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Everything posted by JaymzHatstand

  1. Depends on how the reverser is positioned (hat, coat, dark glasses and ferry to Belgium!) I suspect that the short bunker would require a lot more tooling adjustment than just detail bits that can be plugged in afterwards or other less awkward changes to do. It's still good to see that it's not a case of 'one shot covers all' moulding and that plenty of variation can, and I suspect will be produced over time. It does create a bit of a minefield for those wanting to renumber of course, but thumbing through books is all part of the fun! I also wonder if driving wheels of a slightly larger diameter (around 6") would be accommodated in the chassis! Food for thought and froth there methinks! Cheers J
  2. Looking in Yeadon volume 43A, page 50 has the photographic grey shot of 2173, and at the top of the page, a photo of 1720 (which is from an earlier batch) carrying what looks very much like green livery, featuring the same lining as the works photo. Obviously a works photo is not the same as an in service one, especially as its most likely in photographic grey (I don't think Saxony Green would look that light!) but that's not to say that there isn't evidence of 2173 carrying lined green when new. I certainly suspect that black will have followed fairly swiftly though. Cheers J
  3. There was also variations in buffers and end stantions between different build batches and locations. Hopefully these variations are/will be included in the tooling. Most should be simple enough with various interchangeable parts, but there are a few that I suspect will cause a few headaches if indeed they are attempted. I'm really looking forward to seeing this progress, and I might see if I can get my second Parkside one done before this emerges. You can never have too many brake vans! Cheers J
  4. From the RRPs, R3676 Mallard is £20 more than its sister, R3630 Woodcock which has an arguably more complex livery. I presume there is an image fee payable to the NRM for Mallard, and with the Rails/Rapido Dyno Car around the corner it makes sense to have a non-special drake in the range. Pleased to see the Toads, it won't stop me with my Parkside ones, as they will both be in NE livery, and steel ducketed, so a wooden one or two will certainly make an appearance. The milk tanker set looks useful and there are some welcome additions to the TTS range, the class 20 in particular for me! The blue MN was almost a shoe in when it wasn't in the initial release, and I might be tempted finally! I found the LMS bathtub a little surprising, but given the lovely new chassis, it makes sense and will certainly be interesting to see what improvements they make. And I never did get a blue one before! It an interesting range, with a few 'that looks nice' items, but not a great deal of big ticket items that I must have. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing some of these develop and if I have the money when I see them I could be tempted, if not I'll be fine! I'm glad there's things that people have been clamouring for, hopefully those people will put their money where their mouths are, and there'll be more releases like that in the future! Cheers J
  5. Thanks, yes it is 4mm, it's a D&S kit that I acquired a year or so ago. I've got a few more items stashed away but I'm making myself get some things finished and somewhere proper to run them before starting anything else! Santas offerings for me were a couple if useful books, and a few tins (which need emptying) which will come in handy! Cheers J
  6. Not much has occurred on my bench for a while, the festive season has taken its toll on modelling time, I have managed however to put together a 51L kit for a Hull & Barnsley D15 10T ventilated covered goods wagon. It went together pretty quickly but I wasn't overly happy with the plastic floor being glued inside the body. Rather than just relying on superglue to hold the floor and running gear, I made a bracket from some scrap brass and soldered it inside the body, ensuring the main points of support were above the wheelsets. The roof is my first attempt at tissue paper over plasticard, so I'll see how it looks once painted before fitting it properly. For now, it's just resting in place. My horsebox has also been repainted in the right shade of brown, and looks a lot better for it. I did have a go at making paint masks for their lettering, but they weren't very successful so it looks like I'll be using decals instead. The NE hopper has also been coloured in, and is also awaiting decals. That's it for now, I hope Santa Claus was kind to you all, and all the best for the new year! Cheers J
  7. I saw them running on the Bachmann demo layout and they seemed to roll very smoothly. The wagon floor is metal so theres plenty of low down weight. I suspect it could be a trick of photography. Cheers J
  8. Two colour LED, adjustable via DCC I believe! Cheers J
  9. I was told that there are at least two separate lamp tooling dependant on which version they are sold with, I can't remember which pattern lamps they are though I'm afraid. Cheers J
  10. Yes, there was a small demonstration layout in the lounge with Peggy trundling round with a few of the wagons and 590 sat in a siding. I was able to inspect the items first hand and the wagons have a nice weight to them, with a die-cast floor. The opening doors (both sides and ends) on the ambulance vans are a nice touch. The locos looked very nice indeed, the livery on Peggy is especially eye-catching and tempting! The shade of red used looks lovely on her, and the lining is very finely applied. Etched name/builders played are included in the box too. Im afraid I want able to get any photos, but had a jolly good examine, so can try to answer any more questions you might have! Cheers J
  11. Not yet, but it is progressing (I did ask) and judging by the quality of what was on display, it's going to be magic! Cheers J
