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Everything posted by south_tyne

  1. Apologies if this comes across like a stuck record but...... this is highly impressive stuff Tim. I love the scale of those big industrial buildings. They have such a presence in 7mm scale. David
  2. I'll be interested to see how you get on with the insulation board. As above, I have not had good experiences with Kingspan/Celotex etc. The type you are using just be stronger and more robust.
  3. Sounds like you have an excellent well thought out plan for the stock you will use and sounds right up my street! Pleased to see you are continuing to make progress. Keep up the good work!
  4. I just agree that, in my humble opinion, there are very few 'small layouts' Volume One. To be frank, Wild Swan Yard is about the only one included. Whilst I know it's not a book I plans for micro layouts, the definition of 'small'is somewhat loose, particularly in the context of modern houses and modelling trends. Edit: just had another look at Micro Freight Terminal and that definitely qualifies as a small layout too. Its a nice plan. I think that first volume is definitely show in its age mind. Looking forward to volume 3 in the course.
  5. Marc, thanks for that explanation. As I said, I have always struggled with how to go about it but that method using pencil and string makes perfect sense! I have a supply of foamboard so think i will gie it a go for a trial run. If it takes a few goes to get right then nothing is lost. Look forward to seeing progress when you acquire the necessary bits and pieces. Thanks again for taking the time to respond to my questions and for so willingly sharing your expertise. It is greatly appreciated David
  6. That's very true and far more varied than the winners of the FA Cup and League Cup in England over the last decade. From a completely neutral point of view, it would be great if someone to break Celtic's stranglehold on the SPL - personally I would love it to be Aberdeen.
  7. You just need he Oyston's away from your club before he runs it into the ground. Feel for the Blackpool fans. Might administration and him being forced to sell up be a case of short term pain for long term gain? (Although I know you have had years of pain since the PL season)
  8. In total agreement about the standard - I think there is now very little difference in quality between the bottle two-thirds of League One and the top half of the National League. As a weekly watcher of Conference football the quality has improved markedly over the last decade as more and more teams have become professional - both on and off the field. It's a pig of a league to get out of too.... see how long it took Luton. Other teams such as Wrexham are still stuck, we've had Oxford, Cambridge, Lincoln.... the most of huge clubs goes on. But then look who is top of the league - Solihull Moors. But you're right, ultimately as with 95% of success in football, it all boils down to money. Even a smaller club like mine is nowhere near sustainable and requires an owner to simply subsidise the operation. Money makes the (football) world go round......
  9. Thanks Dave that's smashing. EDM still have Pecketts available so I will look into it further - your endorsement is good to know
  10. It looks very much at home in the dock setting. Reminds me of photos of tram locos in Ipswich
  11. True. I feel so sorry for the Blackpool fans such as yoursel who have had the heart ripped out of their club. Such a sad state of affairs. We all want a Dale Vince (Forest Green) but sadly, and understandably, those kind of patrons are few and far between.
  12. Thanks and will do your layout has been inspirational to me! You should submit it to The Guild for inclusion in Volume 3 of the Small Layouts book. It deserves wider exposure.
  13. Hi Dave, Thanks very much for taking the time to take those photos and give some explanation. It looks absolutely superb. If you do a similar weathering job to that on the Hudswell Clark locos it will look the bees knees! Did you get the Peckett through EDM Models? Those photos are certainly testing my resolve and tempting me to raid the piggybank! Cheers, David PS - sorry for hijacking your thread, I do apologise.
  14. I can only agree with the above comment. Your railway is everything that a garden railway should be. I dream of being able to have one some day in the future but for the time being I am happy to enjoy your photos! Thanks for sharing and keep up the good work! David
  15. Well Mr Scholes has made a good start tonight!
  16. What a wonderful layout! So atmospheric and evocative. Paints such a realistic picture of the time and place (from someone just up the road!!) Really pleased to hear that the layout will survive! David
  17. You're making excellent progress there! I love the flow of the trackplan and it should offer opportunity for some really interesting operation
  18. Thanks very much Marc. I completely agree about the 1:1 planning, it helps so much in seeing how the plan works in real life, particularly that 3d element. Thanks for the information regarding the sector plate. It is interesting to see how you will approach it. I have always struggled with sector plates in the past so was keen to understand and learn how you do it. Sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective!
  19. Hi Paul. Many thanks for your reply and I am really pleased the layout is still alive and kicking! I don't blame you for the lack of progress last summer, I also certainly had much better things to do than railway modelling during the glorious weather! Sadly a distant memory now..... Look forward to seeing any further progress in the course. I am planning a small layout at the moment and am severely restricted for space so I might copy (steal) your ideas and the concept of the folding baseboard. I hope you don't mind! Thanks again, David
  20. I look forward to seeing Paul's new layout. I am really looking forward to the third volume - I am sure you layout will be included, I have been admiring it and following here over the last couple of years. Fantastic plan for a limited space and really inspirational for us space starved modellers. Enjoy following your workbench thread too. Keep up the good work!
  21. I feel the pain in your wallet!!
  22. Agreed and it is good to see clubs moving up and challenging the established clubs in the football league. Totally agree with the National League North - look at some of the teams there... York, Darlington, Stockport, Boston, Chester, Kidderminster, Bradford PA, Southport, Hereford. All ex-football league clubs that have fallen on hard times, the strength is amazing. In our part of the world we have South Shields (another ex-league club) that are storming up the pyramid. The are getting attendances of 1,500 in the Northern Premier League. I'm a Gateshead season ticket holder and we are only getting around 600 in the National League. I think they are much more likely to get back into the league before us. Forest Green are a great example of a sustainable club that has gone about things in the right manner and I was delighted when they got prompted out of our league. They're a great club and bunch of folk. Fleetwood is another good example of it being done well. But then for every one of those there is a Rushden & Diamonds or a Gretna.......
  23. It doesn't have to go to waste though - potential for landscape forming?
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