken a couple of days but I have finally edited together some footage of 3 loco's, including class 20 and 25 travelling around the newly bedded track in the garden.
    Try as I may, I cant work out how to embed a YouTube clip here, so I am afraid you need to click the link to view it on YouTube

  10. johnteal
    Its been a while since I have posted on here. In the past months I have been sat in more traffic jams in and around Oldham and Ashton-under-Lyne than I care to count. The only plus side, the jams are caused by metro link and I have been watching them lay track and do all the associated ground works. Not really a massive plus point, but its better than sat with nothing of interest to look at.
    So a combination of Summer coming, seeing track being laid and popping in and out of the shed to collect R/C boats, made me think. I had to make a decision what to do with my garden line.
    The choice... Rip it up and forget it or refurbish it..... I decided to refurbish.
    Here are a couple of pictures, there are more on my blog
    Before ...


    More pictures on my blog HERE and updates to follow...
  11. johnteal
    Part of the enjoyment of Model Railways for me is playing with my camera, taking pictures of what I have made. My Samsung compact camera cost me the whopping sum of £70. I guess if I had enough disposable income i would upgrade to something much better, but in the meantime I enjoy what I have. In most cases the picture comes out to a reasonable standard and I have enjoyed learning new skills, many of which I have picked up from other forum members.
    For some time I have been intrigued by the skill of stop motion (i.e. the Wallace and Gromit style) and in time I may have a play, While browsing the internet I came across the opposite of stop motion, time lapse which is another fascinating genre. Further browsing brought me to the most amazing time lapse photographer and I just had to blog about it., If you get 10 minutes check it out on my offf forum blog, the videos he creates are outstanding. The post can be found HERE
  12. johnteal
    Today the main work was to transfer the ownership of a former Chessie Loco into the hands of RJR branchlines, this will now be working the estate, which will free up the UP loco's.
    A glance at the photos will also reveal a couple of fences that have been erected.







  13. johnteal
    Playing with trains, cameras and video editing software ! Perfect Friday night !
    The music on the "car radio" is playing in the shed so caught by the camera, the loco noise is added in afterwards on the video software (Ulead) then all output in HD
  14. johnteal
    Tonight's activity involved erecting some fencing. I've mounted it on a piece of plasticard that is scored to look like paving stones, this allows the fencing to be done on the workbench rather than at the back of the baseboards






  15. johnteal
    Last night didn't yield massive dividends but more painting was done on the root beer end




    I have also posted a new entry on my other non railway blog.
  16. johnteal
    Using some Birthday present "cash" I purchased 8 lengths of peco flexi yesterday and last night laid the outer loop on the top shelf. it didn't take long but would have been a much easier job if it wasn't in the "eaves" of the shed.
    Once laid and connected it was play time.................
  17. johnteal
    Once again the back garden is buried under about 6" of snow. It doesn't seem like 12 months ago, well perhaps it isn't quite that long. If it isn't snowing tomorrow I may well try a snow running session. In the meantime here is some video action from last winter
    All the above stock is still in the shed, might be fun to see the 20 or 25 in the snow
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