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Everything posted by JaymzHatstand

  1. I've not seen this range of figures before, but they look rather nice! Did you paint them yourself, or are they ready painted? I've started using the Aidan Campbell range and am currently painting the population for my Scrayingham layout. They are very nicely cast figures, and with a bit of careful painting, full of character. I'd like to see some more of you figures if you have any more photos? Keep up the good work, the layout is looking rather nice! J
  2. that is rather a tidy paint job sir! The colours look pretty much right to me too. I've got a list somewhere of the colours recommended for various FR vehicles, I shall dig it out and let you have a copy J
  3. Enjoy it! I'd love to've done something like that for my work experience, let alone as a job! Keep your eyes and ears wide open and you'll be sure to pick up plenty o modelling inspiration too! All the best J
  4. Who cares if the layout fits in, it's gorgeous! I didn't know we were allowed pornography on here! You lucky so and so you! J
  5. A recent house move has almost halted my building progress, but fortunately, I took my tools and some brass with me on holiday this week (to Primrose Valley, Filey, North Yorkshire) and of an evening did a bit. Both kits are from the Mercian 'Knightswork' range, and are the FR Closed Van (Side Door) and FR Carriage Wagon. Both kits go together pretty quickly, and are easy to fettle to get smooth running out of them (I'l be adding some weight to them now I'm home). They come with wheels and couplings, so are some of the most complete kits you can buy in 009, and at a reasonable price, a good way of increasing your wagon fleet. Here are the photos of my progress thus far. I've been searching everywhere for some references to the Carriage wagon, but unsuccessfully. including the Ffestiniog Encyclopedia which is usually such a fantastic cource of information. Can anyone else help please? So for now, until I get the modelling area of the spare room sorted out, there might not be too many updates! Cheers J
  6. This looks like a Slaters LNER/BR 20t hopper wagon, which are very similar to the alumina wagon, but with a horizontal end, rather than an angled one with a roof. Details of he two kits can be seen at the following links, complete with photographs of the finished articles so you can see the difference. https://slatersplastikard.com/linePage.php?code=7042 https://slatersplastikard.com/linePage.php?code=7042A Transfers for a BR liveried wagon can be obtained from The Old Time Workshop range, via Parkside Dundas http://parksidedundas.co.uk/acatalog/1948-65_Livery_Wagons.html look for reference M7706 It may also be possible to get them from Slaters if you try contacting them directly via their website. There are a couple of these wagons at Goathland station on the NYMR, I've got some photos somewhere and can post them for you if you like Hope this helps J
  7. As I've been moving house I haven't had much chance for modelling, in fact I haven't done any that is railway related. I haven't even put Scrayingham up yet! Fortunately there is sace in our 'spare' room for my modelling desk and asociated paraphenalia, along with my layout to stand so I can work on it so hopefully in the near futre there'll be some updates on it! The house is not too far from the racecourse in York so Easter weekend was not without my annual trip to the show. I picked up a couple of bits for various projects, as seen below. Mercian Models FR Closed Van - 009 Self explainatory really, it's for the other end of the run-round loop on Scrayingham A few detailing bits for some other projects, updating a Lima class 60 and 59 I have recently acquired a Lima class 60 quite cheaply, and I intend to update this to a higher standerd. New buffers, air-horns grills and hopefully some interior detail. The loco as it is at present is shown below Hopefully now I'm moved in, I shall be able to get cracking again! J
  8. Looking good, what differences are there between the Railroad offering and the full price version? Is it the same body moulding and drive like the A4 and A3 in the Railroad range are, or is it a tender drive and the older bodyshell? I think this may be the route I head down when I eventually add a Black Five to my loco stud, so I'll be keeping my eye on this thread! J
  9. Where are you sourcing figures from? And have you thought about the remnants of a crashed aircraft somewhere? There's a fair amount of 1:48 figures available, but I don't know about 1:43, although to be fair against narrow gauge stock, the difference isn't as obvious. It's a rather interesting project, and it's good to see the progress on here. Keep up the good work J
  10. Well, it may have had something to do with the initial idea! I'm still tempted to get myself the Worsley Works version to add to the stud at a later date! Thanks for the photo too, it's rather nice! J
  11. I take it you mean my scratch built loco, based on a Tomix chassis, and plasticard. I haven't fully finished it yet, it needs a cab interior at each end, and glazing. The body is based on a combination of class 60, 56, and 66 locos, with early BR diesel 'speed whiskers'. I'm still in two minds as to whether or not to change the paint scheme from works grey to Deltic blue. I'm also thinking about nameplates, as I've tentatively named it 'Uhu', which is German for 'Owl' and so follows the BR practise of prototypes being named after birds (with the exception of Deltic!) I'm also thinking about having a crack at another one, possibly a different shape though. J
  12. A suburban or industrial backdrop could be easily fitted around the sidings, with a few retaining walls as the scenic break, or half relief buildings. Shy of a remote mine or factory, the sidings would probably not just be in the countryside, although there is nothing to stop there being a small station, just off scene which would justify a goods yard. Of course, it's your layout so go with what you like the look of, experiment with various buildings and ideas. I'll be keeping an eye on this, I do like minimum space layouts and intend on making my own at some point! J
  13. Thanks very much. I've only built a few coaches and wagons thus far, so this is a VERY steep learning curve, so I'm taking it slowly, but am pleased thus far. Using the lower valances as a guide, I secured two lengths of 2mm steel rod (the axles from the kit will do) in a vice so that the fit just inside the curves, and the bent the footplate around these. It did take quite a while to get right, but after a bit of trial and error, and swearing it fitted eventually! The right angle bends aren't too bad after that, but make sure the curves are right first or there'll be no chance of anything fitting. Hope this helps (I should really've photographed it!) J
