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Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71

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Everything posted by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71

  1. ....it seemed like a slow start this morning Jamie, so there didn't seem much point in changing things. Dave
  2. .....was the woolly one named Rustle (Russell)? Dave
  3. ....no Poll, honest....but I've eaten one or two....a little more seasoning please. Dave
  4. Evenin' all, Another small victory for Is today, arising from changing the route/destination for our weekly shopping trip. Sainsburys, Ashbourne via the scenery around Ilam became todays destination, with a short walk in the lovely sunshine at Blore Pasture en route..... The last scene in the video shows Thorpe Cloud to the right and Bunster Hill to the left....the River Dove flows between them. At this point the limestone plateau of the white peak ends and the Derbyshire clays form a boundary with them. Is was allowed a short walk around Homebase to help choose new bathroom accessories with me, as the store was virtually deserted but she had to wait in the car whilst I did the food shopping. Enjoy what you do Dave
  5. ....when it comes to terrorism I simply expect those choosing to live by the sword....to also expect to die by it....and not whine about any injustice. Dave
  6. ....I'll say 34th....as Is's husband I had to look at where I could be most effective in this saga in order to feel valuable/useful....I can't necessarily influence the condition/treatment low points or outcome, so focus on ensuring that she is on top form, or as good as she can be, throughout, to help her cope mentally and physically. This means keeping a careful eye on how she responds to each medication (asking for alternative drugs as necessary) and encouraging anything positive, such as wanting particular foods, or short trips out. If she is sick then nutrients are lost, it is physically and psycologically draining and the nutrients have to be replaced, so I try hard to avoid it happening. If all of this only means that all medication can go ahead on the planned dates, then I'll consider my efforts justified. Feeling that you're working together as a team/doing all that you can as a couple to combat this is also psycologically important. Keeping as near to a normal routine and letting her do whatever she is up to doing, are significant factors too. Muscle tone etc can only be retained through physical activity. Pulling her leg about not going out in the wig with the label hanging down etc are just ways of being able to laugh together about this enforced situation. Is tends to nod off after any physical activity.....I took the opportunity to head out around the long anticlockwise constitutional for 90mins this afternoon as she dozed in the chair Not filmed today but the same route and weather conditions Dave
  7. .....I seem to remember Frinton having good fish & chips though Jock....or have they gone off? A little more WHR action..... This one from a holiday with friends in the area ditto Dave
  8. Mornin' all, Enjoyed the Welsh Highland Railway images....here is a sequence from a footplate trip on the WHR a few years back....a great day Dave
  9. Mornin' all, I've checked through the Traffic & Traction pages 1977-83 and can't find a single mention of a 40 + 25 combo on the Exeter bitumen tanks....it appears that 2x25 was the norm when it ran, so apologies. I did however find details of a split box 40 (40128 or 138) working a Wallerscote to Taunton salt train throughout, followed by the booked Taunton to Severn Tunnel Jnc freight to get back (March 78). More interesting still was 40028 recorded on the Parkandillack branch from Burngullow working a china clay train....probably the clayliner from the Potteries but it must have passed through Devon. The Bridgewater tanks referred to by Rivercider above featured with occasional 40 haulage. The 1978 dates tie in nicely with the new class 40 traction knowledge of the Hereford traincrews. Dave
  10. Aft'noon all, A small victory today following Is's first monthly bone cancer injection....she came home demanding fish & chips for tea....which I took to be a good sign and drove us up to the Longnor chippy for their smashing offering. Is couldn't go into the chippy so I collected a take out and we headed out towards Sheen/stunning views of the Moorland scenery to park in glorious sunshine and savour the treat....just the sort of normality that will help her through the rough days. 1 week done and 17 weeks of chemo to go Feathered ones provided for Enjoy what you do Dave
