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  • Location
    York, UK
  • Interests
    UK railways in general, both steam through to moden day. I model in OO and OO9. I also enjoy modelling military vehicles and aircraft, a bit of photography and generally relaxing when I'm not at work!

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  1. is going to be right tired at the York show on Sunday, if Saturday night at work is any thing like tonight currently is!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. James


      Depends on the job - but nights can be great!


      At Scalefour North when part of our layout was there I was there on the Saturday, went home slept for a couple of hours then did a twelve hour tampering shift finishing at 0900 on the Sunday morning. I was back at the show but Sunday lunchtime!


      PS Pipes ready to post!

    3. JaymzHatstand


      Boris, I havent booked them in advanceso I can't give you what I havent got! Especially as Kevin says you're grounded!


      James, cheers for that, I'll get on with fitting them asap! Some night jobs are fine, but filling shelves with beer on a warm bank-holiday weekend, is not one of them!

    4. James


      Following a tamper when it's -15*C is probably still better than that!

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