  14. It's taking shape, the cylinders have been fitted to their backplates and the lower body valances are progressing. My fingers keep getting a little bit hot, but it hasn't caused me to throw anything across the room in agony yet! There's something very pleasing about the smell of hot metal when creating a locomotive, it's almost like it's a real one! It's not long now until the wheels go on and that's when the real test of my chassis starts. The axles turn in their bearings now, but once the wheels are on it might be another story! J
  15. There has been a bit of progress on the Double Fairlie this week, hopefully soon(ish) there'll be wheels on it and I'll have a rolling chassis! The cylinders ready to be soldered up and motion brackets waiting to be attached to the frames One of the power bogies with the motion brackets in place and axles slotted through the bearings to make sure it all still turns (it does, phew!) The N Brass Locomotives GVT Tar wagon I bought at Doncaster, all ready for the paintshop. The second image gives a better view of the brake gear which is nicely detailed, and not as much of a fiddle to put together as I first feared! It has been fitted with Paul Windle couplings, which are anchored to the underframe with some scrap bits of brass. J
  16. oooo this is something I've been considering for quite some time, so I'll be following this with interest! Good luck J
  17. oooo this is something I've been considering for quite some time, so I'll be following this with interest! Good luck J
  18. Yesterday I attatched some wires to the motor for the Fairlie to give it a spin, and it worked (unsurprisinghly!). I also bent the running plate, which took rather a lot of work and ended up with me making a jig to get the two curves right. The layshafts for the gears have been cut and the gears Loctited in place. I also put together one of the Mercian kits that I'd picked up at Doncaster. the FR Tank wagon, more information of the prototype can be found here http://www.frheritage.org.uk/wiki/The_Brine_Tank_Waggon The kit went together quite well, with some nice rivet detail and it even comes with etched couplings, but with no mention of them in the instructions, I has to find a way of fitting and setting the height of them myself which wasn't too much of a problem. Now to crack on with the other two wagons I got, and the Fairlie, and a bit of tidying work on Scrayingham, and so on and so on (I'd only moan if I had nothing to do! J
  19. After Doncaster show yesterday, I have a few more bits of stock to build for Scrayingham, and plenty of inspiration regarding the hopeful future extension. I also got a couple of bits I need to get on with my Fairlie. Here are the things I bought... Also, it's been a while since I updated the proress of the Fairlie itself, so here goes... The second bogie unit has been put together and I've fitted the rear spacer to both units. Now that I have the glue, I can fit the gears to the layshaft and carry on, hooray! I've also taken the main frames out of the etched fret and cleaned it up ready for it being folded. I'd best get on I suppose! J
  20. Wow! This is a stunning bit of building! It's also giving me a few ideas for my own shed (albeit only a five roader in OO) Good choice of loco for testing too! I'll be watching this with great interest! J
  21. I have pretty much finished painting the crew for the Fairlie. They were undercoated with a flat black spray, then brush painted with Games Workshop acrylic paints. Now they need something to stand in, so I'd best build it! J
  22. Will these puns ever end?! Probably not, but they should! To be brutally honest, I haven't done anything on my Double Fairlie since my last update. I've been trying to convince myself that painting the crew figures (see the unpainted versions below) I had a stroll into town (York) yesterday, and while I was there decided to nip to the NRM to have a look at Livingston Thompson. Obviously this counts as research, so I have done something (hmmmm). I didn't have my proper camera with me, so I took some reference pictures on my phone and they are in a gallery on here. If they are of use to anyone else, then it can only be a good thing, plus if there's any particular bits you want a picture of, just let me know (the same goes for any of the exhibits in there actually!) This week, I hope to get something done, even if it's just the rivets pushed out on the second bogie (but hopefully more than that!). So I'll stop typing and get off to bed, it's back to work tonight sadly! J
  23. I've made a start on the Double Fairlie, and in an hour or so managed to fit and dress the bearings for one of the power bogies. The drive gear needs sorting out next and then I can fit the frame spacers at the open end to make a rigid unit, but it all seems to be going well so far (famous last words!) I've also ordered some figures from the Aiden Campbell range; a driver and fireman (for the Fairlie) and a few passengers and other figures for my passenger vehicles/layout and I'll post some photos of them once they have arrive and have been painted. I'd just like to wish everyone a happy and modelling filled new year! J
  24. Yesterday I had a session building Paul Windle couplings, so my box van is now operational (the heights do need a bit of tweaking though). I've also made a bit of progress on my various bits of Festiniog stock; Worsley Works push-pull driving trailer Carriage 111 has had some more work done on it's interior, also a Worsley product, Carriage 104 is now all in one piece barring the roof (which is cooling after being annealed as I type), and Parkside open carriage 37 is awaiting passengers before the roof goes on. On order from Worsley is Carriage 22, so that should be here fairly soon. Oh, and in slightly related news, my Christmas present arrived the other day, a Backwoods Double Farlie kit and once Christmas is out of the way I should be turning my workbench into Boston Lodge works! Hope you're all enjoying the cold spell as a great excuse to have a good old building lock in! J
  25. My P-way box van has now been painted and numbered, I'm just waiting for the couplings to arrive so it can be properly finished! It's pictured in the headshunt of Scrayingham with a couple of the other P-way waggons, the rest of the train so far is a pair of bolster waggons which will have a load of spare rails (once I get some sorted out!) J
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