  12. So, yesterday at the Warley show, the J72 EPs were on display in the Bachmann lounge, and they looked superb! Progress is certainly impressive on these and I can't wait for the livery announcements! There were four EPs of the J72 in the display cabinets, all showing a selection of detail differences for the potential variants ranging from NER through to LNER and BR built locos. There are various smokebox door darts/wheel combinations, buffer types, non and vac fitted early and late sand box configuration along with working 3 link couplings ready fitted. Pre fitted speaker in the bunker, flickering LED firebox, positionable headlamps (four included with the loco though I think non-working) and full cab detail were all pointed out so it's definitely a step up from the groundbreaking Mainline tooling! Given the details and features, it's going to be North of £100 but in the current market I think that's pretty reasonable, and I'll definitely be in for a couple of them, depending on livery and number combination (which are yet to be announced) Only managed to get on photo worth sharing of those not on the spinning plinths as I only had my phone with me, but hopefully it'll be of use and interest! They've certainly got the face of the loco right in my opinion, now for some other items from the same Railway family please! Cheers J Edited to add photo
  13. There were four EPs of the J72 in the display cabinets, all showing a selection of detail differences for the potential variants ranging from NER through to LNER and BR built locos. There are various smokebox door darts/wheel combinations, buffer types, non and vac fitted early and late sand box configuration along with working 3 link couplings ready fitted. Pre fitted speaker in the bunker, flickering LED firebox, positionable headlamps (four included with the loco though I think non-working) and full cab detail were all pointed out so it's definitely a step up from the groundbreaking Mainline tooling! Given the details and features, it's going to be North of £100 but in the current market I think that's pretty reasonable, and I'll definitely be in for a couple of them, depending on livery and number combination (which are yet to be announced) Only managed to get on photo worth sharing of those not on the spinning plinths as I only had my phone with me, but hopefully it'll be of use and interest! They've certainly got the face of the loco right in my opinion, now for some other items from the same Railway family please! Cheers J
  14. I also had a scan today, it didn't hurt or anything and the results are very pleasing! Looking forward immensely to sing myself to several locos! An absolutely superb experience! Cheers J
  15. There's plenty of rail related twitter action of both modern and heritage varieties for those who care to just scratch the surface of it. It's easy to avoid the politics and celebrity nonsense that often explodes on there too, and can in fact be a very useful communication tool. Not having any external tweets about the move is not necessarily a disaster, how many people saw the Hornby produced ones, I dare say a great many! I've made some very good friends via Twitter, so it's not all doom and gloom. Cheers J @jaymz_hatstand - mainly railways and fun stuff!
  16. 009 stock on the list, excellent! Been looking forward the first arrivals! Cheers J
  17. Thanks for that, glad to know things are all well and good! I look forward to the postman bringing my toys! Cheers J
  18. I was just wondering if anyone has had any contact with Dan recently? I sent an order and cheque about a month ago for a couple of six wheeled vans, but haven't heard anything back. I've checked the bank and the cheque hasn't been paid in, so I'm not even sure if it's arrived. Hopefully it has got there safely and all is well! I'm not in a rush, just curious and hopeful that everything is as it should be! Cheers J
  19. Lovely indeed, and your build is particularly so! Cracking stuff! Cheers. J
  20. I succumbed to an Atholl when in Monk Bar Models yesterday, and she is glorious! This afternoon I've had my oval of radius 3 out on the living room floor (with appropriate support underneath) and she's had a good running in. With a few old Hornby blue and silver Coronation Scot coaches and a couple maroon ones hanging off the tender, she certainly looked terrific! I think I'll have to invest in some slightly more modern coaching stock to go with her. It might even encourage me to actually get around to buying (gradually) and building (even more gradually) the proper silver striped CoroScot set! Cheers J Edited to add photo
  21. A quick update, and the horsebox has had a coat of red primer followed by the first coats of black on the underframe and brown on the body. Obviously, I couldn't resist putting the two halves together to see how they look, and so far, it's rather pleasing! Paint wise, the primer and black are Halfords aerosols and the brown is Dark Earth from the Vallejo Air range blown through my airbrush. The second coat will be Flat Earth, which is the more correct colour and should give a nice deep shaded appearance (nothing to do with me using the wrong paint at all!) I still need to sort out fitting the roof, and I think that will involve some internal bracing so it holds its shape. The eagle eyed may have noticed the NE clerestory in the background which is also gradually creeping towards completion! Cheers J
  22. Here we are again, with some progress worth reporting! I've been doing odd bits on various projects that I've got on the go, but nothing overly exciting, however, as promised above... The NE hopper has had its brake gear fitted, as well as the interior fabricated and assembled. The templates in the instructions left a bit to desired in the length of the end pieces, being too long, but that was easy to sort! The next major bit of progress is in my D&S NE horsebox which is now essentially ready for final cleaning and painting. The roof is just resting in place in the photos but it's shape is pretty much sorted, but I will leave it off for now. I've been trying to work out the livery of these vehicles under pre-war LNER ownership, I presume stock brown on the sides and black underframe, but would the ends be black or brown? Photos aren't that easy to work this out from with shadows and weathering both contributing to the challenge, although the couple in Historic Carriage Drawings Vol.III do seem to suggest all over brown bodies. Any help on this will be gratefully received! I also notice that I've become a victim of PhotoBucketry, so I'll have to work back through my blog and re-post the missing images (once I find the originals!) Cheers J Edited to add a missing photo!
  23. Just in time to get wheels and drivetrains on the Christmas list! It's looking very nice indeed and I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the chassis progress. Have you had any thoughts as to what motor/gearbox combination you're going to use Mike? Cheers J
  24. I've got the LRM one on the go, the family similarities really are apparent! My progress is rather lethargic though so I've not posted any photos of the build, though it is very similar to this (though not as advanced bodywise, nor as neat!) Cheers J
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