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Everything posted by JaymzHatstand

  1. Yeah, I've just had a check, and it would seem that I'd ordered the wrong set, these are .75, hence why I was trimming them! Looks like either a re-order, or a set of HMRS are on their way come pay-day! Mia culpa! Cheers J
  2. That thought had crossed my mind, or, worse still I end up needing them for something in green (I'd be fine with that option, not sure the domestic management would!) I think I'll investigate come pay-day! I keep trying to convince myself that them being almost the same width would be fine, deep down, I know I couldn'tlive with it! Cheers J
  3. I did look at them, but i felt that as the majority of the sheet is the white/black/white and black lining and it would probably end up going to waste. The red lining I have will be able to be cut down further for 4mm (hopefully). I will keep them in mind though if I feel it's not progressing well enough. Cheers J
  4. At last, some decorative progress on the G5! (I hope you were sitting down for that staggering bit of news!) Despite my best efforts, I can't get my lining by hand consistent enough, so have gone down the transfer route. The narrowest red lines (and corners) I could find are from the Fox range, and are still too thick, so I'm having to thin them myself. This is fine for the straight lines where a steel ruler and a sharp blade are the order of the day, but getting the corner prices done is a little trickier! Anyhow, I've got one tank done so far and it doesn't look too bad. There's room for improvement I think, but it certainly passes the three foot rule (especially if the loco is moving!) Nothing is sealed down with varnish (or light weathering) yet so there is still scope for adjustment as I've found to my cost when adding to what I already thought was dry and ended up having to redo some fiddly bits around the cab! Anyhow, do let me know what you think (I'm aware how cruel a camera can be, it's already highlighted a couple of issues!) Other than the G5, I've been carrying on with various other projects; several pre-grouping wagons are in various stages of construction and one day I'll have a suitable goods yard to shove them around! My North Eastern Kits NER E (J71 in new money) has had its chassis dismantled, painted and re-assembled and it still works! It's spent quite a while on the rolling road, and is getting much smoother so it won't be long before that gets painted. With Narrow Gauge North looming (Saturday 14th March) my thoughts turned a few weeks ago to something new for the show, and I have started putting together an old Chris Leigh kit of L&B saloon No.2, as currently preserved in the NRM. As my layout, Scrayingham, is set not far from York, it seemed a sensible 'local' choice and it will be painted in a slightly tidier version of the green and off-white livery the real thing now sports. It's an interesting build, the instructions suggesting making the underframe from card and gluing the etched sides together. I've substituted laminated layers of plastic sheet for the floor, and soldered the main body. I've also swapped the kit bogies for Peco ones and I think I've got the ride height sorted now too. There are some lovely castings for the interior, and these still seem to sit at the right height inside, so my altered floor hasn't affected things too much thankfully! There are a few other things in the works, but that'll do for now I think! As ever, any comments/suggestions are gratefully received, and thanks for reading! Cheers J
  5. The regular version looks to have the same box, just a different colour (yellow I think, whereas the limited version is red). From what I've seen thus far, the only differences are the carriage names, which isn't really a major issue. I'm happy with ordering the standard version as it'll look just as good trundling along. As others have said, the addition of third class opens would be most welcome! Cheers J
  6. Excellent! Something I have indeed been looking at doing with mine! I'm presuming Gibson buffers and the wheel and handle from the spares box? Looks bloomin lovely! Merry Christmas to you and Lady Wordsell! Apparently, my better(?) half informs me that a J72 isn't festive enough! It still went around the tree though! Maybe an E1 will fare better! All the best Cheers J
  7. Thanks for the update, and hopefully things are heading in the right direction health wise. Glad to hear the J25 isn't too far away, as my E is daring me to get it painted, so there'll be a nice space on my workbench! I'm trying to fight down the urge to go for a D20 as well, but I think the domestic finances manager may have something to say about that! Looking forward to further updates. All the best for the festive season. Cheers J
  8. That, that is bloody gorgeous! If my E looks even half as good I've I've got some paint onto it, I'll be more than happy! Which lining transfers have you used? Fox? As despite having a good chat with the erstwhile Mr Rathbone at Warley and improving my hand lining, I don't think it's quite up to scratch yet! I presume you've gone to Narrow Planet for the plates? Cheers J
  9. An interesting development indeed. I had a quick chat to George Dent on the Saturday afternoon and he said that it was very early stages and liveries hadn't been decided upon yet (I suspect they'll have a good idea, just not wanting to go public yet. Understandably with their other announcements just in their infancy) He also mentioned Heljan being involved, but I'm not sure if that is just on an advisory capacity or being produced in conjunction with them. Never the less, I had suspected something like this to come from Bachmann in the future, as they could add rolling stock to the range with the locos. I know Dundas do the earlier carriages, and the modern ones were available as etched kits, but the latter are quite hard to find. Hopefully Peco might jump on board with coaching stock to compliment the locos instead. Still looking forward to seeing this develop and finding out more info as it becomes available. Cheers J