  11. .....not that rare at the time SK....I have a feeling that this was the booked traction for this period. I have this image as a postcard and by the looks of the picture above it is simply a scan of such a postcard. 40191 was sub shedded at Hereford June to November 1977 for driver training, therefore Hereford traction knowledge and Bristol route knowledge should have gotten this consist to Exeter and back without much mither. Most bitumen workings ex Ellesmere Port down the North & West towards Newport were 2x25s but a bit more HP was probably needed on the Exeter run to keep time. A pair of 40s feature out of Exeter in my Devon album https://www.flickr.com/photos/43564631@N08/sets/72157623135256021 Dave
  12. Aft'noon all, A week of night shifts currently so family/friends offering to assist with Is is helping....her sister has collected her today. Fortunately, Is is well enough to go and have a blood test to ensure that she is up to tomorrows first injection for the secondary bone cancer. She has taken care with her appearence....first outing with wig....and it would be difficult for anyone not knowing that she has had her head shaved to know that there was anything amiss. The combination of the weekly PIC line flushes, 3 weekly chemo infusions and monthly bone cancer injections...along with the blood tests means that the wig is going to get plenty of outings....providing that she is well enough.....Hasn't taken long for her to return from the blood test....she is pleased to be back in the house and able to swap wig for bandana, as the former feels like a hat and gets too hot after a while. I'm lining up a few exclusive and consequently quiet mid-week destinations within an hours drive....The Riverside Hotel, Ashford-in-the-Water; Biggin Hall etc....where I can tempt her with a scenic drive to/from and treat her to secluded coffee/cake/light lunch etc without exposure to many people/much risk of infection, on the good days. Is is used to a very active social life and the first signs of stir crazy/stuck in the house syndrome are hinting.....wallet pangs are hinting in my direction. Head to head church DCC meeting on the cards with a retired building company manager.....taking his turn with the a##e tee-shirt....insisting that his ideas for the specification for the new roof grant which we were awarded should take priority over those of the architect leading our bid. The retiree has much previous for achieving s#d all whilst alienating those actually doing the work....time to take the heavy mob to the meeting and bu##er him off once and for all. Now music by The Houghton Weavers....whistling gypsy Feathered ones provided for Enjoy what you do Dave
  13. .....does Andy know that he is also Mrs? Dave
  14. Mornin' all, Happy anniversary Mr & Mrs Andy Dry and bright in The Moorlands at 06.00 for a rerun of the short clockwise constitutional. Showground being packed away for another year....didn't manage to attend after all yesterday, what with the 'tooing & froing' but at least it was a sunny day for them. Is is eating well and had a good night....more relaxed about the medication now, sleeps better and ironically doesn't need to take it....a little psycology involved methinks. Now music by Frankie Valli & the four seasons.....Walk like a man Church duties later.....new Server's rota produced and a few copies printed off Feathered ones provided for....why do they poo in the place where they eat? Enjoy what you do Dave
  15. Aft'noon all, Summer Lass is available again from The Wincle brewery in app. 2 pint bottles this year.....a superb 4.8% Belgian artisan style seasonal ale. Dave
  16. Aft'noon all, Alternative 2nd line nausea medication collected from the cancer centre. It turns out to be a tablet type used by Is in the past following ear operations and she is confident that she hasn't had side effects with Cyclizine, so we should be in a better position again now. Looks like Jock is managing ok with the tablets that were causing headaches for Is. New bathroom emulsion shade and half a dozen bottles of medicine for me....Summer Lass from the Wincle brewery.....collected on the same trip and I'm pleased to say that I'm not suffering any side effects either....not on one bottle anyway! The next door neighbour is still waiting to get the broken roof tiles replaced by the so called roofing experts that pressure washed and coated his roof (breaking several tiles in the process).....I handed him a bottle of the Summer Lass, his need probably greater than mine. Cheers Dave
