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Blog Entries posted by johnteal

  1. johnteal
    This afternoon I got home earlier than planned so i used the time to block up and sand the roof section with some Balsa wood




    This method was a lot quicker than the one I used to make the loco roof !!!
  2. johnteal
    I've run out of plastic card for the time being, but tonight was quite fruitful. One side is starting to look something like.



    But pointing man is complaining he cant get out .. no handles !

  3. johnteal
    Its been a frustrating day ! Its accounts time of the month, a mountain of receipts and invoices to do along with updating weekly accounts. The joys of being self employed !! Sitting at the dinning room table all day working through a mountain of paperwork looking at the garden wishing I was doing something else....
    So when I got to 4pm I decided to stop and treat myself to an hour of train testing, which developed into a bit of filling and sanding and then a bit of spraying
    First up a picture of the underside, showing the large under cab holes to get the cab details and glazing through. Also visible, the motor batteries in the fuel tank, on/off switch terminals to connect the motor bogie to and just in front of the fuel tank the headphone plug that the mp3 player locates on.

    I guess it doesn't make interesting reading or viewing at this point as most of what has been done is fill, sand , prime repeated to try and improve the finish. Oh and some black on the frames.




    There will be a video to follow later
  4. johnteal
    It could have been me or one of my helpers but during the installation of the 10' trampoline a foot must ahve been a but heavy on the track. Trains still ran but I wanted the camber a little better. Plus pointing man was not impressed !


    First step was to dig out under the track, step 2 alter camber in this case a stone was wedged in. Step 3 back fill with some fresh "postcrete"
    Easy when you have a mini digger to hand !
    A bit further up the line the small weeds are taking control nicely

    Still waiting for the extra track to complete the circuit though !
  5. johnteal
    I have been expecting 3 deliveries
    The kids trampoline that triggered the replanning of the outdoor line.
    Whiteboard restorer for work
    The extra track to finish the outdoor rework
    Today 2 out of the 3 arrived, the one I wanted most, the track didnt !!
    So with only the trampoline to play with I spent the evening putting it up and happily it fitted as planned


    The front leg need to be sat in a trench to level it up, but my big concern, will the legs clear the track was not a problem after all.
  6. johnteal
    Due to the impending arrival of a new trampoline for my daughters I have had to make some compromises in the garden. The main result is flattening the rockery, removing and moving the return loop that was at the bottom of the garden. Of course to them it may seem as though I lost the battle that was being mediated by the domestic planning authority, of course, it was a tactical loss, I may well have lost the battle but when you see how much further away the return loop is... I think I may well have won the War

    The red circle is the outline of the trampoline

    More pictures and info can be found on my blogger BLOG
  7. johnteal
    For various reasons I haven't done much modelling in the last couple of days, and not posted the video I made earlier in the week.

    I had been doing a bit more weathering on the rolling stock, but mainly adding grass, well the base coat to it anyway ! Seems endless at the moment, but fun non the less.

    Im still unsure of how to get the moorland look I want for the foreground, Im thinking of painting it glossy dark, grassing sections and leaving patches river-lets etc to get an unusable boggy moor look.

    On a bigger note or rather scale, The G in the garden is going to have undergo some major weekend track closures. The domestic Authorities have ordered a 10' trampoline that is planned to sit at the bottom of the garden right where the rockery is that the track loops round.

    Option one was to just place the trampoline over the railway, which would render it invisible or option 2, rebuild the bottom section away from the trampoline, possibly with a through line still passing under it. We will see what develops.



  8. johnteal
    I have to admit to being at a bit of a loss how to fill the gap between the large structure at the end of the line and the station, one being quite modern, the other a traditional stone building. It wasn't what to put between, more what style of construction.
    So here are the results, I have to say Im quite pleased with the what has developed..



  9. johnteal
    I know not everyone likes blogs, I have to say I have grown to like the format and find it a good way to "post" updates when normal threads are specific to layout or gauge.For some time now I have been blogging here within the RMweb site and am suprised to say I have had quite reasonable size following given I don't do very popular scales in the main.I do maintain a website for RJR but find it can be either quite "static" or needs a lot of updating to remain current.So for the past few days I have been playing with a Blogger account to see how flexible it is and have got to a point that I can say "Hey I have a Blogger account, come see" I didn't want to do so, until there was at least something to look at !!!So if you have a spare couple of minutes, pop in, better still if you a regular reader of my ramblings, I mean posts !! bookmark the blog or sign up to follow.It can be found here
  10. johnteal
    What can I say, the weather was far to nice to be in the shed playing trains, especially when you have the option to play trains in the sunshine
    After cutting the lawn and having a good tidy up in the garden, attention turned to the railway and in particular how it had faired over the extreme winter weather. I am happy to report that bar a few minor bits of the concrete ballasting cracking no major rework has been required. I have chipped a few of the looser sections away and backfilled with new, but an hour of maintenance after a winter is really no more work than a standard OO layout.
    One of my two indoor layout purchases, made on ebay this week arrived today, and was given a test in the garden, Im quite pleased with the level of detail on the mini digger for £5.50

    of course pointing man is never far away,

    Here is a step back, track plan kind of shot,

    It looks quite small in a single shot but you can get an idea of scale from the 6'wide fence panels in the background.
    After a bit of "testing" I had a rummage to see what track I had left in the shed and decided to start the planned extension.

    The point work just in front of where the loco is sat, has been there since the track was first laid, today the spur leading of it has been added.


    This resulted in the need for a bit more testing

    Fortunately as Mrs RJR was out this afternoon the extension went unnoticed, even when she came out on her return Its called claiming the garden by stealth.
    My plan now involves track on an even cheaper scale than the playmo .... It occured to me that when I sit stock on the shed step, the deck boards have a pair of grooves 45mm wide


    So the plan is to lay a single board along the back of the path from where the new extension now ends, right down the garden.

    Of course I wont need planning permission for this from the domestic authorities as it isn't new track laying, it a gravel board to stop the stones behind it coming onto the path :) Genius me thinks !!!!!
  11. johnteal
    Pallets and more pallets, pointing man is getting a bit miffed I think !!!


    Made from balsa with a light stain added after assembly. I also added the mortar to the stone work behind before the building got to advanced this time !!
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