  10. There was a sample in one of the cabinets at the Peco stand at Warley. Not the best photo, as it was through the glass, and positioned behind the overlap in the two panels of the cabinet. It looks rather tidy, and I'm certainly looking forward to getting one or two. I didn't get chance to speak to anyone about them, so can't provide any more gen! Cheers J
  11. I absolutely echo the sentiments of this thread, and send my best wishes. I was able to acquire an NER U (N10) from Hartlepool, and upon inspection, it's a bloody lovely looking kit and for the range to disappear would be an awful shame. Hopefully someone who know what to do with such things will be able to help. But of course, health comes first. Cheers J
  12. Colour me intrigued! Especially if they are also North Eastern in flavour! Maybe I should have said 'colour me Saxony Green!' Looking forward to further info/hints/announcements! Cheers J
  13. Absolutely astounding that Hattons are getting all pre orders air freighted in at no extra cost. I dare say there's going to be a few folk chuntering that they'd gone for the express delivery so they could be in the exclusive club of first acquisition, but now us ordinaries will be in the same boat, but it's really not the end of the world! Thanks very much must go to Hattons for taking this decision, and financial hit in the name of customer service. Looking forward to my shed arriving! Cheers J
  14. Indeed! I completely agree. But I also agree with aspects of the previous post. I suspect that many people who were born at the time won't have seen the real thing. I'm pretty sure my dad, who spent a lot of his spare time out spotting, never saw it. As he had been born at the time though, it makes him more reliable to comment on though, yes? To be fair, I'm not sure if he's even interested in the thing, but he was born so has a more valid opinion on it than someone who may well be younger but has done plenty of research to form a review. It's likely that the 'armchair experts' referred to are those who don't really know what they're on about, but sit and spout their opinions as fact with very little actual substrance to back them up, quite possibly/probably just to cause a ruckus. (Please note, I'm not directing this at anyone directly on here at present) I'm personally not overly bothered by the GT3, as I've said before, more interested in how the model progresses, develops, is recieved and how it performs with the view that something I DO want might one day emerge from KR. Does this also mean I can't have an opinion on it too?! So fingers crossed that it's good, and those who have put their money where their mouths are get the model they really want! Cheers J
  15. Thanks for that, I won't be on the lookout for one then! Like I say, it was more a souvenir of the show if it was a livery I fancied. I suspect many others were in the same boat. Cheers J
  16. Has there been any announcement about a show wagon? I've not seen anything, but could easily have missed it! Not that I'm a fanatical collector, more a case of if it's one I like, I'll indulge! Cheers J
  17. Scrayingham (and myself) are back at home now after a busy, but enjoyable weekend. My replaced point motor performed faultlessly, as did the rest of the layout really! The track had a good clean each morning, and the loco wheels kept shiny with my Gaugemaster cleaner which was a wise purchase a few weeks ago as it's much easier than the wired Peco ones I used previously. I had two loco failures on the Sunday, one of them should be an easy fix as I think I know what the problem is, the other will require further investigation! A fair few visitors were impressed with the backscene (again, thanks Gaugemaster!) There was also quite a lot of fascination as to how the couplings work, and I think I might construct an actual demonstration of that to mount on the top of my lighting rig. Smooth running was also commented on several times, which was most pleasing! I saw several people taking photos, so if any of them are members on here, I'd very much like to see their photos! I did do a bit of live streaming via the Scrayingham Facebook page, during the first stream a fella was asking me various questions about NG modelling which although completely spontaneous made it sound like a TV interview! So thanks to him for that! Hopefully it won't be too long before Scrayingham gets another outing, but until then I've still got a few little jobs to do to repair a few bits of scenery that have started to look a bit worn, and I think I could do with a proper name board but I'd need to consider how to mount that first. Cheers J
  18. It was nice to get chance for a quick chat at Hartlepool, and to see some of the subjects of your workbench up close and in the flesh (plastic/whitemetal/brass!). I suspect I'll be back into my own wagon production line once I've put all narrow gauge bits away from the weekend! I really should sort out some sort of steam based shunting layout so I can play with them too! Cheers J