  17. Mornin' all, Good to be alive blue sky sunny start in The Moorlands for the short clockwise constitutional. High summer rosebay willowherb, foxglove populated roadside verges glisten with last nights raindrops/dew, the already silaged fields have now darkened again as the next grass crop grows. The weekend change of route is also a welcome change of vistas and views.....food for the soul. Is suffered a bit yesterday, needing the 2nd line of nausea tablets but then finding that these caused a bad headache.....I'll speak with the nurse at the cancer centre to see whether there are optional varieties of 2nd line tablets which might not cause them. Not good to see anyone suffering, if it can be avoided......Success, the cancer centre has an alternative 2nd line drug listed and is allowing me to collect some. A 30 mile round trip is a small price if it removes the issue. The 111 medical service, suggested as the first way of sorting the problem during out of hours times proved inept...surely arranging for/advising on where to collect prescriptions at times when your own GP is not available is a routine situation. No surprise that frustrated callers then ring 999 and clog up that system with non-emergency calls. Now music by Big Country.....In a big country Feathered ones provided for Enjoy what you do Dave
  18. Mornin' all, Partly overcast, dry start in The Moorlands for the short anticlock constitutional. Plenty of physical exercise today with the marking out, post knocking in, roping up, water troughs setting out, chair setting out, pavilion arranging of this years Leek Agricultural show. Come and see us tomorrow if you're in the area. Is has had a better night and didn't need the 2nd line of nausea tablets provided by the cancer centre. She has no set tasks Jock but insists on doing what she can....sitting down for rests, telephone calls and naps in between....this is also good for her morale as she feels useful and it passes the day. I have to assume that the FEC chemicals are attacking the cancerous cells in her breast as it is now bright red.....nowhere else, just the problem area. Lumix compact digital camera replacement ordered as my dad has now had his back. Now music by The Houghton Weavers....Wild Mountain Thyme Feathered ones provided for....regular bullfinch visits just now Enjoy what you do Dave
  19. Aft'noon all, Good to see the Kernow thread up and running again.....here is a link to the Cornish section of my Flickr site https://www.flickr.com/photos/43564631@N08/sets/72157622606262751 ....not current images maybe but the 1980s BR scene motivated me to make several lengthy journeys to the South West Dave
  20. ....everyone takes a turn at being an a##e at some point Pete but the idea is to pass the tee-shirt on quickly and not want it back too often. Dave
  21. Mornin' all, Thank you for the hygiene, nausea tips Ian. Quite a lady that you have there Jock....making further sacrifices on top of what she has already gone through. Sunny & mild start in The Moorlands for the short anticlockwise constitutional. Queasy start for Is, as expected, tablets now rowed up in order to be taken. Hygiene guide being followed with antiseptic wipes to hand to keep door handles, loo etc sanitised. Duplicate handtowels too. I'm having to let her get on with quite a bit though as she wants to do as much normally, as she can. Off to the shops this morning....a while since I needed to know where individual items were in a supermarket. Will be helping friends to prepare the Leek showground tomorrow, ready for the show on Saturday. Feathered ones provided for Enjoy what you do Dave
  22. Evenin' all, First chemo done....despite Is's small veins....she now wee's pink....pic line (into upper arm) to be used hence, with attendant need for weekly flushing visits. Wig acquired and very realistic too....almost identical to her original style....suddenly Is is looking forward to going out, when she feels well enough. Enough tablets to open a small pharmacy carried back from the hospital. She likes to wear a mop cap around the house at breakfast time but gets defensive when I ask where her sheep have gone. We now have a cleaner again....good to walk into a sparkling house once more. Dave
  23. ....the cancer centre has a wig dept. Ian. I'm taking her to be measured today on the way for chemo. Her usual stylist is then going with her to choose a similar style to what she normally has. Dave
  24. Evenin' all, Good to read Rick's news. Many thanks to all for the supportive nature of this thread....our biggest priority at the moment is to be as normal as possible and for us that includes relating our experiences as they unfold. The advantage of typing this into a website is that it is a step back from stating it verbally and it is also to a more anonymous audience.....this cushions/prepares one for the emotional impact of telling family/close friends. Best regards Dave
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