  19. Fear not! Scrayingham is still alive and well! Last year the layout was exhibited at Redcar show, and during that one of the points developed a problem with its polarity switch. I tried several bodges to fix it, but just ended up removing it for the second day of the show. It was only the lead point of the passing loop, so nothing important! I have since replaced the whole motor/switch with a SEEP motor with built in switch, which will hopefully be more reliable. My assistant, Graeme also took some photos on the second morning if the show, and these are in the Flickr album here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/graemewatson/albums/72157671984073168. Some of these cracking photos have since appeared in an article in the 009 news, and on the cover of said publication. The Redcar show also saw the debut of the lighting rig which I have made from a couple of IKEA cabinet strip LEDs mounted on frames and they don't have make the layout look different, irradicating a lot of shadows, which I feel helps overall appearance and makes it moluch more visible if I'm ever stuck in a dark(ish) room! And now, onto the present! A few weeks ago I was contacted by the organiser of Hartlepool show, saying the 009 layout they had booked had pulled out and would I be available? A quick alterations of shifts at work, and I was good to go! This weekend then, Scrayingham will be at the Hartlepool show! There have been a few scenic tweaks and additions and some new items of stock have been built. Loco crews have (finally) started to appear in cabs including a ModelU scan of both myself and Graeme and I've also started to long process of painting and adding passengers to coaches! So, if you're at the show, please do stop for a chat! Fingers crossed, I'll also update on here to report how things have gone! Oh, one other thing, the layout is also 10 years old now! I hadn't realised that until I saw the build date on some of my wagons! Cheers J
  20. I've been meaning to throw my view in, but haven't had the time to a) read through the thread, and b) actually compose a post of my own. Don't expect anything revolutionary though! My initial thoughts on hearing the announcement were of the 'meh' variety. I could see it had potential, and obviously a market, but it just didn't leap up at me screaming 'buy me!' I was however curious as to what the coaches would look like, being generic and if there would be any potential uses further down the road. After reading through the full announcement post and the first few responses I was still luke warm to the prospect, but then a post caught my attention. One way back in the early stages mentioned the representative train that the LNER ran with Stirling Single No1. Now, this was formed from genuine ex-GNR stock with the appropriate roof shape and such, but, it was a generic train. A quick check highlighted that the vehicle types are all covered by the Hattons range. 'Oh dear' says my wallet, though at present I've got nowhere to run them, so I've not succumbed to a pre order just yet! I've thought of a couple of other useful applications for the vehicles too, so may add several over time. A nice, detailed pair to run with a certain blue North Western tanks engine for starters! Anyhow, I've also been confused by the other side of the thread's fence and all the negativity coming from it. Now, there has been some very useful advice and ideas offered, and it's great to see this being taken on board and the drawing being ammended. There has also been some completely pointless and thoroughly unhelpful interjections. I can see for example why people would want an actual range of genuine coaches as opposed to a generic one, but then which do you choose? It's all very well and good saying 'produce the London, Edinburgh, Glasgow & Shrewsbury coaches and then just pump them out in other liveries'. Sure, one group is happy, but then the Altrincham, Rotherham, Maidstone & Scarborough modellers won't be interested as their stock never had the specific double beading on the second door from the left. It's also not often that an item of stock is released that everyoneis happy with, so if it isn't spot on, then both the ARMS and LEGS loose out. If Hornby announce that they are only going to produce their Stainer period 3 coaches from now on, but just throw other company liveries would that wash with those who are bemoaning Hattons for their decision? I'm pretty sure we all know the answer! There are also railway companies where kits are no longer easily available, NER and GNR spring straight to mind (from my own experience) so having something even not 100% accurate is definitely better than nothing! On the whole, I welcome the announcement after reading into it and thinking it over. I'm pretty sure I'll be acquiring some eventually, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing them develop. I'm also intrigued by the SECR D and the LNWR Precedent from the formations diagram! Put me down for one of each of them! Cheers J
  21. I asked about official photos on their Facebook announcement of them being present at the show, and this is the response I got : 'As this is the first engineering samples there will be no photographs. The next sample will have the few corrections fixed.' So it looks as though thems who couldn't make it don't get to see how what we might want to purchase is coming along. Never mind! Cheers J
  22. Fair enough, I dare say it's case of wait for the official snaps then. Ta very much! Cheers J
  23. I'm just wondering if anyone got any photos of the samples at the weekend, or indeed if there are any official updates for those of us who couldn't make it. Cheers J
  24. And I can thoroughly recommend them! I'm currently building the E (J71) and it's going together very well, it's a well designed and produced kit! I'm also very much looking forward to the Bachmann models arriving, especially for when they eventually (inevitably) do an NER green/BR loco, as Joem. Cheers J
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